Forum Post: Is Occupy Spirit Here?
Posted 12 years ago on Jan. 15, 2013, 1:06 a.m. EST by peacehurricane
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
People- Are any of you out there because it is not recognizable, although I am new here. Where is talk and planning about what shall be done. Like me you may hesitate because it is obvious plenty of participants will be doing other than helping us make it happen. Well if I am the only one so be it. All this conversing about details painting the dreary picture are B.S. Sure such are the ways (for now) and that is the cause of Occupy. Yes we know how pitiful it all is. Talking about weapons, corruption and ill anythings is not what is happening. Creative progressive and healing words of kindness is what this movement is all about so if that is not what you do here MOVE OUT! Yes It Is I am WE...
Welcome to the real world peace. People are far more comfortable talking about standing up, then they will ever be actually doing it. In fact many will openly cheer against those that do sacrifice. If this pattern is not broken America will not survive. This plutocracy will cave in under the weight of its own corruption. We are still happy to let politicians act for us, but they only work for the paying customer. We can not awaken those that are willing to lay down on America.
This is breaking the pattern and do what they do those shall be left behind. We may even arrive at the place WE replace the idea of politicians with the bright future of working together.
You might be good at basketball
You might be good at track
But when it comes to Occupying
You might as well step back
Might as well step back
Say what?
You might as well step back
Can't hear you
Might as well step back
Go Occupy!
Have some spirit. Now, go find your rock.
Lol, what do u mean by rock?
It's where he crawled out from under.
Rock on!!! Lovin' you I have just begun Now let's step it up 'ere 'ere pass it on