Forum Post: Islamic Republic of Iran tries to pimp OWS
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 26, 2011, 1:55 p.m. EST by Evan
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Brothers and sisters, in case you haven't heard the news, the Islamic Republic of Iran is planning on organizing a demonstration on the anniversary of the hostage-taking in support of Occupy Wall Street. The Republicans and the Neo-Cons are salivating at this. It is a perfect opportunity for them to brand OWS as toadies of the ayatollahs. Here's a taste of what is to come: OWS should not be put in a position of taking positions on international issues, but in the case of a dictatorship which which crushed in blood its own peaceful citizen opposition, has thrown in prison all independent journalists and lawyers for the simple act of defending their clients, and has persecuted independent civil society activists, OWS should say, "No thank you."
I guess the head's of the #ows definitely know that the Islamic republic of Iran is not the same as other dictatorship such as Libya or Egypt or ... The people of Iran dismissed "dictatorship of shah pahlavi" from about 32 years ago who was just the slave of the guy's we call them 1% now. After these very hard years of assiduity of that people that everybody knows"like the war imposed them and sanction and etc" That people of iran have an acceptable economic,power and development these days they succeeded to improve privatization (that is one of the most important factor of development) that all of them are the outcome of Independence (that was the main motto of that people 32 years ago) The main reason of enmity (of the enemies of that country which were our 1%and caused 2 iraq and afganistan war which swallowed our money and killed our people and others)was just the assiduity of Iranian to achieve "independence"" not because "a country in the world becomes independent" but the other nations follow that route soon or late. the issue that has happened nowadays and we can see in the middle east countries. and we believe we are following them. so I guess we are in the beginning of a long hard way like the one that Iranian passed and should study iranian revolution more deeply and if we make our strategy in a vulgar method, we will loss our real way and will miss anything by trick of 1%. I should say one more Thing "Iranian are conflicting with the guy's who we are conflicting with; for an identical reason"so why they shouldn't assist us? I say one more time "we should study revolutions hard"
You invited them in both failing to dissuade Islam and entertaining the Egyptians. You're weak, extremely weak.