Forum Post: Itchy balls.....
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 2, 2011, 9:32 p.m. EST by Skippy2
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Now that I have your attention....Please vote out all incumbents in 2012! Take back our gov't.
Love South Park!!! those guys are sick.
We dont have to elect the "Chosen One". We can defeat the corporate/political system by going against the grain. Imagine you are a corp and pay a sitting senator a bunch of money, then his opponent gets elected, oopps. It wont happen overnight but it will work.
Thnx JG....laffingrass if we vote out enough incumbent,paid for,corporate stooges eventually politicians will get the insane idea that they work for us.
Because more of the same means change!
New South park coming on in 10 minutes, "The 1%". SHould be a classic.
Do you think that their replacements won't be bought and paid for by MegalaCorp. ?, I do. How do you think you win an election, get the most financial support. If a candidate platforms against the current system, then the Powers tht be just put more money into their opponents campaign fund. Magic, huh ! !
A strong grassroots message. An RV and the mission to serve the people. Each state gets 4-5 of these people, and thats ALL they do is tour the state from now to election day.
Guaranteed at least one from each state gets a position in DC.