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Forum Post: Is there a political future for the OWS movement?

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 24, 2011, 11:57 a.m. EST by VERUM (108)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Most of you are probably too young to remember the movement, and political party started by Ross Perot in the early 1990's. His movement was called United We Stand America, and it was a Citizen Action Organization. It was a lot like the OWS movement in many ways.

Even though Ross is a billionaire businessman, he was keenly aware of the corrupt influences of the lobbyist. He fought to remove political action committees or PACS from government. He fought against NAFTA and the outsourcing of America's manufacturing jobs. He proclaimed that outsourcing would destroy the American economy. He was adamant about the federal deficit, and often referred to it as "some crazy old aunt that lived in the basement", and that no one wanted acknowledge it was there.

He ultimately formed his third party (UWSA) and spent over 12 million dollars of his own money to campaign. He ran for President of the United States, and one point led in the polls at 39% over the candidates. He did very well in the debates, and had many followers. Ultimately, he was discredited by the very lobbyist that he wanted to eliminate. They spent millions in campaigns targeting his credibility, and were successful in that endeavor.

Almost every single thing that Ross preached against almost two decades ago has become reality today... from the deficit... to the outsourcing... and finally to the corruption and negative influence of the lobbyist!

Today's OWS movement reminds me a lot of that time in history. Maybe, a third party solution could eventually be attempted again. I'm sure the same thing would happen again in terms of the Lobbyist and Corporations opposing it, and throwing money around in effort to eliminate it.

I'm sure there is enough intellect and talents within the OWS movement to once again consider that approach, let me know what your views are on this.



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[-] 3 points by MarionPolk (4) 13 years ago

It is time to Occupy Congress! Enter candidates in every primary. We can't get money out of politics by making it illegal, but we can get money out of politics by making it irrelevant!

[-] 2 points by mikedenis (49) 13 years ago

100 % agree

[-] 2 points by beamerbikeclub (414) 13 years ago

do you know Americans Elect?


I agree and I agree. and let's all keep going!

[-] 1 points by VERUM (108) 13 years ago

"We can't get money out of politics by making it illegal, but we can get money out of politics by making it irrelevant!"

Sorry Marion... I love that statement... everyone should remember it!!

[-] 3 points by TexasThunder (68) 13 years ago

I find our elected officials incompetent to govern. They need some incentive that will mean something to them instead of putting funds at risk that will cause harm to those persons and institutions who can least afford such loss. I suggest that these officials’ pay and/or benefits be cut if and/or when they fail to do their job. As it is, party “a” threatens to harm parties “”d” through “z” if parties “b” and “c” can’t come to an agreement. It makes no sense whatsoever to threaten Congress with cuts that will not have any impact on them directly. Our Constitution establishes the type of government we are to have. We do not need to establish any “sub” groups within these institutions. They are all responsible collectively to govern and if/when they fail to do so they are all liable collectively. The “carrot and stick” method only works when the carrot or stick is guaranteed to the same one. These officials have received their carrot upon being elected as they shall receive full pay and full benefits for the rest of their life even if they only serve one term. I say put all options “on the table” including their lifetime pay and benefits. I’m of the position that such a “stick” would cause these officials to get their head out of the clouds and their feet on the ground.

[-] 2 points by AFarewellToKings (1486) 13 years ago

NGA NOW all roads lead to Philadelphia July 4th 2012


[-] 1 points by VERUM (108) 13 years ago

Thanks for posting a link to the Declaration... I am new to this forum, and I will read it thoroughly!

[-] 1 points by AFarewellToKings (1486) 13 years ago

I stumbled on it about 5 weeks ago. It rang true and while there are many good ideas around (Amendment, Virtual General Assembly, etc) this approach works for me. Here's a status update: http://occupywallst.org/forum/update-on-the-99-declaration-and-the-national-gene/

[-] 1 points by VERUM (108) 13 years ago

I went to the WH site and signed the petition...

[-] 2 points by AFarewellToKings (1486) 13 years ago

see you in Philly : )

[-] 2 points by ZenDogTroll (13032) from South Burlington, VT 13 years ago

I am beginning to think that a single party may be the solution. It removes the "us v. them" dynamic - and application of game theory principles becomes much more difficult en mass.

[-] 1 points by beamerbikeclub (414) 13 years ago

whatever it takes... but get the $ out of our democracy.

Try Americans Elect. http://www.americanselect.org/

or WOLFPAC.com (to write amendment to separate $ (the new religion) and State.