Forum Post: Is the war on terror a hoax?
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 25, 2011, 8:30 p.m. EST by EXPOSED
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Here is a gem of an article by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts (former Treasury Assistant Secretary under Reagan).
Even if you wholeheartedly believe that "rag heads" are out to kill us simply because they hate our "freedoms", I invite you to read this article with no bias and to think rationally about the points Dr. Roberts raises.
**EDIT: Official reason why we have the war on terror:
Homeland Security Department did not exist before the war on terror, and is now the largest department with extraordinary powers (Patriot Act). HSD is not made to protect us, rather to imprison us. But first they need a national disaster (economic collapse).
“Anyone who trades liberty for security deserves neither liberty nor security”. Ben Franklin
All they need this and off the the happy FEMA camp you go!
Agree Joey,
The Bushes, the Clintons, Obama and many other neo-artistocrats have America's future all planned out. Global communism, under the guise of the global government, is their goal.
United Nations Millennium Declaration:
"22. We reaffirm our support for the principles of sustainable development, including those set out in Agenda 21, agreed upon at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development."
UN Agenda 21:
Secret Session in Congress about FEMA/ Kucinich speaks out:
FEMA Website : Mass migration into sustainable living areas after a disaster.
Martial law will suspend the protections of the Constitution. Remember Katrina, FEMA disarmed all citizen.
The implementation of the Patriot Act and the repeal of Posse Commitatus have already destroyed any rights you had from the Constitution. Most people just don't realize that yet. You have no rights.
Very good and valid point. It will evolve like he war on drugs managed. The war on drugs is all about money and nothing about drugs. Nothing.
I highly suspect HSD claims to protect our freedom when actually taking it away.
Kinda like the sheep telling the other sheep that he suspects the sheep dog is working with the man, while the other sheep ridicule him for having conspiracy theories.
We have to look closely to catch the slide of hand!!!
Knowledge IS Power!!!
I agree.
You kiddin? Never before had I ever heard an American refer to the U.S. as "das Homeland"....
Of course its a hoax - 14 US citizens (non-military) have died from terrorism since 9/11. 50,000 people in the US die from car accidents each year because of lack of public transport - that's half a million people since 9/11.
Why all this war on terror for 14 people? And the car companies, with their bail out money, can't save lives through public transport? because they will lose their auto sales revenue, and oil sales revenue?
Of course it's a hoax. It's just a way to brainwash US Citizens they need to be watched, which is illegal in the USA
Obama supported terrorism in Libya. The rebels have ties to Al Qaeda.
In 1979 the CIA heavily funded and armed the Afghan Mujahideen and the Afghan Arabs to fight of Russia and to overthrow the democratic republic of Afghanistan. The most well known member of this group was Osama bin Laden. Afterward Osama turned the group into Al Qaeda.
This is an article explaining who Abdel Hakim Belhaj, the Libyan rebel leader, really is. He is a known "Al Qaida" (that term is a code name for western intelligence patsies in the middle east) asset along with his lieutenants yet NATO backed him:
if you have the down low on America's nefarious dealings, why are you not a political prisoner hog tied and gagged, while sitting in a corner of a small, dark, dank cell? That is what real Nazis do. the internet is free dissemination of ideas, lies and entertainment. it become imperative for the user to use his own best logic when discerning fact from fiction. my faculty wont let me believe what i want to believe just because some one on the internet says what i wish were true. the truth, until it changes, is what most people believe. I know that may sound simplistic, but it has served me well. Now, i like your ideas for materiel as a novel, maybe you should write one.
"if you have the down low on America's nefarious dealings, why are you not a political prisoner hog tied and gagged, while sitting in a corner of a small, dark, dank cell?"
Don't worry, they're working on that with the new Senate bill... And I don't have anything on Al qaida other than what I read from all kinds of sources, including MSM and which I carefully verify.
Is this the novel you're speaking of:
you know i'm milla seconds away from writing a proposal to have the internet regulated. if people can't regulate their own intake of information, maybe big Brother should. giving me a you tube link is like directing me to Cartoon network to become better informed. thanks but no thanks
only thing you have to fear is...
do you hear yourself: they are trying to pass legislation that will allow them to hog tie you. that tells me the republic still works? why else would they be going threw political channels.
"if people can't regulate their own intake of information"
I do regulate it, hence " I don't have anything on Al qaida other than what I read from all kinds of sources, including MSM and which I carefully verify."
By "regulate their own intake of information" do you mean "accepting everything the government and the MSM says as gospel and not bother verifying it for credibility"? Because that is what you're doing, I scrutinize news very carefully, specially when it's something so sensitive, so should you.
"why else would they be going threw political channels"
Because that is the safest way to effectively kill the republic without causing massive revolts. Make no mistake, the republic is moribond...
i'm taking all the talking points in stride, while ensuring i don't demonize my fellow Americans. If my fellow Americans happen to be raging lunatics, which from my protest endeavours and shopping expenditures leaves me believing they are not, then why would I want to get sucked into any crusades. i guess i''ll be one of those simpletons who are the last to act. Call it selfish, call it whatever. i believe spin factories don't lie they just don't investigate. that is a problem with our media, but that is more of a problem with blind self interests then with out right lies. The media does not lie, it spins. there is a subtle difference. If they lied 24 seven then they would loose their viewership. instead they cater to a perspective and work on a niche.
Yes they're master spin doctors but they also consciously lie by omitting things. Sometimes, they just outright fabricate things while they feed you partial truths, it confuses the mind and after a while you just either believe everything they say or you become sriously skeptical, I'm in the latter.
"i guess i''ll be one of those simpletons who are the last to act. Call it selfish, call it whatever."
We're all like that and that is what I am trying to change...
How is Obama not getting impeached? Why isn't anyone getting tried for treason? Supporting Al-Qaeda is treason.
The main stream media is owned by six corporations.
I thought it was only 4
The big six
Its sickening isn't it? Its because they thought ahead and aligned the laws so they can't be held accountable in a court of law. It may come down to the law of the people.
It's crazy how many parallels our past presidents hold to Hitler and the Nazi's
"The truth is Hitler didn't do everything. He was a world class tyrant, but the evil was actually done by the Third Reich, from the slave-labor camps to WW2 was all done by German citizens who were afraid to question if what they were told by their government was the truth or not, and who because they did not want to admit to themselves that they were afraid to question the government, refused to see the truth behind the Reichstag Fire, refused to see the invasion by Poland was a staged fake, and followed Hitler into national disaster."
"When Hitler requested temporary extraordinary powers, powers specifically banned under German law, but powers Hitler claimed he needed to have to deal with the "terrorists", the German people, having already sold their souls to their self-delusions, agreed."
holy shit.... sounds familiar. Then hundreds of thousands of muslims and arabs were slaughtered throughout different countries. Gotta bomb that water supply. Oops we thought there were bombs being made in that food supply factory. Oops we thought there were bombs in that residential area. Oops UN sanctions killed 500,000 Iraqi children in the 90's. Oops over 150,000 innocent Iraqi citizens have died since the Iraq war. Well oops that's only 15,000 a year. Oops we thought the Libyan rebels were good. Oops we didn't know they were actually terrorists, even though we did. Oops.... most people didn't know because most people didn't care. Complacency kills.
Our government is filled with treasonous tyrants. Most of whom support racial profiling and a police state, and the murder of innocent people because WAR. George W Obama are guilty of war crimes and crimes against humanity.
Obama's goal... do enough for people to think he's on their side while continuing the wars and starting new ones. The problem is Afghanistan. Even though the USA created the problem with the CIA in 1979.
Yes, our current crisis bears a chilling resemblance to that time. This time though, they have much more disgusting weapons to use against us. I'm noticing a kind of shift in OWS in that people are talking more about what you outline in your post, which wasn't the case just a few weeks ago. Still, not enough people know, so keep posting this post until we can get through people's "Normalcy Bias" which is a term used to describe the unwitting citizens of wars, and I fear what is happening to our citizens here in North America, if not the entire globe. People just can't wrap their head around the fact that the world is about to up in flames, so they put the blinders on and go about their daily lives. Its amazing how the ruling elite who have engineered this can count on that psychological response from billions of people. Because it works. Yes, there is much evidence that the Nazi's have never stopped ruling. They just shifted and dispersed their power. This is still about Germans and Jews and the political playing field is purposely littered with them. I wish we could penetrate the "Normalcy Bias", because the people need to realize that, in numbers, we have much more power than the rulers do. All we can do is keep spreading your message, and ITS WORKING!
if that is the case, then the next time a terrorist attacks, don't be a sheeple and walk yourself into the meat grinder. wars are only waged with willing souls.
I have never at any point in time supported the war in Iraq. I was in high school when it started and I was 3 when the gulf started.
i know the commit is directed to you, but I made it to give the people who stumble across this conversation something to think about. I was twenty-one when the towers fell, but I knew enough of my history to not be sucked into rallyin' 'round the flag. i don't support violence either. and i'm glad that i'm not the only one. cheers!
Hitler was a sadistic fuck but it was the citizens of Germany that were committing all the crimes on his behalf.
reductio ad hitlerum
Good for you. I'm sorry that my comparing the death of over a million people due to US wars and UN sanctions over the past 25 years isn't comparable to Hitler in your opinion.
You don't have to be sorry, you just have to learn about logical fallacies so you don't do it again. Read up on reductio ad hitlerum. Next time, use better arguments.
An extermination of a religious group and race is comparable to what Hitler did. The GOP constantly tells people that Muslims are the enemy. Especially when you factor in false facts from the Bush administration and false flag terrorism. And then for some reason Obama speaks out against it but lets it continue and actually furthers the wars and starts more.
It's very comparable. I'm not comparing Obamacare to the Nazi's like Glenn Beck. I'm comparing facts of war to facts of war.
There is no comparison to be made, and, by making it, you only confuse the situation and insult the memory of all the people who suffered in Hitler's concentration camps. NATO has not exterminated a religious group the way Hitler did. Not even close.
The article does not talk about what industry has to gain from the wars, other than the immediate protectionist profits from anti terror products. The mountains of afghanistan were discovered to contain the largest remaining mineral resources on the planet that are not covered by glaciers. Having a western friendly puppet leader is essential to getting access to those resources. Our government has supported neo colonialism that benefits the 1% under the guise of promoting democracy and freedom, and improving quality of life for many decades along with most other western nations and supported through the IMF. Controlling us is necessary to them accomplishing this: we need to fight the wars and fund them so they dont have to.
While there is no smoking gun here I wouldn't rule out the possibility. Our government has been and is currently involved in manipulating insurrection. With all of the global meddling I find it hard to believe that their eyes have only fixed upon outside intent.
Whether there has been a real terror threat or not seems to have been transcended by the inimical results (as the article divulges):
"Perhaps the highest cost of Washington’s “war on terror” has been paid by the US Constitution and civil liberties. Any US citizen that Washington accuses is deprived of all legal and constitutional rights. The Bush-Cheney-Obama regimes have overturned humanity’s greatest achievement—the accountability of government to law."
We can't change the past, but we can be wary of the propaganda and work to restore our liberty.
The youtube video is funny in a sick way.
This is a more detailed look at the "cover up” conspiracy
Lollll, what do you think?
Its an indefinite war on a concept!!!!!!!!!
The war on terror has always existed. Heck, look at all the american terrorists who rob, steal, rape and murder in this country. We can't even trust our own judicial system to effectively prosecute child molesters and we're going to trust Homeland Security ( the folks that consume more dunkin donuts than any other group) to protect us? HLS was part of a ruse and created to not only imprison us and control and manipulate our behavior but it was created to benefit friends of the 1% with excessive income AND mostly to work the ground in the event of a most inevitable revolution or civil war. They are not stupid...they knew this day would come. Remember when Bush encouraged folks to buy Hummers? Who i the heck needs a Hummer? The country is full of them now. Additionally, he also encouraged every day folks like you and I (and those who bought Hummers) to train for HLS.
aMAZing article. Could the elephant in the room be any bigger? I feel like the world is now some absurd surreal nightmarish place, on one hand at least..
We all know. We all see. The scary thing is that as good and informative as the article was, none of it surprised me.
"Nothing seems that weird anymore" (for any Lo-fidelity Allstars fans out there that may get the reference)
Occupy forever.
yes it is a complete hoax, but it is very profitable for a few
Red State - see it, it will add some fuel to this fire!
yes, the war on terror is a hoax.
Yes it is.
If individuals were rooted in knowledge, mind and spirit, they could not be controlled. The more awake the masses, the more draconian the ruling class becomes, in a last ditch effort to keep control.
Check out Adam Curtis' "The Power of Nightmares":
Good post. Good link.
I love how the US media, Israel, AIPAC, the ADL and other groups have presented arabs as the big bad boogie man....
yes, like most wars . . .
"If my sons did not want wars, there would be none." ~ Gutle Schnaper, Mayer Amschel Rothschilds wife
The people must be helped to think naturally about money. They must be told what it is, and what makes it money, and what are the possible tricks of the present system which put nations and peoples under control of the few.
Henry Ford, My Life and Work, Doubleday, Page & Company, 1922
I disagree.
Terrorism is a real threat. And, judging by the comments made here, I can see why the Government is turning its attention internally. Most "sheeple" don't think or worry about terrorism in their day to day lives, and regardless of agenda or purpose, the Government wants to keep the tax payer happy. They are going to put some form of control on the internet, in order to stop piracy, hackers, prostitution trades, conspiracies, terror, flash robs, etc etc.
That's what is going to happen. The open and free internet is outliving it's usefulness.
If they really cared about terrorists, then why don't they stop cramming their economical, political, and social norms down the throats of people who are not Americans. or "what goes round comes a round" is not a adage that applies to gov't?
The attack in Norway had nothing to do with exporting culturing, and was actually a result of importing culture and tolerance. Even the Sniper in Washington, or the Anthrax letters, are both examples of domestic terror.
There are two major reasons for the wars. The first is that the U.S. needs to flex it's muscle after a humiliating and devastating attack. I'm not talking about Iraq or Afghanistan, I mean as a show to China, Russia, France, Germany and the United Kingdom that America is capable of fighting. You have to see that Iraq and Afghanistan have had very violent recent histories. They are not as easily put off by violence and war like domestic Americans are. If you live in that type of environment, it's to be expected.
The second reason is a distraction. By making themselves a target, they drew away attention domestic targets. They basically brought all the major Al Qaeda leaders into one area and fought it out. Had they done nothing, Al Qaeda would have sent agents into the US and planned out more attacks, most likely on military targets this time.
Countries like Iran, Egypt and Libya don't have a chance against NATO in a full out war. Egypt couldn't invade US soil, and they certainly wouldn't be able to invade Italy. The internationally community, and the citizens, are just getting sick of the same-old dictator running the country like it's the 1960's.
" 'It is the policy of the United States to seek and support the growth of democratic movements and institutions in every nation and culture, with the ultimate goal of ending tyranny in our world,' Bush said in his inaugural address after his swearing-in ceremony."
You could argue that the revolutions in the Middle East are a result of Iraq's example. The population knew they could over throw the dictator and that NATO would support them. And back to point #1, China's corrupt dictatorship, and Russians corrupt Poutin-style semi-dictatorship both don't want US influence growing in the region, hence the foot down on Syria. But the US might make a move anyway, simply because 100's of people are getting shot by the military every day.
i guess it is the words corrupt, evil, greedy and millions of the other perceptual words we use that makes me cringe. who says Chine, Russia and Syria are corrupt? and if they are so corrupt why are two of the three part of the G20+. it seems to me corruption and tyranny are loaded words that don't describe nothing. yeah, i know that the oligarch and the princlings run those two nations, but who are we to call them corrupt?
It's human nature, my friend. We act that way sometimes, it's inevitable. OWS is a perfect example. It ended up with many of the same social conflicts that America has. There was questions about the money, questions about drug usage, questions about violence....
The only way the politicians in Western Nations can get ahead is by putting the priority of their country above the others. Sometimes that hurts the minority of the nation, sometimes that hurts another nation. I would define "Corrupt" as a national that steals money or power from it's own culture. I think rewriting laws, or breaking your own laws to maintain power is corruption. Any Syrian that shots another should be arrested and charged for murder, but the military is corrupt. In America, if someone is killed during the protesting, there will be charges laid, or at least a public inquiry.
"Oakland's independent police review body will examine the clashes between riot officers and protesters that left an Iraq war veteran in a critical condition as Occupy protestors prepare to rally at the same spot for a third night of protests."
The Chinese are most likely less interested in democracy and more interested in a Government that performs. In the United States, the public enjoys watching the debate, but the foreign policy becomes a mess because of the constant changing. Imagine trying to negotiate the price of a car, but every time you go to the dealership, there's a different sales rep and the notes left behind from the last guy. I can imagine the inefficiency this would cause.
Politics is dirty busy. It's not a pleasant job.
that's why my only aspirations were to report on the sausage production, and not participate in its manufacturing, but after college, i just become sickened with it all. it seems that the media does more to make the sausage than the sausage makers. i just have not bought the idea that only way you change it is from with in. my constant questioning my motives, leaves me to believe that participating in the system changes the participant. but what in life doesn't change me?
You have no choice. One generation will end, and the next will fill its shoes. It's inevitable. There's just so many boomers that we aren't picking up the slack, the old bastards refuse to retire lol
Things will change, maybe for the better, maybe for the worse. But it's very difficult to be born as Prince William and be convinced to step down because "monarchy is bad" yet you have never done anything wrong.
you put that well. well i guess only thing for me to do is "keep on thinking on." it was a pleasure speaking with you.
Complete invention. We can go to a peak at the 2000 presidentual election with pnac and nwo from there on out as supportive, treasonous fraud at the very least.
The other side is this. Where even if we wanted to agree there would be 50:1 infiltrators disrupting cognition.
There are more documented cases than just a presidentual consultant advising such, "cognitive infiltration".
YES YES YES !!!! of course it is / was ... TO BE ABLE TO DO THIS !!!!
look what the politicians in Washington are proposing ! ha ha ha I guess nothing should surprise us these days?..... How much more proof do people need to understand the significance of what is going on?
Senators Demand the Military Lock Up American Citizens in a “Battlefield” They Define as Being Right Outside Your Window
" The Senate is going to vote on whether Congress will give this president—and every future president — the power to order the military to pick up and imprison without charge or trial civilians anywhere in the world "
I personally did the back stage lighting and makeup. Looked real didnt it, but so did the moon landing. If only I could get an oscar.
Na, it never even looked real.
You didn't read the article did ya?
One will either be a statist, who is devoted to the supremacy of the State, or be a freedomist, who is devoted to the spirit and principles of liberty. A line in the sand is being drawn and many are lining up on the wrong side of that line and made themselves the enemies of truth and freedom. A robust and righteous remnant from among those who love liberty is rising and are willing to guard and defend it, patriots must watch their backs, because the enemy is not at the gates, it is within them...
you realize that liberty lies in one's head, and to force your idea of liberty on others is tyranny. The state has always existed and to believe you can dissolve the state in one mighty blow is Hubris. the same hubris that the state has been using on us. To draw a line in the sand is to do exactly what our politicians have been doing for centuries. that rhetoric is great if you want to start a civil war, but if you want to have a shared vision of liberty, consensus building is the only way. stop allowing your passions to drive you blindly off the cliff.
The enemy within the gates looks like a friend, dresses like a friend; talks like a friend and acts like a friend. But is still the enemy! Enemies are those who would rather protect illegitimate government, than protect freedom; they would rather please the powers that be than please the Power that is. Promote their own success and prosperity than the success and prosperity of their country.
Do you scary fucks have a script? Seriously, what website best reflects your extremist views? I'd like to know.
lol, good question.
yes it is
It is so unlikely that it does not merit speculation.
The reason I say this is because of the difference between international response between our incursion into Iraq and Afghanistan.
The international community was not happy about our involvement in Iraq - except for the British of course. One noted British statesman commented to the effect that Iraq had become a black hole for terrorists.
His term, not mine.
With our incursion into Afghanistan the international reaction was much different, and here we can see - not direct evidence, but indications, that the entire western world sensed a need for some reaction.
Is such a supposition reasonable?
I think it is.
I think the most useful tool in the world is the one that does what you want done because they want to do it.
Is there reason to believe that there are factions in the Muslim/Arab community that wish harm to the west?
Yes, both in the historical context and in the modern day era, where it is seen the Israeli/Palestinian issue is a matter of significant friction.
This issue is, in my opinion, one that will divide the Occupy Movement, and subvert our efforts to reach average Americans.
I cannot say with certainty that you mean harm to the movement, but I do believe it is so.
And finally, why would anyone believe the opinion of someone from the party of No, the party of No Global Warming.
That's just silly.
I agree. IF, in fact this movement is not phoney and wants real change, 9/11 has to be investigated by an real INDEPENDENT, TRANSPARENT and WELL FUNDED commission: some of the commissioner's of the 9/11 commission farce were the same that tried covering up the Iran/Contra affair!
9/11 is the big one that could change everything.
Not if it is held up as an excuse for a witch hunt.
The Afghanistan incursion was also bullshit. As with Iraq, our incursion into Afghanistan was about an oil pipeline. Zibignew Brezinski wrote a book about it in the eighties. Check it out.
BTW international response says absolutely nothing wether the whole thing is a sham or not. Hell, I was horrified about 9/11 and approved invading Afghanistan TO GET OBL!
It has nothing, ZERO, to do with the question at hand...
Your conclusion: "He was a republican, therefore a liar!" LMAO
And YOU say that I want to divide, irony of ironies...
You didn't read the article did ya?
No, I didn't. One of my former co-workers had a relative on one of the planes. What you are proposing will not sell to the general public. Not today. Maybe in time.
Appealing to emotions or to false patriotism is PRECISELY the mechanism by which they can control things.
It's only one of many.
Welcome to the battleground of the 21st century. It is time to Occupy your Mind. If you don't, someone else will.
His mind is already occupied to the max with conspiracy theories. This guy is sick. He has a mental disease. The unstoppable urge to create God of the gap arguments left and right.
I have a theory, and that is that conspiracies do exist. It's just a theory, but as soon as I find someone else who agrees with me we'll make a conspiracy out of it . . .
You're right. What the corporate media says happened on 9/11 is pure conspiracy theory fairy tale I agree, they didn't even bother proving the narrative.
But what do you think really happened?
I have no reason not to believe the official story.
Oh but I thought you said it was a conspiracy theory...
The official story? When did I say this?
"conspiracy theory alert"
Are trying to say your story is somehow official?
Official? A conspiracy theory is something that hasn't been proven, official or not...
I agree. That's why I'm calling your theory a conspiracy theory. Again, I have no reason not to believe the official version unless you can come up with something more substantial than a teenager like conspiracy theory.
"teenager like conspiracy theory"
Haha, says the idiot that believes that 19 arabs armed with box cutters, outsmarted the most powerfull multi billion dollar security system in the world and outwitted all the intelligence services. Not only that, the crashed planes brought down the towers at free fall speed because of the burning jet fuel which is physically impossible... On top of that, it so happened that NORAD was running the exact same scenario as an excercise and that is the reason why they couldn't respond adequately even though dicj cheney personally gave the "stand down" order but that testimony was "accidentally" omitted in the official 9/11 Report farce. No mention of the explosions heard in the lobby withnessed by dozens of people, no mention what so ever about that. First and last time that no black boxes have been recovered, first and last time that skyscrappers were demolished due to fires... did I mention the 2.3 trillions that Rumsfeld had announced as "missing" the day beforee in the Pentagon budget. The records of the Pentagon's budget $ were EXACTLY in the area of the Pentagon where the planes crashed and the back up files were in building 7... Too bad it fell too even though nothing hit it LMAO. Nothing is mentioned about that in the 9/11 farce.
All that while the head of the 9/11 comission farce, Lee Hamilton, is the same guy that covered up the Iran/Contra scandal. They wanted Kissinger to head the commission at first (LMAO) but it would be to obvious I guess.
You sure like your conspiracies!
"Haha, says the idiot that believes that 19 arabs armed with box cutters, outsmarted the most powerfull multi billion dollar security system in the world and outwitted all the intelligence services."
Sounds about right. What's your version? An evil alien-masterminded satanic cult of global Elitists, including 10 generations previous of Popes, Presidents, Bankers and Oil Tycoons masterminded an even bigger plot to make it look like planes were hijacked, while bombs went off and missiles fired from unknown locations that NORAD stations in Canada couldn't detect?
And they did this whole plot for oil, even though the Saudi King was in on it too and they could basically get unlimited oil? Or maybe the Federal Reserve wanted more money, because controlling and printing a fiat currency somehow wasn't satisfying enough.
Told you already, I don't have a version. And it doesn't matter, apologists built that strawman ". Oh you don't have a version". IT DOESN'T MATTER IN THE SLIGHTEST having a version is actually speculating since we don't have access to the evidence. What matters is that it has been proven ad infinitum, that the official version is scientifically and circumstantially impossible. The gaping holes, contradictions and impossibilities are too many for smart people who look into it to concider it appropriate for such an event.
All your posts do is build strawman arguments because you know that the 9/11 farce investigation was just that, a farce.
What is your definition of a "straw man" argument? What evidence do you not have access to that you require?
Give me an example of a hole or a circumstance that is impossible.
"What evidence do you not have access to that you require?"
The same evidence that the 911 farce was denied (thousands of physical pieces of physical evidence, documents and testimonies), really simple...
cite the evidence and show it to me. Show me exactly what it proves, and show me the undeniable connection. I want a list of names that are involved, and what role they played, and documents, photographs or videos that prove beyond a reasonable doubt that they are involved.
You're just saying "straw man" to everything. You have no evidence, this is like a religion.
Mom... wait a sec. I'm stacking my servers to provide more room for my "evidence". I think I got the government all figured out. Damn, I'm like a new-age MatLock! I'm a real homeboy detective now.
Fixing your comp I see, nice pic of your basement...
i think you suffer from cognitive dissidence to the truth. you just can't fathom the idea that your political apparatus, the american military and all its caveats, could be outsmarted by a sheep herding culture. i'd believe that the administration turned a blind eye to the attack before i'd believe they planned it. just because Rumsfeld is quoted as saying we need a pearl harbor type event to frenzy the american people into war, is not enough to hang a conspiracy on. and if you do believe that our government is that diabolical, then why even participate in finding truth. Did you know that Osama is documented saying that his whole plan was to bankrupt american exceptionalism. so was that also DC's plan? 'cause who ever planned it, did a bang up job. you going to give that credit to our gov't or our once disruptive enemy.
You should hear the shit I say to my friends. That's doesn't mean I believe it all, or that I accept it as real. Sometimes I just talk shit cause I'm in a bad mood.
good to hear, but i did not know that when i posted my response. but a good shit talking ability is a plus in my book. cheers! actually, im trying to back step this tread and i think i responded to a quote, so my whole rant was out of context. bud moods make me lash out irrationally too.
I'm just sayin'... Dick Cheney, Bush, et al. They are human too. It's not surprising they make comments about war, or think about possible scenarios. It's their job, after all.
You didn't read the whole post did you?
If so, explain to me, point by point, where in the official story (the Report or otherwise) did they adress those questions?
And no It's not because of Rumsfeld's statement, it is rather because they FAILED at answering those questions and many many others...
They don't address them, because they are a none-issue. It wasn't brought up until years later, by a group of kids who wanted to make a mockumentary about 9/11 being an inside job, but changed their mind and decided to make a documentary about 9/11 being an inside job.
"They've sold more than 100,000 copies of this thing on DVD. It's been downloaded millions of times."
100,000 x 10...? That's like a million bucks! Fortunately, thanks to "Freedom of Speech", no one can charge them for slander. Yet.
"What would you like me to debunk for you?"
You can try, none of this has been debunked, it's 5 terrabytes of new declassified (which means not even the 911 farce had access to it) evidence on top of the old one...
"A. If you think people don't act for money, you are horrible mistaken. "
Funny you mentiones that LOL, the 911 farce certainly ommited the golden rule of any credible investigation to FOLLOW THE MONEY. Perhaps because it would have revealed that Atta was wired 100k from Pakistani ISI agent Ahmed Sheikh (which is also known to work in conjuction with the CIA). No matter, the 911 farce didn't even bother investigating how the "Al Qaida thugs" were funded...
I don't get it. What evidence is in there? Am I just supposed to watch these videos and make up my own conclusion?
If there were no planes, than that money trail is insignificant; no? That just proves that Al Qaeda used the money to fund terrorism, which proves that it was a terrorist attack.
Another strawman. Now you built the fact that people are trying to make sense of it as if it is for the money. Next time someone tries to investigate it you'll say "oh see how much money their making". BS argument that doesn't adress the problem.
A. If you think people don't act for money, you are horrible mistaken. B. There's nothing to investigate. It has already been debunked.
What would you like me to debunk for you?
You realize half of what you claim is not evidence of anything, and the other half is just false. Perhaps you've been reading too many conspiracy theory websites. Be careful, that hurts logic. Don't waste your brain on nonsense.
I never said I have evidence, none of what I wrote is evidence. What I wrote is that they failed (commission) to provide explanations. And check, point by point, what I wrote and you won't find any official explanation for any of it, nor will you find that those claims are false.
Even the head commissioner said :that the commission "was setup to fail"
Public admission that they didn't prove shit...
That doesn't mean it was a hoax. A bad investigation and a hoax are two different things. If you want to claim a hoax you need evidence for that.
Wars were started based on that bad investigation, the Patriot act was set in place thanks to that bad investigation. The evidence that suggests it is likely a hoax is that there has been no attempt by the government to clear out those question which are very appropriate to ask given the magnitude of the event.
Also read the article, because I know you probably didn't...