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Forum Post: It's a hell of a Thing, What happened in Argentina is partly on Video

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 9, 2012, 3:51 a.m. EST by Middleaged (5140)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

It's a hell of a Thing, What happened in Argentina is partly on Video.

You know, OWS should be seeing the alternative history about Venezuela, Chile, Brazil, Ecuador, Columbia, Bolivia, and Peru that the Long Hairs will be passing around at the universities in the USA.

There are two Sides:

1) Side one, the US says there is corruption, Hugo is a dictator, there is increased Crime, voter fraud, there is violence and it is all because the economy is going into the tank. The US wants you to think that Venezuela, Ecuador, Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Columbia and Peru are "Tanking" because they have communist, socialist, or dicatators who rule them.

2) Side two. Everything is better. Look it up. Do the Research.

Greg Palast has a piece on Venezuela

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vhs0u1IIc3o (turn your volume down)

There are Documents about the Revoultion in Argentina:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jBLmO03evf0 (Argentina Riots 2002)

Duhalde is Responsible for Privitazation and he is in the Government Now, 5:59 minutes into Video

Woman talks about the change from Riot to Revolution in Argentina about 8:30 minutes into it

Duhalde Lost the Trust of the people and this triggered the Revolution 9:10 into the Video

We bring cameras because of the Media lies, 16:00 Minutes.

And then there is talk about collusion between the corporations and the unions.

And then there were Protests where there were no Media to record the Event

And then there was an event where the workers protesting were called Terrorist


I think it is clear that normal protest - DO NOT include rocket propelled grenades, artillery, and automatic weapons.

You can compare this Argentine Protest and Revolution with Syria and Libya and you will conclude that outside forces provided weapons to Syria and Libya

Look 20:30 minutes into the video.

Health Care for Children 25:30 Minutes into the video

A Word of Warning

The US and Probably Europe are not like Central and South America...or like the Carribean

The governements we live in are very sophisticated. There is little room for protest, activism, and strife on the streets of the USA. You proably need a lisence to protest. There are rules for any parade or protest.


Be careful out there. We have very agressive, professional Police and State Security Forces. They don't take sh*t. They don't care for your safety. They won't protect your individual, constituational Rights.

It is unlawful to Protest ot Exercise Free Speech in the USA as of 9-11-01 under George W. Bush after the Big Terrorist Attack in New York City



Read the Rules
[-] 1 points by OccNoVi (415) 12 years ago

-- And then there were Protests where there were no Media to record the Event

-- It is unlawful to Protest ot Exercise Free Speech in the USA as of 9-11-01 under George W. Bush after the Big Terrorist Attack in New York City

Well, everybody else on earth knows how to operate GoPro cameras.

Why doesn't OWS use this web site to collect contributions to upgrade protests so the folks who handle crowd management also are equipped to make videos ???

Second, look up what just happened in Court. The judge in New York struck down the arrests from the 2004 Republican Convention. Bush's new laws turn out to be impossible to enforce.

Police Executive Research Forum tries to do serious work, balancing out the issues that go with protests. They try to limit law suits, obviously.

PERF is a good place to start if you want to see how the better managers on the police side view protests and crowd management.