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Forum Post: It is about money supply and who controls it!

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 24, 2011, 2:01 p.m. EST by tstorey (17) from Newport, RI
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

The occupy movement condemns a system that offers enough money for 1% and inadequate money supply for the rest of us. The principal issue is money supply. Once we increase the amount of money available our conditions will quickly improve. We have been told throughout our lives that the amount of money is limited. That there isn't enough. That only certain people have it. That too much money in the system is "bad." That only certain people know how to control the amount of money in our world. This is indoctrination and has very little to do with the truth. Money is a commodity just like electrical power. Without electricity our systems grind to a halt. They are dependent on it. Without money people lose their homes, their employers fail, their governments waiver and all around them slows to a halt. With enough electricity, as there is today, the systems that rely on it function well enough.

With enough money flowing through our economic system, foreclosures stop, businesses function efficiently and each of has enough money to conduct our day to day lives. Money is just a thing that we need. It is not valuable, it is not special, it is a commodity. Let us all work to increase the supply of money to ALL people, not just the 1%. How? Our system relies on credit to bring money into our lives. Banks get money into the system through loans. That is our system and it is best to work with it. North Dakota has it's own publicly owned bank. They have the lowest foreclosure rate and the lowest unemployment rate in the nation. You know why don't you? Yes, they loan plenty of money to residents and businesses at very low or no interest. This creates a solid money supply for everyone in North Dakota. Just get the money into the system and today's problems will be reduced. The people of North Dakota are NOT reliant on the whims of wall street and the private banks for their quality of life. The 99% in North Dakota HAVE ENOUGH MONEY. Today's problems are inadequate money supply. Go learn about public banking for Illinois (or wherever you are from) and force your state legislators to set up their own state bank. Leave the national legislators to sleep with citibank. The state legislators HAVE to listen and they will. A dozen other states including California are considering public banks now. Now go study up on state banks and increase the money supply. Wall street and the federal reserve have no intention of increasing the amount of money…it is up to each of us to push for the formation of state banks.



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[-] 1 points by joerauh (32) 13 years ago

i don't think it's "all" about money supply, but public banks state-by-state sounds like a reasonable idea to me.

[-] 1 points by tstorey (17) from Newport, RI 13 years ago

We live in Rhode Island so our legislators can't hide. The state is too small. Yes money supply is not the only problem, but, if there is enough there is less suffering.

[-] 1 points by tstorey (17) from Newport, RI 13 years ago

webofdebt.com is a good place to start.