Forum Post: Is There A Flea, In Your Tea?
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 14, 2011, 12:04 a.m. EST by rfgoggin
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Now that protesters taking part in ‘Occupy Wall Street’ movement in New York City, are finally managing some headway; and a few headlines in the mainstream media, who in America with more wits than your average bull statue, might not have sadly predicted the kind of poignant degradation and minimization of the demonstrators from the ‘political’ right?
Is there someone reading this article who would like to try to convince me that the growing personal attacks and negativity being bandied about with respect to the demonstrators is a product of the enormous multitude of struggling people, living paycheck to paycheck in the United States? Or from elderly people, maybe, living on fixed income? Perhaps, it’s the millions upon millions of unemployed or under-employed folks, who are randomly amplifying this unsavory public debasement of perfectly genuine people?
continued here :
It astounds me how it's mostly the mega-rich, multi-millionaires who speaking out the most vehemently against Occupy Wall Street. The nobility, the aristocrats, the elites are truly looking down through their noses at what they see as the "peasants".
"Sire, Sire", cried the Captain of the Guard. "The peasants are revolting! The peasants are revolting!".
"Yes, they certainly are," replied the oppulent King as he snorted another pinch of snuff from his gem studded golden snuff box.
:) Let us not forget what 'the barbarians' did to Rome. It takes a while, but what goes around, comes around..