Forum Post: Is Obama Throwing The Election To The Republicans?
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 17, 2011, 6:16 a.m. EST by GypsyKing
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He caved on taxes and social programs when he had The White House, The Senate, and the support of 70% of the US population, angering that 70%. Now he (apparently) has given his pen to McCain's defense spending bill, pissing-off his base constituency.
This does not seem like a good way to win a second term.
Makes you wonder doesn't it? When your popularity is in the toilet why would you conduct yourself in a manner blatantly against the interests of American citizens?
Yeah! Just what the heck is going on here? I've never seen a president so blatentlu\y anger his own constituency. He was popular with a lot of people a year ago. It's like he's intending to lose.
It is definitely bizarre. I'd say his path is pretty clear on issues almost all citizens can agree why not try to gain some popularity back the easy way? Have his principles become that twisted or is he that afraid to go against the other powers that be?
There are many white sheeple also who believe if they vote for a black man, that they are somehow "evolved" and "worldly".
I think he is playing chess while the Republicans are playing monopoly.
He is going to win. The color of his skin guarantees that in a country poisoned by liberalism and minorities who are racist enough that 99% of them would vote for the "minority" candidate if his policies included genocide.