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Forum Post: It's almost the end of the year... an idea to lower your income tax

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 26, 2011, 7:05 a.m. EST by centhena (2) from Santa Clara, CA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I'm not a tax expert or anything so it's just a thought that perhaps someone who does know the current tax codes would be able to validate or denounce this idea or perhaps give advice to make it possible.

So, I was thinking. We get tax breaks if we give money to non-profits and charities, right? So what if we come up with a Occupy fund or something and have everyone donate and get a receipt and come tax time you can claim it and pay less taxes or none even if you donate as much as you're taxes would be.

I know right now there's donations being received and that's wonderful that people are so kind and generous. I was just thinking that if we could give our tax money to Occupy rather than the IRS it might actually do some good in the world instead of paying for more bombs or $5,000 hookers or some such nonsense. I say we hit them where it hurts, financially. If enough people did this it could be a HUGE financial impact on the government. They'd defiantly notice.

The money could be used to help with supplies and replacing police destroyed belongings for all the Occupy camps in the country because I don't think they're done breaking and throwing away everyone's things. Perhaps it could be a world wide fund even to help other places put up live feeds that don't have the technology. The more places we can get video up the bigger a global impact this movement will have.

If this isn't possible I suggest we pick a charity, one that isn't tied to any particular religious or political view, or any of the 1%er's. I just personally don't want to give any more of my money to this government...

Anyway, it's just an Idea... :o)

Edit: Hmmm.... ya know.... After I posted this I got to thinking.... why not just...not pay the taxes... They can't really put everyone in jail for tax evasion, can they?



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[-] 1 points by Coriolanus (272) 13 years ago

I believe Occupy would have to register to be a valid charity.

Habitat for Humanity is a good organization to donate to, though it may have some Christian influence. Doctors Without Borders may be good too. There are plenty of others.