Forum Post: It is becoming more and more clear
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 7, 2011, 5:04 p.m. EST by RexDiamond
from Idabel, OK
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
that many OWS members want to join forces with the Tea Party. Thoughts?
They share a common enemy so why not? If they want to join nobody can stop them. Nobody owns this movement
Im in both. I started in Tea party and right now im helping organize our local Occupy camp. (we take shifts.) Im Hispanic and a legal immigrant (its easy!) who became a citizen. And to tell you, tea party and ows really want the same things, just coming at them from different directions. TP is organized and knows how to use the system to make changes, while OWS has the passion. Imagine them together, I keep saying that.
Thanks it is good to start hearing some reason and less division
Both movements? You are truly a patriotic person.
When two morally driving individuals are addressing a problem from two different point of reference it does not mean that they oppose each other. They just have to seat down, discuss the issue, and surely they will come to stand together on the same solution! Again brothers, It is not about getting rid of the grid but about extracting the greed out of the grid!!
Thanks for your take, and I agree with you.
It seems clear that people from all sides are starting to agree that something is terribly wrong.
OWS will have to shed its liberal image as the Tea Party begins to absorb it.
I don't believe the Tea Party absorbing OWS is in any way possible. The Tea Party is advocating things that are merely shifting governmental intrusion from one area into another.
Perhaps if the Tea Party would shed it's ultra conservation image it could be absorbed into the OWS.
The Tea Party is not doing anything. It's OWS members that want to merge with the Tea Party.
Then I doubt they were OWS members to begin with...what part of not affiliating with a political party don't you get?
The Tea Party is not an actual political party. It is just like OWS.
From my observation it's a political part within a political party.
The link is a liberal publication.
The liberal thing may not be as others would have you believe.
Most people I know could care less about Left/Right in regards to dealing with the beast that is destroying American
The Left/Right battles are insignificant if we don't force some major changes
Exactly. OWS isn't about left/right, liberal/conservative, Rep/Dem, black/white. People need to get over this bullshit labeling and realize the problems affect all of us. And like I've said a few times, there's nothing stopping any Tea Party member from joining OWS if they believe in the goal, which I'm sure many of them do.
Thanks for stating it so well
Seems like what is coming from the OWS is the that people are tired of the left/right, Dem/Rep ideologies. Neither one seems to represent the needs and wills of the people including a sound healthy limited government of, by, & for the people. Both the government and the people have gotten fat a lazy. This is how the predator banksters and corporate greed grew unchecked like a cancer.
Thanks, I could not have said it better.
They don't care, but they are still liberals. Still acting like liberals. That will have to change as the Tea Party starts accepting these new members.
It's a two way street.
Everybody has to be mature enough to respect each others views.
OWS people are not going to pretend to be something they are not.
I think the Tea Party is welcome to join the movement anyway they want, but I don't know too many people that want to join the Tea Party movement.
Interesting. It is becoming a mantra with the people I know involved.
Teabaggers believe that once upon a time mankind saddled dinosaurs, around 5000-7000 years ago or so, that's to be consistent with the Bible. One task for OWS crowd is to reconcile Quantum Mechanics with the belief. After cutting budget to create jobs theory everything goes.
back to the media matters bowels you emerged from.
It's sounding more and more likely that this will happen. It should happen. It's the blending of very similar desires, except one group rightly thinks that FOX news is insane.
I wonder if FOX will still cover the Tea Party after the merge.
Of course. They will also continue to report the loons - like the ones in Washington and Oakland.
Why do the OWS males squeal like a stuffed pig when I do them in da ass?
You wonder what's the importance of being a country? Well, look at the diversity on these forums. Imagine all the differences, and life styles, thoughts and dreams. We're all in this together. Our spreading of ideas make a catalyst for change. If we cannot find a common goal, we will fail. The 1% will win and along with it, the American spirit will die. Remember, we are the 99%
I think the Tea Party is scared. Thus far, they have stood for faux privatization, for profit prisons, the great big lie of charter schools and unattainable health care. When they begin to demonstrate against these issues I could see it. However, they have yet to do so in any meaningful way.
No honey. The Tea Party is not scared. If that is an objective, it will only detract from OWS. Pick your objectives wisely. The Tea Party is already established as a real party. This is merely about OWS members wanting OWS to merge with the Tea Party. The Tea Party has not made any official statements regarding that matter.
No, sweetie. When you have a half a dozen threads all geared for the same thing, it becomes obvious.
Tea Party Patriots against the public option in health care. Look here:
and this: American Liberty Alliance is urging those opposed to health-care reform proposals -- particularly ones that offer a public option -- to send e-mail and letters to Republican senators over the next two weeks, asking them to vow to stop any government-lead efforts to change health care when they return from their summer break.
TEA PARTY wants to shut down public education
Not one damn thing in common.
That has nothing to do with OWS members wanting to join forces with the Tea Party.
This is merely about OWS members wanting OWS to merge with the Tea Party
You did write the above. .
Yeah, and you went ahead and took the opportunity to trash the TP, claim they were scared and made it a partisan issue.
Stick with the premise. OWS members want to join forces with the TP. Period. That is all, nothing more.
They are scared. That is why there are so many threads on it. I told you there is nothing in common. I told you why there is nothing in common. I brought links that show why I am saying exactly that. The Tea Party is partisan. You can BS some of the people some of the time but not all of the people all of the time.
False premise. You can inject your opinion and form a theory. The reason there are threads, stories and blogs is because people want that. I am not for it or against it. I am simply supplying an observation. Clearly there is an increase in the amount of OWS who want to join the Tea Party.
The story is not about the Tea Party, what they stand for or if they are scared. The story is also not about the Tea Party wanting OWS members to join them.
Complete and utter BS, the link provided at the beginning of this thread is Why the Tea Party Should Join OWS. In no way shape or form have you shown that there is an increase in the amount of OWS that want to join the Tea Party.
There are reasons for that. Those are for the above that I have listed. Outside of that, you don't really have much to go on. The reason that you have so many threads on it is because..............the Tea Party is scared. It is kind of working out in the very same way that mass quantities of threads advocating R. P. are created.
You just don't like what I am saying. Too bad.
Do a google search for OWS should join the Tea Party.
Attending a tea party rally out of curiosity and trying to make the leap from OWS wanting to join is pretty big and especially if it is online commenting.
The Tea Party has done nothing but uphold and push for those things that the OWS is against. Repeating a lie does not make it true.
And now what? I have been watching the headlines, listened to the speculation, and I think it is BS for exactly the same reasons listed above. While a half a dozen profs from this university or that university weigh in. This news commentator and that commentator weigh in.
liberals commenting on the story are admitting to attending tea party rallies out of curiosity. Just admit it. The idea is out there.
i try to avoid any event where people dress up like thomas jefferson and carry muskets around and such. i just feel funny about the whole thing.
it is like i am at a tour of the liberty bell or something
But the ridiculous Guy Fawkes masks don't seem to phase you. Interesting.
that kind of bothers me to, but it only take a second to put them on. people dressin up like thomas jefferson got a bit of lady in em. i think thats my problem. not that i am anti tranny but i am anti 18th century tranny.
a man's gotta have his limits : )
Fair enough.
although it would be interesting to see a guy dressed as TJ with a Guy Fawkes mask on. if you could see what you can do about this, be much appreciated
actually i would prefer to see a guy dressed like Martha Washington with the mask.
may as well go for broke : )
I think everyone should put their political differences aside and all join together to fight in this movement.
The more I think about it, the more I want to see OWS turn into an Anarcho- Communist Party. The US Government needs a boogeyman, under the bed. [wink] Wall Street loves China, maybe they will think we are little cutie pies, with our sharp looking red star flags, too? [giggle] Anyway, we need a real Communist Party, that is not in all likelihood, entirely made up of FBI Agents! [wink] We should ask Bernie Sanders to be the first politician in our A.C.P and he can help us develop other political candidates.The Government is too contemptuous of the people. We need to stop feeling sorry for the rich. The Tea Party just sound silly, worrying about creating tax breaks for the rich.
Sounds like the Tea Party members want to become part of a real populist movement.
Actually it is more about people from the left starting to attend Tea Party rallies. This time not to disrupt, but to see what it is all about.
People are starting to realize the system is corrupted, and that its about to blow apart
Who is going to pay for social service for the poor? who will pay for medical for the masses. The Tea Party want's lower taxes and less government, we need more government. Somebody has to pay for us.
I don't think those are areas that the Tea Party wants drastically reduced. They are more concerned with it going to people who actually qualify. It has more to do with how much money we send away from American soil.
The Tea Party was successful in getting people elected to Congress. OWS has been successful in getting Porto potties.
The Tea Party is a group of Republicans who became angry over fiscal irresponsibility by their elected officials. The Tea Party is just Republicans who returned to their core values and they aren't anything new or innovative.
OWS and the Tea Party/Republicans/Democrats share some common goals in that they realize the system has to be changed.
Barry Goldwater "Mr. Conservative" would not agree.
TEA party people are conservatives.
The Tea Party wants less government. OWS wants more government.
The Tea Party wins, hands down. They want obama/Pelosi/Reid long gone.