Forum Post: ISIS attacks, distract.
Posted 9 years ago on Nov. 23, 2015, 5:56 a.m. EST by factsrfun
from Phoenix, AZ
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
With Bernie in the race we might of made this one about wealth inequality, we might have changed things. Now I fear we will be distracted by these attacks and give the world more war instead, damn shame.
For Adults Only; ''A Special Relationship - The United States is teaming up with Al Qaeda ... (yet) again'' !!! .. by Andrew Cockburn: &/or ... [alt. link & font]
Re. Bernie Sanders and ISIS and {weapons of mass} distraction .. also consider:
respice; adspice; prospice ...
I don't believe these attacks represent the people in Syria and Iraq
No one does, but it won't stop the bombing.
the military has lost control of it's jets
Russia has just lost an Su-24 bomber jet to NATO member Turkey's airspace defense and a rescue helicopter to U.S.-supplied TOW missile. This is very scary pre-made stuffing for Thanksgiving. Will mushroom gravy be served?
russia and the US have the top sales of weapons to the world If the both stopped weapons export that would be greater than 50^ of the market
If both Ukraine and Russia join NATO simultaneously, arms sales by both Russia and the U.S. may drop significantly. The resources freed from the arms industries can contribute to creature comforts of everyone.
The US spends about 1/2 the world military budget
I know they supply weapons to many other countries and people
As in U.S. education, spending amount is not necessarily indicative of effectiveness. The U.S. may be fighting IS but the neighbors around there ignore the U.S. priority and do their own hearts' desires. The U.S. should just see the words of wisdom, "Let it be." After all, "In your light, we see light."
the world bank does not want to tolerate nations with their ow banking system
nor the appropriation of land without its consent
Are you saying that IS and the World Bank are at war? IS "caliphate" will become worthless if there is no land in it.
Isis has no named leader this no caliphate (kingdom)
Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is supposedly the caliph of ISIL.
The people have lost control of their government, not surprising how few take part in it or pay attention, then there are the idiots throwing their chance to create change into the toilet by writing shit like "NO WAR" and such..if you wish to understand "terrorism" read 1984 perpetual war is a requirement, Bernie will change this if we give him a chance.
that's not even a promises the vetted candidate will make
let alone break
here's a promise I can make if people write "NO WAR" on their ballots the GOP will win and wage more war and it will be the fault of those that wrote "NO WAR" just as the Iraq War falls on those that voted for Nader in 2000, what you do matters, what happens matters
we can't blame government on the other party
no blame isn't much use but we can take a look at the world and see that the GOP loves to start wars and we can take action to keep them from winning office, or we can allow them to win and blame ourselves for the wars
democrats also support war
if you are so stupid you can't see the difference between BHO and W Bush and their war policies it is not surprising that Americans wage so much war given how little people like yourself pay attention, there would have been no Iraq War if W Bush had not been allowed to win and if the GOP win in 2016 it is clear from everything they say we will be in for much more war, no the Dems are not Gods they will have to continue to deal with the result of so many people voting for Nader but just because we screwed up and allowed the GOP to win in 2000 is no reason to do it again, if the GOP wins there will be much more war than if they don't and any who allow them to win will be responsible for that war
Biggest reason most activists have a hard time supporting Bernie is his refusal to declare and end to all of these wars and return all troops home.
At least you are starting to realize why we prioritize the war machine so highly- if not the highest- in the list of issues.
you are a conservative political hack that's why you don't support Bernie
Oh I cant wait until the sheepdog rolls over on you and endorses The Hag, as he has already said he would.
Let me ask you this. Why would someone who is allegedly for the people say they will endorse the Hag?
Just remember in the back of your tiny brain... They are much smarter than you are. Your generation has been played like a fiddle for a long time.
Thank goodness you are almost done.
You are a greedy little pig worried the Democrats will raise your taxes, that is your only concern and you will say anything to help elect the GOP for your tax cuts.