Forum Post: It Was Nice While it Lasted....
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 9, 2011, 5:20 p.m. EST by theainavl
from Asheville, NC
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Well, I thought this was a great idea and was energized at the prospect of Americans banding together to get past the nonsense. However, recent posts on this very board regarding racism, Jesus, judgmental jerks that have nothing better to do than belittle those of us that are having a hard time, have left me feeling like its becoming more of a joke than an actual movement. If there is any hope of this becoming a serious movement, we need to get past the nonsense.
Dont feed the trolls guys! =D
Do not feed the trolls.
Do nit feed the trolls.
The movement is in the streets not online. Don't judge the actions of the movement based on faceless posts. This is the internet. Anyone can post anything. You have no idea if you are corresponding with the ghost of Christmas past or the ten year old next door.
.001 on the streets out of the 99%. Who represents whom?
The movement represents the 99%. You and every other person of this country is welcome to come down, make your voice heard and take part. Whether you choose to take part or not is up to you, but you are welcome regardless.
It has been stated that I am not welcome. I a conservative and I support the TEA party. No room at the inn for me.
Why would support of the Tea Party and being conservative exclude you? There are Tea Party supporters at my local Occupy site who stand shoulder to shoulder with me. This isn't about left or right, liberal or conservative. Anyone who states otherwise is misinformed or an idiot.
I'm going to guess that the West Borough Baptist Church espouses some conservative beliefs... but I don't judge a group by it's loudest (and often most annoying) members.
I'll say it again, you're welcome in this movement, as a Tea Party member and a conservative. Please, point me in the direction of anyone who says you aren't.
Find some common ground with us and we can both make this country a better place for both of us.
Being EXTREMELY generous, using million man march math, there are 100,000 protesters in the OWS movement. There are 307,006,550 people living in the US right now. 99% if that number is - 303936484. The 100,000 (using million man march math) protesters in the OWS movement are approximately .03% of that 99%. The hilarity of that 0.03% of the population (being EXTREMELY generous in my estimate of their numbers) having the audacity to say that they speak for the other 98.07% is pretty overwhelming.
Your math's correct, but it's your logic that's lacking. Every person in this movement speaks for themselves, we're just uniting those voices. The 99% rhetoric is in place for purposes of defining the group as inclusive in nature, not accurately representing the number of participants.
But you already know this.
Then what about all of the people who are saying 'we are the 99%' as if they speak for everyone and will be able to decide for us? At maximum, being extremely generous, you are 0.03% of the population. Talk about a dictatorship. My God.
Come on man. I refuse to believe you're really that obtuse. When I say "I'd kill for a bite to eat" do I really mean I'd end the life of another person? Of course not. There are plenty of things that I disagree with about this movement. If that's the best thing you can come up with, maybe you really are that obtuse.
If only 10% of a district turns out to vote and the vote is split 60/40, that senator is still said to represent everyone in his district. It isn't a literalism.
We represent the 99% because all of the 99% is invited to participate. It has nothing to do with a head count in the streets.
Hear! Hear! How many posting here are "in the streets?" Not many, I venture.
Why does one need to be "on the street" to have a valid viewpoint? Many wish to express themselves - 99% right. After all, this is a pooled ignorance movement.
I'm guilty of that myself, today at least. That said, I'll be back out with my local movement tomorrow with a sign in hand that says "Democracy is not for sale."
Thank you and you are correct.
No problem. Just do me one favor: pass it along. It's easy to get discouraged, I know I sure do. We have to stay together and stand united.
This post is very true. The movement was spread online. You have to see the roots
It's possible to start baning the trolls?
True, "we need to get past the nonsense", and although I'm all in favor of taking down today's ineffective and inefficient Top 10% Management Group of Business & Government, there's only one way to do it – by fighting bankers as bankers ourselves. Consequently, I have posted the Strategic Legal Policies, Organizational Operating Structures, and Tactical Investment Procedures necessary to do this at:
if you want to support a Presidential Candidate Committee at in support of the above bank-focused platform.
I agree, the action is on the streets and I understand it much better now that I have been down to Wall Street twice and represent some of the young people who were arrested on the Brooklyn Bridge.
Don't quit on it. Go to your local occupation if you can and then go to a large demonstration like we had last Wednesday and are planning for 10-15. If you can get to NYC you will be energized!
Meanwhile we are working on a concrete plan of action beyond the protests:
I agree with you, get over the nonsense, egos, and illusions, or whatever words we use to describe meaningless topics. There are some that are enlightened and believe in the movement. However, there the ones on the streets, not here. So don't lose faith yet.
You wont get past it, most that support this movement support Ron Paul's stance on repealing the Civil rights act.
This is a serious movement ! It doesn't matter what race, religion, sexual preference or whatever else makes us different from one another is. The one thing that unites us all whether we want it to or not is the financial obligation and bondage to this corrupted malfunctioned system. No system will ever be perfect and it will never please everyone, but we still have to strive to make it the best we can. We need to do it not just for ourselves, but for the whole of world. If we only focus on ourselves we are no better than the selfsih corporations and politicians.
You're right. I need to find more supporters. The trolls left a really bad taste in my mouth (not literally;-)
This Forum is a vast uncensored medium that has all of the attributes of a free-for-all fist fight. There are many posts that do nothing but attempt to discredit the #OWS. All said however, I'm wading through much of this material as time permits and I'm learning a lot about what what people are thinking agreeable or not.
Like any input from people that want to give their opinions, take what is relevant to you and ignore the rest. But it is way to early to give up on #OTS.
Trolls are gonna troll. Don't worry about it.
Yeah, you're right. Again, I am just surprised how many are here!
Yes you are correct....but I have no faith in people getting past it.
True but you would be relieved to know how sane, vital an organized the general assembly of occupiers is. A crazy pop up here an there but in practice they are outnumbered and quickly quieted. There is an incredible variety of people in attendance of all colors, creeds and ages and the feeling there is one of compassionate camaraderie.
I am more interested in hearing from the same, vital people than these psychotic finger pointers. I am surprised how many have found their way to this board, apparently with nothing more than the sole purpose of inciting an argument.
your comment prompts my observation comment that "people will always be people". I've created a candidacy based on changing the system. Most voters believe it's a "people" problem, not a "system" problem, so we see every 4 years a new fervor for a President who is going to solve all our problems, and/or a Congressional Candidate who is going to fix everything that is broken.
Don't respond to the bait. There are people working very hard to derail this. Respond to the people with ideas. I suspect you may be one of those trying to distractfrom the real conversation going on.
Not trying to distract but yeah, I keep getting sucked into these silly arguments. I want to get involved with the real issue, I guess the forums aren't the way.
They are the only way at the moment just dont respond to the bait. But your right we need a better tool if we are going to the next level.
I understand where your coming from. I think what we need to realize, is that IS NOT the movement. Specifically not the open forums.
It's a great beacon of information regarding when the next march may be and things of that nature. But what else can we expect on the Internet with a movement thats been in the media lateley.
So forget the forums. I may just act like its not there tbh. What is the point in moaning online when the forum is not where the real debate is happening. I believe its @ground zero.
Actually its the trolls that have got me to this point.
we need a lot of organization and better response to trolls.. but don't let them get you down...
Thanks. I am trying not too, but having yet another right winger tell me I am a worthless piece of shit is getting to me. Its hard enough without being called a whiner and accused of being lazy and "unemployable".
ultimately, thats all they have. evil people and their ad homs and troll tactics. you can't let them use those tactics effectively against you. Our power is the truth and rationality and reason and logic and science. Stand strong in that and use google to bring it when you need to. Don't let evil trolls get you down thats of course their game.
Yeah, they are pretty bad here. I saw how you were treated in that other post btw. But just as someone else said, you really don't know who you are dealing w/here.
I honestly don't beleive the movement itself is a bit like this. I hope you will stay.
Thank you.