Forum Post: Is there really any cohesiveness?
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 23, 2011, 1:03 a.m. EST by Kehy
from Ellensburg, WA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I understand that this being a huge collection of people from around the world, from every sort of socio-economical class and situation there is. But still, there really doesn't seem to be any cohesive structure here, aside from 'Big Corporation = bad' sort of ideology. I understand that everyone has a different opinion (and has a right to their opinions) but it would really help borderline people like me that might or might not take action if there were stronger, more universal views to be had.
Clarity and cohesiveness are all I ask for.
I agree, the movement seems directionless. It's like "My yard has weeds. There are weeds in my yard. MY G-DAMNED YARD HAS WEEDS!" All protest, no extirpation. Not a peep about how to hoe, pull, spray, or get a goat to eat weeds. Please see this thread and comment / augment.
Kehy- I think the real statement of the occupy movement is that the current economic system as it stands today is unacceptable. It is unacceptable that the middle class is dwindling and that working class people cannot afford to save.
If you are on the fence- then you should go all in... and try to support your ideals.
I am not marxist, nor communist- I just want a economic system where each person has the ability to reach their potential and be as productive as they wish to be. If someone wants to work- they should be able to find work- lord knows there are tons of area's of our everyday lives that could be run better and more competently.
Cohesive in the same way electrons zap around the nucleus but don't leave the atom, know what I mean?