Forum Post: It's not the "corporations"
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 20, 2011, 1:24 a.m. EST by elwad
from New York, NY
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The "corporations" didn't do 911 (neither did "dem moosliems")-
The "corporations" didn't attack the USS Liberty -
The "corporations" didn't kill JFK - -
The "corporations" didn't kill General Patton -
Who is the hidden enemy behind the "corporations" that run our media, control our banks and bribe our congress? - Whistler blower
How much evil has been done in the service of corporations? The Chamber of Commerce is despicable. Politicians are bribed. Corporate lobbyist write toxic legislation. Corporations allow outrageous CEO salaries and "golden parachutes." Who is responsible for all the major environmental damage that occurs? They own the News media that is brainwashing and mind-fucking the American public. They send us to war so they can reap their ill-gotten profits. They are like a cancer on these United States. We must remove them or die.
The number of people ridiculing me for being to radical or an asswipe spouting of childish notions leads me to believe, we deserve to die. Dumb bunnies have more brains than the ranks of ignorant Americans nowadays.
Either the Lizard People, Reverse Vampires, or. . .oh, Joos. I see where you're coming from.
Have fun crawling back under your rock tonight El Wad, hope it's not to dark and chilly down there.
Have you seen the movie DALLAS ?! Do you want to get rid of cunning people (J.R.)!? Vote petition on the Internet :
The corporations run the lobbyists who grease the palms of our politicians; Our corporations dictate presidential politics, recent lifting of ban on drilling in deep sea - just a couple months after Obama banned the practice; the corporations get our laws changed to suit their needs - recent Supreme Court ruling that corporations have the same rights as individuals (allowing them to 'donate' to a given politician's campaign w/o being accused of bribery)... and many others. Read on McDuff! Then come back with all yer pretty nonsensical links.
u are most likely a paid shill.
or incredibly stupid
the killing our our greatest general, greatest president, the attack of our prime naval symbol and the crime of the century are non nonsensical?
I am paid with my own outrage over the ignorance rampant in our country today. More people know what BFF means that WWI. More people know what a tweet is than a telegraph. More people know what Lady Gaga wore to her latest concert than they know which laws are being voted for on CSPAN. Your outrage is misplaced brother. Open your eyes and see reality... it's changing faster than you think, and unless you are into money and power, soon you will have accept what 'they' decide are important days/ events.
The CORPORATIONS are the military industrial complex The CORPORATIONS are the Prison Industrial Complex The CORPORATIONS have made health care non-affordable The CORPORATIONS lobby the foreign wars
Just look at one of those links and be convinced!
The shills are attacking this thread for a reason, they don't want ows to attack the real enemy within.