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Forum Post: Issues- how to make our economy work like natures'

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 27, 2011, 9:39 a.m. EST by JessieDar (0)
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I'm a scientist that studies how natural economies (self-managing energy using systems) grow and stabilize at the limits of their growth. What invariably happens is that growth pushes them to the limits, and they have to change form.

There's a fairly simple general difference between the ones that then break down and vanish, and others that perfect their designs to last a long time. They change from multiplying their control of their environment to instead use their surpluses to serve the needs of their environment. Simply said, they switch from greed to generosity to survive and prosper at their limits.

I tried to offer a workshop for Zuccotti Park but haven't heard from them for 10 days. Any other interest?

Draft slides: http://www.synapse9.com/drafts/Jessie'sOWSworkshop.pdf Blog: http://www.synapse9.com/signals/ Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/shoudaknown



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