Forum Post: Is The Occupation racist?
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 11, 2011, 7:44 a.m. EST by thoreau42
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I went past a GA at Occupy my city on Sunday and a girl (white, early 20's) was speaking, saying she would be choosing who would get to talk based on societal context, historical context, and current context. Then she used the example, which I quote "For example, if you're a white, able-bodied man, your voice has been heard the most throughout history, therefore, tonight, if you are a white, able-bodied man, you will be called on last."
Striving for equality by promoting inequality? Is this typical?
Being a student of racial politics and education, I understand what both sides are saying; each have validity in their comments. With that said, this young lady's comment is very misplaced. True, the dominant narrative of US history is from the white male perspective; true, black AND indigenous peoples have been disproportionately marginalized throughout history. In major events through explicit acts, but over time just because that is how things have played out - mainly through the capitalistic system. But can we honestly say, at this point, we have the luxury of pointing fingers? I say no and stand with my brothers and sisters of every culture and ethnicity in solidarity to fight the common problem the afflicts us all. Yes, beyond the 99%, the full 100% because within due time, what the 1% continues to perpetuate through opportunity hoarding and commodification will eat them up too. Capitalism alone is not a sustainable system, human nature is no longer sustainable. Through our systems of living we have desecrated our earth, minimized the existence of people, tribes, and natural habitats. We have monopolized and commodified every life sustaining resource, mainly potable water. So, realize when we bicker about some small comment someone said out of the same frustration that fills us all, that we are losing focus. Keep your mind, heart, and eye on the prize - a better system of living for all!
She may be a plant put in to cause dissent. There have been stories of "violent protesters" being planted by governments within protest mobs to make them look violent so that they could justify "acting defensively" against them.
If she wasn't a plant then she's just another "media liberal".
However I suspect she is.
Frankly, a twenty something lefty, crying about the evil White man, is like sand on beach This movement is attracting men and women of all races, mix races, various religions and all sorts of backgrounds. There will be wannabe 1960's throwbacks, but most people, including myself, aren't interested in seeing employment be a White or Black issue. I am negatively impacted by Americans being unemployed, not just negatively impacted by my own unemployment.
It is a fact that Blacks have been disproportionately left in poverty, as a percentage of the Black identifying population and it is a fact that the majority of poor people, in the US are White. Whether you are Black and marginalized or White and marginalized, you are marginalized and that twenty something is a f-ing idiot. She believes that people should be rewarded or punished based on sociological definitions of race and arbitrary physical characteristics, gender and/or sex, etc. She ought to talk to a guy like Stewart Hall and get her essentialist ass in order. Still, don’t let the loonies ruin the opportunity to work together, with Americans of all backgrounds to ensure that all Americans have equal access to career opportunities.
I agree. I thought being marginalized was the issue, not the color of anyone's skin.
Frankly, a twenty something lefty, crying about the evil White man, is like sand on beach This movement is attracting men and women of all races, mix races, various religions and all sorts of backgrounds. There will be wannabe 1960's throwbacks, but most people, including myself, aren't interested in seeing employment be a White or Black issue. I am negatively impacted by Americans being unemployed, not just negatively impacted by my own unemployment.
It is a fact that Blacks have been disproportionately left in poverty, as a percentage of the Black identifying population and it is a fact that the majority of poor people, in the US are White. Whether you are Black and marginalized or White and marginalized, you are marginalized and that twenty something is a f-ing idiot. She believes that people should be rewarded or punished based on sociological definitions of race and arbitrary physical characteristics, gender and/or sex, etc. She ought to talk to a guy like Stewart Hall and get her essentialist ass in order. Still, don’t let the loonies ruin the opportunity to work together, with Americans of all backgrounds to ensure that all Americans have equal access to career opportunities.