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Forum Post: is Wall Street Greedy? are OwSer's just Angry?

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 9, 2011, 6:11 p.m. EST by squarerootofzero (81)
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I don't think that too many people really care how many iPods Apple sells or who buys a Ford, GM or Toyota. The issue is of moral hazard. Privatizing the gains and socializing the losses. It is an issue of fraud on a massive scale. WHO committed it? and why they are not being investigated? or prosecuted? Apple can sell a billion iPods and it doesn't in any way negatively affect whether or not I have a job, keep a job, pay for my mortgage/bills (or rent), or put food on my table. But, if someone steals Apple's ideas and then puts them on the black market sending all the profits to one or several individuals then it does! If Lloyd Blankfein goes out and orders a 1000.00 bottle of wine and then sommelier gives him a 10.00 bottle of wine and then drinks his 1000.00 bottle of wine in the back and laughs about how stupid he is, wouldn't he be pissed off? (Don't be a dumbass and point out he should have known the difference, that isn't the point) If the question is why are people angry then the better question is why are they not?



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[-] 1 points by mdsmithbsc (27) 13 years ago

They are being prosecuted. Go to fhfa.gov

[-] 0 points by mbnfromtheog (70) 13 years ago

www.mudfall.com has more flowing facts on this