Forum Post: Israel Not Ready To Give Up ‘Villa In The Jungle’
Posted 11 years ago on Jan. 10, 2014, 2:02 p.m. EST by flip
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
By Jonathan Cook
US Secretary of State John Kerry spent last week testing the waters with Israelis and Palestinians over his so-called framework agreement – designed to close the gaps between the two sides. But the issues he is trying to resolve appear more intractable by the day.
As he headed to the region, Israel’s hawkish cabinet ministers gave their blessing to legislation to annex the Jordan Valley, a large swath of the West Bank that might otherwise be the Palestinian state’s economic backbone and gateway to the outside world.
To underscore their point, the interior minister, Gideon Saar, a close friend of prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, led a group of rightwing politicians on a tour of the valley during which they held a dedication ceremony for a new settlement neighbourhood.
In a speech there, the deputy foreign minister, Zeev Elkin, averred that the Jordan Valley must remain under “Israeli sovereignty forever”. Without it, Israel would return to what he called the “Auschwitz borders” before the 1967 occupation began.
On Sunday, as Kerry left, the defence minister, Moshe Yaalon, added a new condition: peace was impossible, he argued, as long as the Palestinians and their schoolbooks “incited” against Israel, even quoting from a government-compiled “Palestinian incitement index”.
The hyperbole overshadowed two Israeli surveys that might one day provide a yardstick by which to judge an equivalent “Israeli incitement index”.
An opinion poll revealed that nearly two-thirds of Israeli Jews believe the conflict’s Palestinian narrative – including the nakba, the great dispossession of the Palestinians in 1948 to create Israel – should be taught in schools.
This flies in the face of Netanyahu’s own view. His government passed a law in 2011 effectively banning public institutions from giving a platform to nakba commemorations.
The other study, following an experiment in a handful of schools, demonstrated that, when Jewish students are exposed to spoken Arabic at an early age, between 10 and 12, they hold dramatically less hostile and stereotypical views of Arabs. Currently, many Jewish students never learn Arabic.
With the experimental programme employing teachers from Israel’s large Palestinian minority, the study noted that for most of the Jewish children it was the first time they had developed a close relationship with an Arab.
The education ministry, however, was reported to have waved aside the findings and is apparently failing to fund the existing, small programme, let alone expand it.
This is no oversight. Successive Israeli governments have carefully engineered the structure of Israeli society to ensure that Jewish and Palestinian citizens, the latter comprising a fifth of the population, are kept in separate linguistic, cultural, educational and emotional worlds.
The reasoning is not hard to discern. The last thing Israeli leaders want is for Jewish and Palestinian citizens to develop shared interests, forge friendships and act in solidarity. That would start to erode the rationale for a Jewish state, especially one premised on the supposed need of the Jews to defend themselves from a hostile world – “the villa in the jungle”, as former prime minister Ehud Barak once characterised Israel.
In short, a Jewish state’s future precisely depends on the anti-Arab stereotypes inculcated in young Israeli minds.
It may not therefore be coincidental that, as Israel has faced increasing pressure over the past 20 years to make peace, the separation of Jews from Palestinians has entrenched.
Today most Israeli Jews rarely meet a Palestinian, and especially not one from the West Bank or Gaza. It is easy to forget that before the 1993 Oslo accords, many Israeli Jews regularly ventured into Palestinian areas, to shop, eat and fix their cars. Palestinians, meanwhile, were evident in Israeli communities, even if only as builders or waiters.
It may have been a very unequal, even colonial encounter, but nonetheless it made it hard for Israelis to demonise their neighbours.
Such contacts are now a distant memory. And that is precisely how leaders like Netanyahu want to keep it.
Inside Israel, the direction of policy is the same. In recent weeks, the government has insisted on raising the electoral threshold in a barely concealed effort to rid the parliament of Arab parties. Legislation is also being revived to tax into oblivion human rights organisations, those that give a voice to Palestinians in Israel and the occupied territories.
Last weekend Avigdor Lieberman, the foreign minister, argued that a peace agreement must include disappearing hundreds of thousands of Palestinian citizens by transferring their homes to a future, very circumscribed Palestinian state.
Palestinian legislator Ahmed Tibi’s complaint that Palestinian citizens were viewed by Israel’s leaders as nothing more than “chess pieces” goes to the heart of the matter. It is easy to dehumanise those you know and care little about.
Israel’s separation policy – and its security justifications – requires not only that Jews and Palestinians be kept apart, but that Palestinians be confined to a series of discrete ghettos, whether in the West Bank, Jerusalem, Gaza or Israel.
These divisions are the cause of endless suffering. A recent study of Gaza, the most isolated of these ghettos, found that a third of Palestinians there were physically separated from a close relative. Israeli-imposed restrictions force Palestinians to forgo marriages, learn of relatives’ deaths from afar, miss college courses, and lose the chance for medical treatment.
The prioritising of Israelis’ security over Palestinians’ freedom was a central weakness of the Oslo process, and the same skewed agenda pollutes the current peace talks.
In a commentary for the Haaretz newspaper last week, a leading general, Gadi Shamni, set out at length the many military reasons – quite apart from political ones – why Israel could never risk allowing the Palestinians a viable state. On the army’s best assessments, he argued, Israel would need to control such a state’s borders and much of its territory, including the Jordan Valley, for a period ranging “from 40 years to forever”.
The reality is that no arrangement on earth can guarantee protection for those in the villa from the beasts lurking outside. Either it is time to abandon the villa, or to start seeing the jungle as a forest to be explored.
Re. notion of "Villa In The Jungle", please note the reference to that propagandist, racist & supremacist phrase; here at 9 minutes, in this very revealing interview about Israeli society!!
"Israeli Youth Targeted Over ‘Gaza Fights For Freedom’ (a doc film) Screening" (41m) Gaia Dan w/ Abby Martin & ..
"Gaza Fights For Freedom (2019) | Full Documentary | Directed by Abby Martin" (1 hour 24 miutes)
"Israelism: The Awakening of young American Jews" Important Documentary!": (1 hour 20 minutes)
Also see re. "Tantura" - and then also please do try to note ...
"Tantura; Trailer" [2min 15sec] and
"Eric Goldman's Jewish Cinémathèque: "Tantura" [33m 33s]
"How Israel displaced Palestinians in 1948; The Village under the Forest: Full Film" (55m)
Finally "The willful & dangerous silence of the US medical establishment on Gaza"!
et veritas vos liberabit ...
Bloodthirsty Israel just can't give it up even for single day.
12 Palestinians killed on New Year's Day. "Officials say most of the victims were women and children."
What an inhumane society Israel has become. So sad. The people of Israel must rise up against their tyrannical government and start living with peace and conciliation toward the people they have oppressed unjustly for decades.
Come on already! Either Israelis themselves must stop this moral turpitude or the people of the world must step in and stop it!
Carefully consider "Rescuers find dozens of bodies in Gaza rubble amid Israel-Hamas ceasefire"!
as "Palestinian officials estimate 10,000 bodies are under the debris covering Gaza after the devastating 15-month war."
Meanwhile, note ... "Mass Hannibal: We killed Israelis on 7 October, says Israeli air force colonel"! (4m 45s)
"Ex-Israeli war chief confirms issuing Hannibal Directive to kill own civilians, soldiers on 7 Oct"!!
As - "Israeli forces used attack helicopters, drones, and tanks to kill their own civilians and soldiers while blaming the deaths on Hamas"!
& further consider "Army ordered to kill Israelis on 7 October, defense minister confirms"! (16m 26s) - now, also do try to consider this ...
"Military’s 7 October claims refuted by Israeli journalist "! (a 4m 13s very highly relevant video re. ISR initial PR/opaganda, now debunked!)
Further "Netanyahu Is Preparing to Sabotage the Gaza Ceasefire, Again"! by Jeremy Scahill: and note:
"Fresh off his triumphant trip to Washington, D.C. - the Israeli leader is preparing a set of new demands for Phase 2 he hopes Hamas will reject."
"The Israeli Air Force was carrying out a new .. 'Sword of Damocles' operation as it was carrying out the 'Hannibal directive,' the IDF's probes found."
respice; adspice; prospice ...
On this Nakba Day 2024 please do try to closely and carefully consider:
This ^ 10+ year old article by veteran West Bank based journalist, Jonathan Cook.
& because the Irish understand the situation like no other Europeans - these links: and ... &, from last year - this:
For further ref and
The 76th anniversary of the Nakba, now marks the expulsion of over 750,000 Palestinians from their homeland in 1948 and over seven and half decades later, the fight against dispossession continues!
Further reflect on +also note
Finally, try to closely consider - this
respice, adspice, prospice ... et fiat justitia!
People were burned alive in Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital, Gaza, following an Israel artillery or airstrike in the early hours of Monday, 13th Oct. 2024!
This is clearly now a modern-day Holocaust .. except this time the Nazis have nuclear weapons & the unconditional support of the world’s top superpower!!
Israel has committed this horrific massacre - by bombing THE TENTS of displaced Palestinians in the courtyard of Al-Aqsa Martyrs HOSPITAL in the central Gaza Strip! Civilians were burned alive!! That's right; the grandchildren of Holocaust survivors burnt children alive!!!
MEANWHILE: "Israeli Defense Officials: Gov't Pushing Aside Hostage Deal, Eyeing Gaza Annexation"!!!! ... by Yaniv Kubovich
& NB .. "IDF commanders in Gaza say the recent decision to operate in the northern part of the Strip was taken without proper deliberations & is apparently aimed at pressuring civilians in the area to relocate"!!! ALSO TRY TO NOTE THAT ...
"ISRs permanent national security doctrine is basically - 'We can have peace tomorrow if we just kill a few more people today but it's always today, tomorrow never comes"!! Read by Tim Foley. [AUDIO: 4m 22s]
Further, please try to consider - [1m]
"A historian who exposed the New England Journal of Medicine's silence on Nazi atrocities, confronted the journal’s treatment of Gaza during a Harvard symposium."
far too horrific for Latin!
Unbearable suffering in Gaza.
"90% of Gazans are displaced."
"Nearly 500,000 people are struggling with catastrophic hunger"
See maps and data of the suffering of Gaza here:
14+ months on, note "Israel Knew Hamas’s Attack Plan Over a Year Ago: The New York Times"! by Ronen Bergman (Text and video) (a 11m stand alone video link)
and note: "Ronen Bergman is a staff writer for The New York Times Magazine, based in Tel Aviv. His latest book is “Rise and Kill First: The Secret History of Israel’s Targeted Assassinations” published by Random House, via the New York Times".
Also "Documents expose Israeli conspiracy to facilitate October 7 attack"!! - by Andre Damon & now, consider:
that from some perspectives: "Israel Is Losing this War"!!! Tony Karon & Daniel Levy: ...
as "Despite the violence it has unleashed on Palestinians, Israel is failing to achieve its political goals!"
Further "This Is Not a War Against Hamas"! by Jeremy Scahill
and note "Leaked Israel lobby presentation urges US officials to justify war on Gaza with ‘Hamas Rape’ claims"!! by Max Blumenthal and ...
NB "The Grayzone has obtained slides from a confidential Israel lobby presentation based on data from Republican pollster, Frank Luntz. They contain talking points for politicians and public figures seeking to justify Israel’s assault on the Gaza Strip."
Further consider this tweet ...
And now in keeping the 1st^2 links "Reckoning: Israel and Gaza"!!! with Ben Swann [an essential 14m 25s vid]
Also NB 30m of important infomation
& NOW per OP consider this: [20m]
The information above incl. the final video, has to be seen in the round & in the context of ISR's political divisions but seen in totality they form a picture of who knew what n' when! These videos are important!
respice, adspice et e tenebris lux?
" Children in Gaza need life-saving support. No safe place for children as humanitarian crisis deepens."
"Around 1.9 million people – about 9 in 10 of Gaza’s population – are estimated to have been internally displaced. Half of them children. They do not have enough access to water, food, fuel and medicine. Their homes have been destroyed; their families torn apart. Many children have been displaced multiple times, and have lost homes, parents and loved ones. They need to be protected, along with the remaining services that they rely on, including medical facilities and shelter.
Gaza’s children have endured unimaginable horrors – they deserve an immediate ceasefire and a chance for a peaceful future.
Can we still call ourselves human if we allow this atrocity to continue? I'm not so sure.
IS IT FINALLY OVER, ffs?! On terms that were possible on October 8th, 2023!! A Trump factor was in play bigly, otherwise G£N0C!DIN' Biden would've allowed Netanyahu to keep on killing!!! Pals 1; ISR 0, tbh!! Kids n' babies were unalived, to teach us lessons - we must all Never Forget! From This Tweet ...
Further and & now further note: by David Hearst
Also - "Why Trump forced Israel to accept Gaza ceasefire?" (48m) Note, THIS IS AN ESSENTIAL ANALYSIS, & finally consider:
"Norman Finkelstein on the "ceasefire agreement" between Israel and Gaza"! (8min 23sec) ... for a more real / pessimistic point of view.
fiat lux, fiat justitia, fiat pax!!!