Forum Post: IT'S TIME!
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 30, 2011, 3:48 a.m. EST by Diplomacy4Evry1
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Put simply, I believe the whole movement worldwide needs to be centered on the FACT that in a democracy the people are in charge. Government officials need to be reminded that they are not our RULERS but our SERVANTS. Even the title CIVIL SERVANT implies the obvious; an admission entitling them to 'authority' in the 'service of civilians'. This does not give them power over us but grants them distinguishable rights that provide authority to serve the voice of society as a whole. It would seem to me that, we the people, feel the voice of these servants no longer echoes our voice, if indeed it ever has. We are met with disdain for our claim to freedom. Our governments would prefer we keep our noses out of our own business - a fools errand. We are the business, we are the consumer, we are the links in this vast network of supply and demand. The world belongs to us, to all of us. Not just a squandered few who through beauraucratic deployment assume ownership over the material goods and resources of this world. I for one stand by the notion that, given the opportunity, freedom and education, we would prove to our elected officials that a true democracy would outshine the dismal glow provided by imperialism and the competition of capitalism. I'm not talking about abolishing the entire infrastructure we've come to depend on. Rather, to take the system we have in place and adjust its paradigm, which would in turn change the way in which we utilize the infrastructure of civilization. I have ideas for this, as I'm sure many others do as well. Let us cooperate and comprimise. What do you make of what I've said so far? Even though there is still so much more to say. Where do we go from here? Thank you.
"I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country. Corporations have been enthroned, an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money-power of the country will endeavor to prolong it's reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until the wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the Republic is destroyed." U.S. President Abraham Lincoln
I understand and share your concern. Although, I see a way out. I just made another post, titled 'Reconstructing the global social/economic structure', which provides a rough outline or idea for how we should tackle this. Check it out, let me know what you think.
My point is, this "problem" of corporate takeover has been recognised for decades, but little has been done to slow it, or put a stop to it.
Now that white collar crime has been legalised, the only way to stop it is a top-to-bottom shakedown and remake.
That's a tall order, even for a revolutionary.
Neoliberalists have the bases covered. I smell blood, before victory.
Shame it has to come to that.
I am positive it doesnt have to come to that. And though a tall order, may be what's on the menu, it requires no more than solidarity on a few key ideals, by us. Such as, equality, cooperation and collaboration instead of competition, and of course, policies that put a cap on how deep any individual may dig their hands into a nations collective net worth based on their PERSONAL contribution to that net worth. And I do stress PERSONAL CONTRIBUTION.
Good Post.
Thank you