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Forum Post: Its not enough yet, but we are moving quickly in the right direction

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 11, 2011, 10 p.m. EST by tim4490 (15)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

"you can have 1,000,000 sincere people all wanting to make a difference, but if not one of them has the technical know how, I assure you, nothing will be accomplished." Jacque Fresco


What we need are engineers at the top of their fields, people who actually know what they are talking about, to design a sustainable and renewable living environment. No political interest, no old, dead, worn ideas. No catering to nostalgia or history. We need a society that progresses as quickly as as freely as the technology we use. We need The Venus Project or something like it.

We need BIG CHANGE. Not a few laws here and there, or a reinstatement of an outdated document. We need new cities. We needs a system that takes care of the planet and her people first, profits second. We need profits to be redefined by physical resources and not by imaginary bills that can be printed at will.

At the very fucking least, we need "Close the Federal Reserve" on the official list of demands. The planet never guaranteed us life, she gave us an opportunity. Perhaps some of you think we have another century to get this right, but it is quite easy to see from the perspective of a scientifically trained individual of a younger generation that we have already passed the deadline. If we are even to entertain ideas of humanities prolonged survival, and more importantly, progression, we need to stop thinking small and change the fucking world.


Occupy the World then give it back. Its the only way. We need energy efficient, resource efficient settlements so that we may let nature overcome our destructive influence.

We have no excuse, I don't care your affiliation, your income, you mindset, your condition. We have the technology, we have it right now! And NOW is when we need to use it. Any less and you might as well GO HOME

The conscious revolution will not, cannot be stopped. But it is of greatest importance, where that revolution will lead us.



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[-] 1 points by tim4490 (15) 13 years ago

so the state of the environment falls in the category of incidental? This is the problem with humanity as it stands, no matter what you stand for, you don't really want to have to do too much too fast or it might upset your stomach. What I demand is a world where my children can grow in peace, harmony and progress. If we are not honest from the very beginning then people who sign on as we go will just as quickly sign off once we finally do decide on something that they do not like. Like it or not, it is a scientific fact (thanks to our friend Napoleon Hill) that nothing can move forward without a set definite purpose. In my view this protest is lacking of real purpose and that sir, is a real problem. It slashes at the credibility of the whole act and disempowers those who participate. A battle can only be won, if you define what winning means from the beginning. You cannot recruit an army then force them against their will, lest you repeat the very thing you are trying to rise against.

[-] 1 points by dankpoet (425) 13 years ago

The vast majority of the American public is not behind us...yet. It is ill-advised to enter into an uphill fight in a flawed political system before that is so. It is equally unwise to be formulating demands. Each new demand is an opportunity for a potential ally to dismiss us as not representing their perceived interest. The only thing that the 99% will be able to unify behind during this period of distortion and misrepresentation is the belief that, in this country, people have the right to peacefully assemble and speak their minds. This is the totality of what should be done. This act alone is intolerable to the 1% and their functionaries. It is more than enough to create the violent repression that will bring new individuals into the movement. Civil disobedience beyond this simple scope is premature. This is a long fight, breaking the law and inconveniencing the 99% will not create empathy. Disobedience should only be exercised to the extent necessary to defend our right to freedom of assembly. I demand only to exercise my right to peacefully assemble in a public and accessible location and to voice my dissent. Everything else is incidental.

[-] 1 points by tim4490 (15) 13 years ago

seriously man, the agricultural revolution led us in the wrong direction, toward genetic modification and reverse-diversification of food, the monopoly of the pharmaceutical and the oppressive FDA.

The industrial revolution led us in the wrong direction toward pollution, increase in sickness, privatization of technology, global poverty, industrial slavery and now wage slavery.

The internet revolution is hard to say because we are still in the midst of its influence but one thing can be said for certain. Its true power has yet to be realized.

The conscious revolution could EASILY and READILY blow up in everyone's face if we do not solidify a definite direction in which all of humanity can thrive.

[-] 1 points by JustLikeYou (15) from Knoxville, TN 13 years ago

Yes! These two movements need solidarity.