Forum Post: Is OWS brave enough to be the new Situationist International?
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 17, 2011, 12:29 a.m. EST by aeturnus
from Robbinsville, NC
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I believe that OWS has the passion to break the chains of capitalist rule, but does it have the power? I can't answer that per se, but I suspect that a lot of the power it has produced has been diluted. It definitely acquires a kind of power that would be shared amongst its massive collective, but the intent and the use of direct action seems to be a bit narrow and less forceful. It does not take the use of violence to produce a collective show of force, but it ought to transcend barriers and into other areas of life, e.g. art, work, media. And it ought to transcend these barriers through thought-provoking force that aims to produce the desired changes.
Is OWS brave enough to be the new Situationist International?