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Forum Post: isms and schisms divide and conquer pwn chess

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 20, 2011, 6:30 p.m. EST by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

right. so. they WANT our help. this is not the way to ask for it. let them know they forgot to send somebody to GA. and let them know at GA clear where it all stands. we play when we think it over careful that its in the best interests of the people; not foolishly or like some giant American Striking and Boycotting Reflex. we are not absolutely opposed to those tactics but its quite a bit early in the game to even discuss those directions... more organization is needed or those tactics wouldn't be that useful.

so. if we join any such action we join because we agree with the action. nothing to do with verizon or etc personally, nothing to do with the unions; per sey; its the action; does the action have merit? it is just? does it reflect our values? is it meaningful as strategy? we need to ask these questions and not be led into becoming the unions tool. its all about retaining our true autonomy away from co-opting. they want our help; they play by our rules; not theirs. the relationship is incidental and always specific to a specific action...you see? i'm just telling you... the obvious really... we stand strong, we have consenus with a very strong voice but we don't let it take over our process.

we are not any ism; we are mass intelligence working through consensus process and awakening.

we are not any leaders for we understand that true collaboration happens when all come to peace and release the ego.

we are not any isms because all isms are ideologies and opinions; and the world is so rich and full of useful science facts.

We are not any meta entities personal army. we are not out here to make your pipe dream pet cause come true your way. WE are our here to SOLVE the problems. thoughtfully. wisely. ever swimming back to knowledge and truth. In the moment; open source consensus process direct democracy. DEMOCRACY. no ism. no schism. no warped no buckets full of wingnuts.

The solutions to the worlds problems are waiting for you to put together like peices of a puzzle you scrapped up to start out of 101 textbooks.

As soon as you do that work a paradigm shift is inevitable. until you do that work, it is nearly impossible.

HEAR ME. Because you really don't have time not to listen.

Unless you get organized you will fall prey to co-opting in the form of splintering and fracturing.

find real solidarity by giving every pov their place to play but make the WHOLE thing about the NEW RULES.

i think ron paul and obama should both have a sub forum, let em all in. the socialists, the dems, the capitalists, the republicans, ...everybody gets to have a home sub forum to call their own all they have to do is propose some ism we haven;t got yet.

goofing off in the isms forum all fun and good theres also 101 forums each one of which is the title of a scientific discipline or major political issue.

Thats where the work is. open the textbooks. plug the knowledge into the political problems. Bother to do the work that the oligarchs only pretend to do while they just increase the entropy and suck blood off the bleeding.

You are all the products of an intentional dumble down war to keep you stupid.

Don;'t deny it, don;t reflex against it, don;t spin it, don't argue the point. SWIM TO THE TRUTH.



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