Forum Post: It is no coincidence that of the last 14 U.S. presidents, 7 have been Democrats and 7 have been Republicans
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 26, 2011, 12:04 p.m. EST by ironboltbruce
from Miami, FL
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
It is no coincidence that of the last 14 U.S. presidents, 7 have been Democrats and 7 have been Republicans:
Our Kleptocracy-controlled media focuses on America's two-year election cycles as if who wins or loses in the swinging of the pendulum was a matter of life or death, when in fact even at the Presidential level it makes no more difference than the outcomes of Monday Night Football, American Idol, Dancing With The Stars, Hillbilly Handfishing or the trial of Michael Jackson's doctor. U.S. elections are staged primarily to give Sheeple the illusion of control so they will (a) vent their frustrations and expend their energy, emotions and resources supporting or attacking the Puppet on the Left hand or the Puppet on the Right, and consequently (b) never recognize and challenge the common omnipotent Puppetmaster.
There was no real change in 2008. There was no real change in 2010. There WILL be real change in 2012, but it won't be coming from tele-brainwashed couch potatoes, manipulated voter lists, rigged voting machines or predetermined ballot counts. It will be coming from us...
The 99 Percent