Forum Post: Isn't 1% a minority?
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 12, 2011, 1:07 p.m. EST by cheeseus
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Since when has jealousy been justification to discriminate against a minority? You can bet I'm envious of the 1%, but I will not seek to lynch them. I will not seek to steal their property and divide it among "my kind". I refuse to infringe a minoritys rights, whether it's based on wealth, status, race or gender. Do you guys next go after the other 1%? The 1% who become rap stars, supermodels, movie producers, the beautiful, the tall, those great at sports? Is it fair that they are better off than you?
Mob rules mentality may be great for the collective but it oppresses the minority. Snap out of your collective delusion and realize you are an individual. Express your liberty while respecting each others rights as an individual.
Your movement is looking very much like a behind doors boardroom meeting at an "evil" corporation. Be real reformers and resist the biggest corporations: They are called government and unions.
At least with a capitalist society I get to vote everytime I consume. With your Marxism I am forced to except your choice.
Life is not fair. While most humans have the capacity to be average, some of us have better skills which allows them to profit off the rest of us. We are not all equal, but should be treated as such by government. A common argument I hear is that teachers should be paid more. Well, isn't that teachers knowledge "expoliting" the human which lacks it? If the dishwasher is "equal", than why should the teacher get paid more?
People getting thrown out of their homes are living up to the contract they agreed to. Their home was collateral against the money they borrowed. If the bubble was still alive the banks wouldn't be foreclosing. Homeowners decided it wasn't a home after all, but rather a business adventure and their choice to take a capital loss is what escalated the crash.....Health care should be an individual choice. Is it not theft to mandate a healthy twenty year old to give money to the insurance industry? A responsible human spends his money on healthy food, exercise, relaxing entertainment and lifestyle choices. They know a risk of bad health is costly and set aside savings. Should we fix everybodys car when it breaks down since transportation is so important?.....We do put too many in jail. Mostly for victimless crimes. Citizens should not be imprisoned for things like drugs and prostitution. Government, being the bigget corporation, profits from these abuses. Theft? If it happens it should be dealt with. But don't consider losses from risk theft if the consumer chose it....Child labor sweatshops? That's up to you to vote with your wallet and refuse to buy that product. It's a nobel complaint and I will not stop you from using your own money and resources to protest it.....War? It's almost always about opportunity for leaders and rarely about defense of the citzen. I must say mentioning war is odd from a group wanting to occupy. Invasion is no less damaging if done by way of a bullet or way of a minority seeking to control the majority.
It seems to me the protests should be about equal taxation and a fair system. That's a very populist sentiment. Most Americans want a fair game where if they choose to play they have the same opportunity and the risk that goes along with it. They don't want corporations given special class status. At the same time, they don't want to reward those who feel entitled for simply existing....Our current problems are due to government corrupting the free market system. The answer is not more government, it's less.
Except the whole reason for this "minorities' existence is the exploitation of the majority of the workforce, by profiting off the surplus value of their labor(ie the gap between what they are paid in wages and what the products of their labor are sold for on the market by the capitalist). Except the fact that this 'minority' is making life shit for the 99% of the rest of this.
If this 'minority' wasn't throwing people out of their homes, denying tens of millions health care because it would cut into their profits, putting millions of the poor in jail while it itself gets away with the most brazen theft and murder, profiting off of children in sweatshops, raping the environment, and waging wars for profit that were killing and maiming literally millions of people, yeah you would have a point.
The 'minority' is called capitalists. They are parasites. They need the 99% but the 99% does not need them.
I don't want to steal their property. I simply want bank executives who committed fraud--and there are many, and the fraud is well documented--to GO TO PRISON. You know, kind of like people who are imprisoned for possessing marijuana. What don't you understand about that?
Although I believe we should confiscate Goldman Sachs and any other companies found guilty of fraud that reaches all the way to treason, this is not for jealousy or some communist goal, it is more like stolen goods should be returned to their rightful owner on a case by case basis.
When you say that OWS looks like a closed door meeting, I lose respect for your ability to observe reality. The assembly meets in the park, you can go to it and hear all of it and probably present.
Also, you may want to read up a little bit, but not everything with a severe criticism of capitalism is Marxist, that is a very uneducated thing to say.
We've got Democratic Socialism, National Socialism, Anarchism, Situationists, Syndicalists, and Participatory Economics, just for starters.
I am actually into all of the above except for National Socialism, which is the form of government we are actually under at the moment. Capitalism has never really existed in the united states because all of the major businesses rely on government intervention to survive.
George Orwell writes eloquently about the difference between National Socialism and Democratic Socialism, and makes the case that all governments are socialist because there is no way to keep business and government separate or get away from the idea that government's main goal is to make society and life better for the citizens.