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Forum Post: Is Sununu Saying Genocide is also the American Way?

Posted 12 years ago on July 17, 2012, 6:10 p.m. EST by matoinyanawacis (157)
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Hey, if businesses "kill" jobs here and send them overseas and that is just the American way of free enterprise, then I can't really see any difference between the atrocities of the past (which everyone supposedly says was not only a crime but was akin to genocide) and the business practices of today. The end results tend to be the same. In the past however it was the Government coupled with business"men" who sought to make certain "Native" Americans go extinct by limiting their ability to sustain themselves and their families. I presently cannot see any difference in the business practices today. Except that in the last half century or so, Government has altered its involvement with such practices and started creating rules to curtail such depraved corrupt practices.... Oh, and guess who wants to roll back those restrictions on just how depraved and corrupt a business can be...Good Guess, Repugnacans(trademarked). Wake Up America.. Your raping is at hand if you vote the rapists into office... P.S. that means repugnacans who represent big oil and the 1%'s interests of corrupt business practices. Hey and they won't even use KY to lessen the pain, so enjoy if that is your wont. I personally enjoy working "for a decent standard of living", not working "to keep on living". There is no excuse for the 1%'s standard of greed except to enslave the poor to their will, like holding a cracker in front of a starving man, and telling him he can only have it after the poor man licks the rich man's boots. Fear of financial security is how they break a man to their will, thus gain power over him by threatening his job security. Any one who has ever "TRULY" read the Constitution of the United States would KNOW that that is what the government was created to do, to protect us from this type of corrupt terrorism. I.E. "Insure Domestic Tranquility" "Promote the General Welfare". Both of these were designed specifically to call out economic injustice which leads to civil unrest. That the repugnacans and the 1% have been working hard these last few decades to insure our children become as stupid as possible and more importantly, know little to nothing about our nations history and the protections that are supposed to be guaranteed by the Constitution, goes to show their dedication to usurping the power of our democracy purely and solely for there financial and political gain. Most people are too blind to see just how much damage people like the K O C H bros. have done to our educational system and "WHY". People too stupid to KNOW their constitutional rights, tend to fail to invoke them when they are being trampled on. Back in the Feudal Societies of the Middle ages, the rich aristocracies knew the best way to control someone was to keep them ignorant of the truth that they could make a better life somewhere else, and one of the ways they did that was to maintain illiteracy among the serfs. That is what the 1% wants to do here. Wake up and see the truth America, you don't have much time left.



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[-] 1 points by ComeTogetherNOW (650) 12 years ago

"Back in the Feudal Societies of the Middle ages, the rich aristocracies knew the best way to control someone was to keep them ignorant of the truth that they could make a better life somewhere else, and one of the ways they did that was to maintain illiteracy among the serfs."

Exactly right, this is exactly how it's done. Strangely enough, for those ignorant enough, which are plentiful, they wouldn't know.

Ignorance is NOT Bliss. Not only does it fly in the face of OUR true purpose here, it will slowly destroy any meaningful that could come from this life.

We must the truth which finds it's best support in the evidence for it.

Mato, you are inspired and that's good to see. Never stop believing that what we do, what we do here, and everywhere we go and do what we're doing, it all matters, and it matters BIG time or none of us would be here, period. For the intelligence side of this effort, we need to focus our attention carefully, and pick the right battles so our effort is always maximized.

Good Luck my friend. We are with you.

Come Together NOW