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Forum Post: It is not enough to say “Not that way!” and to denounce injustices or lies.

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 25, 2011, 7:58 a.m. EST by AntonioJGCruz (5)
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It is not enough to say “Not that way!” and to denounce injustices or lies. We always have to add “This way!” which offers valid alternatives that raise the benchmark between two interlocutors, offering them higher values to place them both on a level where hate is no longer par for the course, in other words, that places them on a level where both have more and better CULTURE. Because true debate is the mother of culture, the impossibility of single thought and the subjugation of those in conditions of numerical inferiority. Because we’re in a right mess if we believe that the numerical majority is right! If this were the case, nothing would ever move, much less transform. And yes, also. I say loud and clear: “I’m outraged, now what?” because if I’m outraged it’s my obligation to find how to say “This way!” for you and for me. And because I am truly outraged I seek solutions instead of destructive criticism.

From the book 'Yes, I'm outraged! Now what?' Get free access at: http://tulga3000.com/obras/yes-im-outraged-now-what/



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