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Forum Post: It is time to go home, and go home now!

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 14, 2011, 10:39 p.m. EST by tedscrat (-96)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

You have made some very good points that will hopefully lead to constructive dialogue. Hopefully, you will go home and start at the local level and work on change at the local level and work your way up to Washington, which is how all change should happen. Now it is time to pack you things and go home, go home, go home. You are very close, in my opinion, to losing all relevance. If the events of this past weekend are any indication, your movement is being taken over by a group of anarchist clowns who do not know their ass from their elbow and have less brains than a house plant. For lack of a leader or committee, it is the actions of all your participants that reflects your movement and right now it is a very ugly picture. Clean up your shit and go home and do something productive. Please, your point has been made.



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[-] 3 points by MsStacy (1035) 13 years ago

Some of the anarchy is unintentional, but it's only going to cause more problems as the group grows without a any leadership or a clearly defined path to it's goals. I saw this this morning. http://slog.thestranger.com/slog/archives/2011/11/13/occupy-seattle-interrupts-pro-occupy-wall-street-forum-drives-away-supporters

[-] 1 points by johnliming (10) 13 years ago

Persistence is the road to victory in any cause. It was the solidarity and determination of the Civil Rights Patriots who won the day against embedded traditional segregation. But, like the Civil Rights Movement, the Occupy Movements needs clearly delineated leaders as well-- The OWS needs their own version of a charismatic leader or leaders with "A Dream." That lack of defined leadership was what made the Tea Party so insignificant on the stage of History. They flared and they burned out for lack of organization and leadership. http://thelimingview.blogspot.com/

[-] 1 points by Polarity1 (7) 13 years ago

The arrogance of your tone is no less clownish.

Politics is a circus. Find me a state legislature and of course either house of Congress in Washington that is not a tent full of willfully ignorant clowns whose primary occupation is self-enrichment. Find me a political movement without its plentitude of know-nothings. Now let's calm down.

The point is not to go home and be nice. The point is to hold the streets while at the same time work harder to expand the knowledge base of our people. It's true -- we have a lot of uninformed knuckleheads on board. And if Zuccotti becomes a homeless shelter, it'll be nice gesture to the homeless, but the movement will be toast. We need serious focus on what this movement is intending to accomplish. The correct answer can not be: Everything.

It must be understood that either we control our media image or the media will it for us in a manner that works best for its bottom line. We can't survive if we create Fox News' propaganda for them.


[-] 0 points by tedscrat (-96) 13 years ago

Yes, Fox is anti-OWS, but CNN is also reporting the same news.

[-] 0 points by RexDiamond (585) from Idabel, OK 13 years ago

Nope. Time to go home. Or, go ahead and ruin the liberal image in America forever on Thursday

[-] 1 points by mjbento (74) 13 years ago

It's time to dis-occupy and clean up the citizen's public places. We are never going to get out of this crisis mess if we have this guys who keep being lazy, drinking beer and saying it's all wall street fault. They should see how they run their own street before making value-judgements about wall street. If it's passing marijuana, supress any property or allow murder with no consequence not only your world is different than wall street; the problem with your world is not ideals. It's ideals without any pratical application by people in the world. I don't buy it.

