Forum Post: It Is Always A Simple Matter To Drag The People Along,....All You Have To Do Is To Tell Them They Are Being Attacked, And Denounce The Pacifists For Lack Of Patriotism
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 13, 2011, 5:06 p.m. EST by puff6962
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
“Naturally the common people don't want war; neither in Russia, nor in England, nor in America, nor in Germany. That is understood. But after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.”
This was a quote from Herman Goering and it has never been more applicable than in our day.
Whenever politicians, corporate leaders, religious leaders, or cultural leaders speak of some dark enemy that is jeopardizing our way of life, 99.99999% of the time they are manipulating you.
This message is meant primarily for the rightwing, libertarian, neoconservative, evangelical or catholic, nutcases out there. You are being led by the noses to your own destruction. Your leaders want more power and the simplest way for them to get it is to convince you that you are under assault.
Learn the lessons of history.....earlier this time.
OWS will be the source of fear uniting conservatives.
Be careful in your strategies and actions.....there are people out there who want nothing more than for there to be angry mobs in the streets next fall.
Learn the lessons of MLK and the Civil Right's Movement and avoid the disasters of Altamonte and the March 28th Memphis Sanitation Worker's Protest.
Look those references up if you are not my age.
Good post - thank you !
Thanx for reading. Hope all is well.
NOW puff.... there is absolutely NOTHING I can say, that is in disagreement.
Well done....keep the wisdom flowing!
Many thanks.
And it it wisdom that CAN be applied, worldwide....btw have you had a chance to look at my book? I know you would love it, and I'd really love your feedback on it...
You control the ignorant masses through fear. Fear that their way of life might be taken away or even their very existence.
"People react to fear, not love. They don't teach you that in Sunday school, but it's true." Richard Nixon
Hah, nice my friend, nice.
Thanks. I'm a quotapedia.
I'm convinced that half the idiotic posts on here are by people that have barely picked up a history book in their life.
Dreamers can be deadly to the purposeful.
I should attach this to my topic on Iran. The dynamics will fall within the sphere of Goering's outline.
This is an example of how fear, frustration, hatred, envy, and impotence can jade a man:
patriot76 What about destroying Israel's nukes? They should not be the only country in that region with nukes....after all, how can we really trust Israel? They attacked the USS LIberty (a US ship)...what kind of true ally are they? We need to destroy both Israel and Iran nukes otherwise it's not fair
Why should Israel be the only country in the Middle East with nukes? What makes them exceptional? They have violated zillions of human rights....are you another zionazi?
no no, stop using circular logic and answer the question....why should Israel have a nuke? Israel bombed a USA can we trust them? I trust them as much as I trust if Iran gives up nukes so should Israel....Israel isn't even a democracy....Netanyahu is a bloodthirsty zionazi. What makes Israel special?
you never justified Israel having nukes over every other Middle Eastern honestly think this is fair? Israel is a country known for lying, stealing, killing, murdering, destroying - no different than Nazi Germany in what they do to the Palestinians....why should they have nukes? It's people like you that make me believe that zionazis are little demons....Look at the US, just like the wizard of Oz, there's a weak, ugly little zionist behind the curtain, calling all the shots and pulling all the only takes some strong americans to send this feeble zionist behind the curtain to hell where he belongs....
he's (Russ Feingold) just another dirtbag zionist.....DUMP ISRAEL - they are a big turd....once the USA realizes that Israel is no democracy due to "jewish only" roads and "jewish only" units...and also, these are killers and land grabbers, support will decrease.....people need to get the word out on the evils of these people - blood thirsty money hungry zionist scumbags
You are an Israeli firster with a clear cut agenda....someone should throw you in gaza, with the rest of the caged in, fenced in palestinians....the land you scumbags stole....then you will see how the other side lives....keep on keepin on - lying, cheating, murdering, killing, destroying and nation wrecking my zionist buddy...since my tax dollars go to the welfare state I will keep spreading the good word = the truth about zionist Israel and our zionist run US government
Beware this patriot76 fellow. A very dark soul and not worth insulting.
this puts our fight against the 1% in context.
Yes, beware of those who attempt to emote in you fear, frustration, anger, and resentment. This is the dark side and forever shall it dominate your path.
Yes I believe this now get the rest of the cowards in the US to believe this. I also know that if this OWS movement gets too big their is going to be a big shift in the media towards war with Iran. They are deliberately trying to distract you and people are easily distractible. Now is not the time to fear, if even if you step outside your house you could possible die from bee stings, car accidents, plane accidents, food tampering, pollution and etc. The majority of Americans do not give up their rights to be protected from these things. All of a sudden you have a low possibility to being exposed to a terrorist event and you give away constitutional rights in the name of "safety". GROW A SET OF BALLS AREADY DO NOT GIVE INTO THE FEAR MONGERING AND DISINFORMATION Life is all about risk an should always be about risk that is what makes every decision you make in life so precious and crucial. Grow up scardy cats!!
If you are going to poison an animal, you don't make the poison taste bad. Instead, you mix your toxic brew with something that tastes normal....palatable.
Fox news is ingenious at mixing a very toxic narrative with what appears to be a typical news dialogue. These people are not fact they are frighteningly clever.
And, there is nothing more palatable to a man than saying to him what he wishes to be true.....even when it is not. Demosthenes said it best, "Nothing is easier than self-deceit. For what each man wishes, that he also believes to be true."
Fox News is selling a full meal. The appetizer is anger, frustration, and fear. The main course is propaganda. And, the dessert is this feeling of community that occurs when people who hold dark thoughts find a kindred soul.
Good post.
Thank you.
From Once and Future King by T.H. White
"Might Makes Right 2: The ants completely and blindly agree with a "might makes right" philosophy. They believe that as long as they can overpower their enemies, that means that they were meant to. Thus, they spend all their time fighting with other ants, believing it is their right to kill others, while getting angry if others kill them. "
It sounds like you're almost due for the munchies.
Yep, this is true. Very sad, but very true.
Yes, very sad. But, knowledge of a tactic is often the best defense against it's aim.
First Power, Then Change.
IRAN is the best demonstration of this dynamic in action.
Watch the Republican candidates' rhetoric on Iran and contrast it to the restrained tone of the administration.
Thank you Puff....I have been circulating this quote by Goering for a few days, but didn't draw attention as well as you did.
exactly, read and sign this petition: and fix it, if you don't then you have no gripe really, help ungag us, our hands are tied to, this is how we free ourselves.
I'll look into it.
its a matter of being governed or being self-governing
There are always leaders who will have an amplified ability to project a message.
Once Goering's quote enters deeply into your lexicon, however, you will tend to look upon certain politicians, ministers and bishops, and corporate leaders with a new clarity.
that's why the occupy movement should never have a leader or leaders. and, ideology is the danger. it has one name. intolerance.
No. Certainty always leads to violence and that is why ideologies should be avoided.
Uncertainty, wisdom, nuanced arguments, and understanding are qualities that the world no longer values in leaders.
If OWS is to have leaders, they must be able to run the narrative of the movement while harnessing the wisdom that has been absent from our politics for 30 years.
No reply means acquiescence.
that's why the occupy movement should never have a leader or leaders. and, ideology is the danger. it has one name. intolerance.
No. Leaders are vital and inevitable. But, good leaders, healthy institutions, and valid religious faiths do not rely on fear, frustration, or anger as a message.
no, leaders and not vital and inevitable. this is an unnatural state of human nature. we don't hear about the vast majority of history - just the history of leaders and of violence. neither are natural.
I wish you were correct, but you are not.
leaders can be attacked. leaders can have short-comings. leaders can be killed. American history is full of those examples. kill the leader and kill the full fruition of the movement. no thanks. we are not going to be killed this time.
Then you will end up no different that the counterculture of the 1960's. You will simply dissolve into everything that you currently fighting against.
Leaders are leaders because groups cannot focus without them. Sorry. But, that is the way of the world.
the way of the world now. you can't imagine different? how sad. you're a slave.
No, I am not a fool. Are you so arrogant that you should ignore three thousand years of what has worked.....and what has not.
History is littered, LITTERED, with well meaning dreamers and burgeoning movements that failed to accomplish a damn thing.
If you think that you are any different, then tell me now.....What do YOU hope to accomplish with all of this?
You're just a peon arm waver and, in about 15 years when you're actually making a few bucks, you will be a stupid Rightwing ideologue who hates paying taxes. Think I'm wrong.....everybody I knew who sounded like you in their college years now watches Fox news like it's porn.
huh? you are babbling. three thousand years? your three thousand years? oh, about two hundred and some years ago, some people formed a new nation. it was a revolution. so, you are telling me that things are the way they are and that's it so don't try to change it? I know that you can't possibly be an American... perhaps you are a consumer.
Did that revolution have any leaders? Go back to your grade school and punch your third grade teacher in the face.
punch my teacher in the face? maybe I should take a gun to school and kill everyone. oh, wait, that already happens in your world. its normal, right? you're an idiot.
Then let me ask again, did the American Revolution have leaders? Feel free to Google your answer.
yes, the American Revolution did have leaders. But, they did something revolutionary. They and not Kings decided their destiny. For the first time in history. George Washington refused to be a King of the new nation. Radical and revolutionary. And so, here we are, having a revolution without leaders. radical and revolutionary. the first time in history. so, to you, since its not the same system as the one we have now, it can't possibly work. wow. you're still a slave.
So, you read a little, didn't you Seymore? And, the revolution did have leaders.....good leaders......and it didn't lead to all things bad.
Be careful calling someone a slave. You, much more than I, appear locked in some fantasy that has no relationship to your reality. I do not live in fear, and am therefore not a slave. You don't live in fear....but only because you are still naive.
you totally missed the point didn't you? wow. you are so myopic in vision, all you can see is your own construct of reality. I'm ending this discussion because its pointless.
that's why the occupy movement should never have a leader or leaders. and, ideology is the danger. it has one name. intolerance.
Horseshit. Every sustained movement in history has three things: leadership, objectives, and tactics.
If you think that you are creating something new, then you're not creating anything.
yes, the American Revolution did have leaders. But, they did something revolutionary. They and not Kings decided their destiny. For the first time in history. George Washington refused to be a King of the new nation. Radical and revolutionary. And so, here we are, having a revolution without leaders. radical and revolutionary. the first time in history. so, to you, since its not the same system as the one we have now, it can't possibly work. wow. you're still a slave.
This isnt a revolution until it achievs something....
Not trying to sound like a dick, but its true. Until something changes, its a protest.
its already made changes
which ones?
no... don't even try that. that's bullshit.
Sorry, but he's right.
no, he's not
So, get some leaders and overthrow corrupt capitalism.
forget about taking a bath, just go get a soul
that's why the occupy movement should never have a leader or leaders. and, ideology is the danger. it has one name. intolerance.
why is this repeated over and over.
if there are to be leaders , they should come to us
it has to be, because some aren't listening yet.
I'm sorry, can you repeat that, I wasn't listening.
You have to have leaders, principles, objectives, and tactics for a movement to work. No movement in history has succeeded without them. No movement in the future will either. I'm sorry, but facts are difficult things.
are you talking about recent history? or the history written by societies that had leaders? in other words, since all you know is a world dominated by societies that have leaders, then, you don't acknowledge anything else in history?
which history and what facts?
The only thing new in the world is the history you don't know.
Harry Truman said that. Smart, simple, man from Missouri.
right on! that's a fact jack