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Forum Post: Is Yellen the Most Powerful Woman in the History of the US?

Posted 11 years ago on Oct. 9, 2013, 6:41 p.m. EST by HCHC4 (-28)
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Interesting thought. Who holds more power right now?

Not much else the Fed can do to spur growth, its been a constant decline in interest rates since the early 80's. Cant have any more sales on the money when its already at 0. And with the Fed now being the largest purchaser by far, and largest holder by a substantial amount, or US Treasuries, that little scam doesnt have much left in it either.

So whats a Globalist to do?

My guess is do the same thing they all do.... Attack someone.





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[-] 1 points by grapes (5232) 11 years ago

Janet Yellen in her quest to lower the U.S. unemployment rate will create more inflation so the inflation rate will reach 2% a year. Due to the wage earners' wages not going up while businesses make more money from the higher prices, the businesses have more money to expand and hire more people. It basically jumpstarts the economy by picking the pockets of workers and confiscating the savers' stash.

There are other ways to increase the inflation rate that are more fun than sticker shocks at the grocery stores. How about the Federal Reserve printing "coffee break" money and distribute them to the workers to have a federally mandated 20-minute coffee break in the morning and another in the afternoon? How about having the IRS credit each taxpayer's account with $10000 to be paid with the tax return refund to reward the people's tax compliance efforts? Most people will be smiling when they receive the big fat checks! Oh, another idea is to have a dollar split just like corporations' stock split. Every old dollar can be exchanged for TWO new dollars. Everyone will be doubly as rich! I like this - yes! To avoid international repercussions, we will make these new dollars legal tender only in U.S. jurisdictions. Yay! Our foreign bankers will not be affected. Since we have the fifty-state quarters, we can make every quarter be counted as a half dollar if spent in its home state. This will not even require creating new dollar's design and our children will learn which state they live in.

[-] -1 points by AlwaysIntoSomething (42) 11 years ago

Now that Congress is done with their nice two week vacation- how was all of yours vacation? Oh you worked? - its time to get back to business.

First things first- extend UE benefits and then completely ignore what is causing it. Just throw some money at it.

Next, get back to continuing to causing it, by taking time to nominate Yellen.
