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Forum Post: Is OWL a radical left wing front?

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 9, 2011, 11:04 a.m. EST by hotdoghenry (268)
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Only a liberal resorts to name calling. Only a liberal tells someone what they should think. Only a liberal suggests censorship.



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[-] 1 points by owstag (508) 13 years ago

I guess then you are identifying yourself as a liberal, because in your post you engage in name calling (e.g. "dirty smelly white children") and are certainly telling people what they should think.

You're clearly biased but I must say, you do raise a valid concern but you do it in such a juvenile, angry, counterproductive way that it will not be taken seriously.

I like to call myself a political empiricist; I refuse to identify with some predefined position on the ideological spectrum. I don't care whether a position is considered 'left' or 'right' or 'center', only that it is reasonable and fact based.

There certainly is the potential here for a legitimate movement with broad appeal across the political spectrum. There are many, ordinary, middle class, middle aged suburban dwelling working Americans that are simply fed up with the fact that the large financial institutions they are indebted to were themselves bailed out by the government (which means WE bailed them out) but they will not bail US out. People are frustrated at the way the price of a house has grown so much faster than salaries that most people are now essentially forced to toil all their lives to pay off a home while being told by smug, millionaire media pundits that we ought to raise the retirement age. Something's broke and needs to be fixed.

Having said that, I would agree that there are some disturbing indications that this movement is 'NINO' (non-partisan in name only) and is dominated by lunatic fringe campus leftist types (middle class college students roll playing 60s era activism egged on by their aging former SDS type profs, trustafarians, etc.). There are a lot of cranky sounding pronouncements with lofty, romantic language ("our brothers and sisters!") and provocative imagery (the clenched fist, the choice of red coloring of the word 'occupy', the term 'revolution' etc.). The discussion boards are full of naive college students making foolish statements. All of these things make the 'movement' look silly.

If they can't get the soccer moms and dads on board, if it becomes a neo-hippie leftist thing, it will have no substantive impact and ultimately be giggled out of existence. If anything good is to come of this it needs to stay focused on well defined reasonable concerns (such as I referenced above) that resonate with people across the political spectrum. If the 'movement' does the right thing it should make both the Wall Street welfare kings and the "we wish it were still 1968" hippie left nervous and bring hope to soccer moms and dads drowning in debt.

[-] 1 points by hotdoghenry (268) 13 years ago

I do not disagree with you in general. Just a few points, The price of housing has dropped dramatically and that is what is deepening the economic woes of many.

I am not biased but I do have an opinion and the subject of our economy, Wall St, foreign trade, the fed, etc is not something new to me like it is many of the people involved in OWL.

Frankly I do see an opportunity to find common ground from the extreme left and right. There are solutions to all of our issues but it is the govt that is the problem.

The people of OWL should be occupying the White House or the Capital. This movement is just fuel for the current fire. The left is taking ownership of it,(Quite a mistake), and the right is playing "See, I told you so".

The middle (soccer moms and the real 99%) don't know anything about QE I & QE II. If they did, and this so called movement had leadership and a clear message, I think you would see something truly amazing happen.

I think that a good number of those we call Tea Party people, and a large number of people that think they are liberal would come together and unite.

The reason I say this is because TP people aren't really religious nuts, although there are some, most want fiscal responsibility and personal responsibility on the part of the govt & individual Americans. While the left wants fairness, equality. They don't literally want to take $25k out of someones pocket and give to someone else.

So essentially both sides want the same thing. We all as Americans just want a fair shake. A chance to earn a living. The opportunity to invest and build wealth, Decent food, housing, medicine etc. The problem is the govt.

Always has been, probably always will.

If we get the govt out of our lives, out of our bedrooms, out of our houses of worship we will all be better off.

[-] 1 points by captaindoody (339) from Elizabethville, PA 13 years ago

Yes it is a radical left wing front. I expect gun and ammunition sales to skyrocket as coverage of their lunacy expands. I wish I owned a gunstore.

[-] 1 points by TLydon007 (1278) 13 years ago

Can we PLEASE find a way to hide comments from all these TP/Ron Paul fanatics??? I feel like their only goal is to disrupt informed dialogue.

[-] 2 points by hotdoghenry (268) 13 years ago

Exactly my point. Lets sensor the people that we don't agree with. Spoken like a true liberal.

But you want a free exchange of ideas? Really now? Only if you agree with those ideas!

Is this "Your" movement or the peoples movement? If I am in the so called 99& don;t I have a say?

That's why this whole thing is Bull Shit!

Radical Left wing trying to disguise itself as something new and different......NOT!

[-] 0 points by TLydon007 (1278) 13 years ago

Giving people the option on a message board to hide comments from specific people is not censorship. This only further proves how ignorant you people are about the constitution.

[-] 1 points by hotdoghenry (268) 13 years ago

So the Constitution is a message board now?

Omission is censorship.

And just to be clear you commented on my thread.

Your calling me ignorant? Who is you people?

You must be "over educated"

That's a term I heard on here yesterday. Didn't know there was such a thing. Actually don't think there is such a thing.

[-] 1 points by TLydon007 (1278) 13 years ago

"And just to be clear you commented on my thread." So you actually think that you OWN the freaking thread but the right of others to manage web site doesn't exist?? Keep posting all this nonsense. I don't care. It certainly doesn't make the protesters less angry.

[-] 1 points by hotdoghenry (268) 13 years ago

Hey this site is being run out of Nicaragua. I didn't say I "Owned" the thread. My god that would be outrageous and individual taking ownership of something. Or having personal responsibility.

You are a radical left wing nut with nothing but complaints and no solutions. You allow Marxist groups like FSLN to own and operate you site.

How can you be taken seriously?

[-] 1 points by boby76 (6) 13 years ago

As a math student I firmly agree with name calling, you must define something before you use/understand it. Additionally there is nothing wrong with telling people what they should think, but there are wrong ways of telling them what they should think. What do people go to school for? To be told what to think. It is up to the thinker to analyze what they have learned and hopefully tackle it from a new angle. This is why both the democrat and republican party are so wrapped up in contradictions because they tell one another what to think without thinking about it.

[-] 1 points by HD4life (6) 13 years ago

You go to school to learn HOW to think NOT WHAT to think! Your statement DEFINES the problem with this generation. Too many want to be told what to think, and tell others what to think. Its easier that way.

THINK for yourself. Become informed, and make intelligent decisions.

[-] 1 points by boby76 (6) 13 years ago

I believe you missed the point. What is a history class other than being told passed events. What is an upper level math class other than being shown proofs. In these classes you are shown what to think. That is how you learn to think. Just because your professor/teacher, does a proof one way does not mean you must do it that way. I agree a problem of every generation is they do not think critically. I see this every day as a tutor. That is what I meant by : "It is up to the thinker to analyze what they have learned and hopefully tackle it from a new angle."

[-] 1 points by MuadDib (154) 13 years ago

Rush Limbaugh must be a communist.