Forum Post: Is protesting simply a barbaric form of lobbying ?
Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 30, 2012, 7:46 a.m. EST by FriendlyObserverB
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they serve a similiar purpose ..
No, lobbying is a barbaric form of thievery.
Actually I thought it was an incredibly reformed way of getting what you want.
What method would you prefer to approach your congress ?
by hanging around their front door shouting .. or having an apt. and meeting with them inside. either way you're both trying to influence the government.
a mob tactic hurts many innocent people .. just look at all the protestors that have been arrested or peppe sprayed .. for what ? because the organizers want this type of protest and will not accept anything civilized .. with out concern for their own supporters.
clean up your act .. lobby congress with style. form a membership collect fees .. do it right.
people are lobbying congress because congress isn't listening
have you ever been to a town hall meeting .. where your member of congress invites open discussion and concerns .. the only people that show up are the local business .. so of course congress addresses their concerns .. if you want your concerns addressed , go to the meetings .. don't stand outside and protest .. c'mon we are much more civilized than that.
but I am familiar Roberts rules
and seen public speech censured at meetings
I also know that the assembly often make decision at latter metings without the public
What is a membership collect fees?
to form a lobby group with good concerns and approach will have costs that can be provided for through membership fees ..
I'd have to think about that. Lobbying is lobbying. Yuck.
well currently no one is lobbying in the interest of the poor working class .. that would be a great position for ows to step up to. and many would become members
Do you support unions?
Maybe. It could be part of a bigger plan to overhaul the sick system that is in place now.
Well , I realize it's asking to much from OWS. I was trying to be nice. But in reality OWS has served their usefulness.
I don't know, FriendlyObserverB, I kind of like the protesters. I think they are having an impact.
Occupy Wall Street!!!
A negative impact. Their original plan was a two month demonstration. They have veered from their course. Very unprofessional. And now , taking over abandoned buildings. Yikes !
Unprofessional. How do you protest professionally? Please enlighten me. And, don't give me that lobbying stuff.
Beautifulworld, the actions of the protestors have gone beyond peaceful assembly. They are becoming belligerent. The two month limit had a psychological purpose. They are no longer thinking clearly; And refuse advice.
The small groups that have committed violent acts do not represent OWS as a whole. And, I believe this is being addressed. Did you see the article in the NY Times this morning. It's about the D.C. occupiers but has a few paragraphs that address what happened in Oakland:
What we need to do as a society is figure out why this happened in Oakland. I found some statistics that say that Oakland's unemployment rate is around 16%. There is something at the root of it and it should and can be stopped.
Beautifulworld, I respect your thoughts. The root of the problem is unfairness and inequality. Thanks for reminding me.
No problem. We need to keep thinking and figuring this all out. It is not black and white, never will be.
Lobbying is a gentrified form of bribery.
A form, we can't compete with.
Get the money out!
Protesting is the way average/decent people lobby ("legal" lobbying is the way narcissistic gangsters lobby).
NO ......... Not even close!!
The right to assemble to present your displeasure with government to encourage change is in the Constitution. How is that barbaric? Today's K-Street lobbying is a perverse form of bribery and influence pedaling which requires elaborate distortions of law to escape being criminal.
Is it a good thing for democracy to be for sale to the highest bidder?
Why doesn't law enforcement cordon off lobbyists with fully weaponized officers and douse them with pepper spray and jab them with night sticks for trying to corrupt our government and usurp the authority and priority of the American People?? Give the officers a mission and enemy they can actually believe in and feel good about.
Unite and Win! Unite and Win! 2010 Never EVER Again!!
hanging around a campfire beating on drums ... is primitive.
clean up your act. put on a clean suit.. attend congressional meetings. Approach congress with your concerns . encourage change throughcivilized methods.
Occupy camping got national attention! What else has done that since 9-11?
Occupy evolution is essential. We must move on to the next step. We must capitalize on the attention.
Unite and Win! Unite and Win! 2010 Never EVER Again!!
The Tea Party not only got national attention, but also elected a slate of their members to congress, who have drastically affected legislation.
See what you can do if you sell your soul to the devil.
Those Bozos were pure AstroTurf. Completely made up, Protest Reenactments of a possibly real protest movement, bought and paid for by big money investors and rich special interests, I.E. Koch Bros. They were bused in, permits were bought, lobbyists covered the government end, and democracy was purchased to put a bunch of no nothing idiots in various positions in government: local, state and national. Everything about them was forced with MONEY!! Including the News Coverage!! Then we got the Tea Bag Downgrade!
The voters were real. Your point earlier was that nothing had gotten national attention since 9/11. Well, not only did the Tea Party get that attention, but they have effected changes in government. I'm not defending the Tea Party ( I think they are misguided). I only refute your assertion that OWS is the only political effort to get national attention. OWS could learn a lot from the Tea Party's mobilization and grassroots recruiting methods.
The whole end justifying the means is a RW idiosyncrasy that does not appeal to people with a conscience. Artificial democracy put Tea Baggers in office. The public was not awakened or seized by the Tea Bag Express, they were forced fed by a purchased News Media. Public attention and curiosity forced the media to cover the Occupy Movement which they were reluctant to do. Being real makes all the difference in the world.
you are comparing yourself with a terrorist organization ?
Don't be idiotic!
Democracy and people power IS terrorist organization to the Fascist Right!
Unite and Win! Unite and Win! 2010 Never EVER Again!!