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Forum Post: It's the military industrial complex

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 27, 2011, 11:08 a.m. EST by RayPina (1)
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These people are not elected. Often ex military heard get cushy jobs with Lockheed (which I love), etc., and they just keep the weapons churning out and making billions and influencing our officials with fear.... ie, they'll close plants, lose jobs, if they don't approve the next weapons program, etc.

Tied to this are acts of congress giving immense power to the Atomic Energy Commission... giving them land outside the law to test nuclear weapons within our borders with no oversight or concern for our safety.... the wind blows this junk. They deny former workers of Area 51 compensation for health exposure because they deny its existence.

Our forefathers would be ashamed! And we can't revolt like in Libya, our government and its employees (military,police) have the most advanced weaponry. We're doomed to slavery.



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[-] 1 points by 666isMONEY (348) 13 years ago

We gotta steal the oil (Libya, Iraq) and provide opium (Afghanistan) for the masses. (And fight Israel's wars/enemies.)