Forum Post: It's all about ethics
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 5:25 a.m. EST by mbss
from Glasgow, Skottland
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Keep this thing focussed! Nothing wrong with capitalism per se; nothing wrong with socialism. A LOT wrong with greed, over-sized ego, and wolves in sheeps' clothing.
Just wondered if anyone else noticed that some comments I thought might have come from Tea Party were by users like 'IWANTFREESTUFF' and 'TROLL'. Isn't it odd, how these names conjure up ides of unstable personalities ? And yet they seem pro corporate? Trusting that without collective bargaining, corporarations will protect their employees?
My opinion? We need a balance. But mostly we need honesty and ethetical behaviors. There will always be dishonesty and greed, but the problem with our society now is that the most dishonest and greediest were lauded as heroes and the honest and ethical as chumps and people that needed to 'grove up'. From the moment we teach our children to lie about their age to save a buck for movie entry and try and distinguish between white lies and 'serious' lies or allow them to use the 'I was only funning' excuse, we have told them that dishonesty is acceptable.
And I agree 100% on eliminating salary secrecy. Employees can be fired if they divulge their salary. Why? Other than so companies can inequitably reward employes for he same job without anyone knowing...
But when you add transparency, you have to be careful to balance it with tolerance. Because many will use it to develop a sound byte. It is sound bytes that need to be eliminated. There is no subject that a sound byte can do justice to. If you re going to comment on an issue that was discovered because a company or entity was transparent than you need to perform due diligence and cover any background to the issue to put it in the proper perspective.
I have suggested Thomas Jefferson as a figure that can both enlighten and unite this movement. Please see the post - "Thomas Jefferson is celebrating somewhere tonight," on this forum.
I am sure you're right! And he never said many kind words about democracy (which he equated with dangerous and stupid mob rule), nor did he think much of religion--preferring to admit how little he actually knew about supernatural beings. But he was a decent pragmatic evidently--and seemed to find time to love his neighbors (all of them :-) ) as himself. It would be pretty cool to see what he would choose to write in this space.