Forum Post: Is this a thought space, or an outdoor pissoir?
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 11, 2011, 3:05 p.m. EST by barrycooper
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I find it interesting that my most recent post disappeared. How many of you can grasp that when we see conservative websites tolerating you, and find that we cannot post our ideas on your sites, that we conclude with eminently justifiable logic that YOU are the intolerant ones, the Fascists, if you like?
Do you want to accomplish anything? Yes? No? Is your desired outcome in the real world, between your ears, or tucked inside your fly?
If you want to understand how finance works, read my series.
It is what I wanted to find when I first started to research these things: short, coherent, and clear.
If you don't--and don't want to educate yourself in any other way--then you are manifestly part of the problem, and suits the world over are glad that you are as stupid as you are. Nobody in power anywhere gives a rats ass if patchouli scented potheads are screwing in public parks and carrying hand printed signs around.
"we see conservative websites tolerating you, and find that we cannot post our ideas on your sites"
Really, can you name the conservative websites that tolerate opposing views? I've seen many that do not.
Right on, and the "pothead" motif has become so cliché on this site as to make me Y A W N. We'd have to put the question to a psychologist: does a habitual state of hatred kill imagination and creativity?
I don't know. Does it?
I never touch pot myself, but just over the past 5 days on this site I have been labeled a pothead at least 7 times.
See what I mean by lack of creativity?
There are many, many posts and comments on this site that smack of PATHOLOGICAL HATRED. I understand some are PAID to spew that kind of hysterical hatred to frighten people away from the Movement, but others are probably simply consumed by rage and self-hatred that express themselves through hatred of others. Either way, this is very sad and could end up erupting into ugly scenes of violence even though the Movement itself is a disciplined and peaceful one.
Maybe THAT is what enrages you about it? They have a peace and tranquility that have so far eluded you?
Rage? I've been laughing all day. I find this amusing. For gods sake I went to Berkeley, so I know the types of people that show up at these things. I've seen dozens of protests.
Based on the level of coherence on this site that I am seeing, this one will amount to nothing, no matter how long you stay.
And please don't try and convince me the odor of cannabis is not on every third person there.
But I DO smell something...
Could it be cannabis? No - it is - it is - wait a minute - it is the foul odor of a TROLL.
Trolls contribute nothing. I have contributed something. Ergo I am not a troll.
You, however, have contributed nothing, other than a claim that you are not a pothead, and that I must be a "hater" because I am unable to refrain from calling stupid ideas stupid.
The fact is I am much too lazy to hate. It's a lot of work.
Then try rereading your last paragraph as if it had been addressed to you...
And after that, write a hundred - that's right, Barry,100 - times in your little notebook "In the future I shall think twice before uttering hateful speech".
I will expect your notebook on my desk tomorrow morning.
Thank you, Barry, that will be all.
Oh I think about what I'm posting. Then I post it.
You know, I hear they are hiring people like you in the inner regions of China, who hate people who hate, and aren't afraid to use violence to show them that violence is wrong.
Don't try to obfuscate, Barry.
I will be expecting your notebook on my desk tomorrow morning, even if your family IS moving to "the inner regions of China".
That will be all, Barry. You are dismissed... and no pouting!