Forum Post: It only starts with investors...
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 7, 2011, 11:20 a.m. EST by wiscman
from Somerton, AZ
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
There is just a little over a year until the next, crucial election. I have been looking at the Democrats AND Republicans who are fighting over everything in Congress. I think I am beginning to make sense out of it. The middle class is disappearing. We have rich and we have poor. And the difference is growing every month and every year. But, the rich are not yet satisfied. How do I know this??? Because the middle class still has money!
I need to apologize if I seem to be picking on Republicans. They just seem to be the most vocal right now, and they own half of Congress. But, the factors that I see apply to both parties. Not all, but the majority. Let me just use a couple of quick examples. When the Democrats had the subcommittee to discuss the formation of a health care plan, not one person was permitted to testify who was in support of a “single-payer.” The White House made a backroom deal with “Big-Pharma” to give them a pass on some of the provisions to emerge. And, the Republicans have signed a pledge with Graver Norquist, someone who is not a constituent of all but three people in Congress (2 senators, 1 representative). So, all three parts of the government are playing a role in this. I am not even going to go after the Supreme Court in this, only because they don’t have an active role in the actual governing, even though there appears to be corruption there, too.
Every idea, every proposal, every election seems to be designed to do one thing. Concentrate money into the hands of the rich. And, there are several corporate types that are benefiting the most...Investment bankers, medical insurance, big pharma, and of course the fossil fuel industry. The only way that these people will get even more of our money is for Republicans to hold office; and they get the help of Democrats who refuse to take an active roll in stopping them.
But, how do they get into office??? The easiest way is to scare people. Terrorism, immigration, “take our country back,” “keep them from taking our guns,” Second Amendment remedies, etc. are topics and phrases meant to make people doubt their safety. The solution??? Vote Republican. Another tactic??? Focus on things that have nothing to do with the economy or jobs, or the deficit. When Republicans get into office, what has been the first thing they do??? Tackle the jobs crisis? No. Put restrictions on abortion, strip unions of negotiating power, pass sweeping immigration bills. NONE of these things will put more money in your pocket. NONE of these things will give you a job. NONE of these things will make your life any better than it is now. But, you feel like you have an ally.
Which brings me to the next tactic… LIE!!! Again, please remember that the tactic is with both Republicans and Democrats. “Obama has brought our country into this economic mess.” That’s a good one. We are in this mess because of the past THREE administrations; yes, boys and girls, Clinton did his share to strip away the protections we used to have. But, it is because of the blockheadedness of the House of Representatives that there have been virtually no programs passed that could benefit the middle class.
It is up to the middle class…the working middle class to “Take our country back.” Vote out of office anyone who has signed Grover Norquist’s pledge – unless they rescind that signature. Vote out anyone who will not vote to close tax loopholes. Vote out anyone who does not vote to create new jobs to fix our infrastructure. VOTE THEM OUT, EVEN IF THEY ARE YOUR FAVORITE PERSON EVER. It is time they represent you.