Forum Post: Is Obama going for Dictatorship?
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 10, 2011, 12:57 p.m. EST by riethc
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Assassination of an "American terrorist" without proof (murder of a US citizen without trial):
Neo-con Cheney agrees with the act:
A little history:
Your fear of violence against the citizenry is justified - but please question its source. Any president, Red or Blue, would be compelled by his role to contemplate the use of force on any assembly that grows too large.
It won't be a play at dictatorship, even in case of Martial Law. Again, any president, Red or Blue, would consider Martial Law. Such a decision would be tragic for humankind, but this 'Tiananmen Square' style outcome is not connected to some conspiratorial power play on the part of this president.
I mean dictatorship in the broadest sense. In many ways, the "Super Congress" is going to dictate austerity policies for the US Federal Government. It's already coming down on us. Keep your head about you and your eyes open.
National investment bankers on Wall Street are bad enough.
There are always the internationalist bankers to think about, too.
no thanks. President Obama is as concerned with OWS as any other member of the current leadership crisis in the world today.
Keep it in your mind, even if you don't agree.
HELLO Odumbass is just a puppet in the strings of international bankers. the guy dosent even know if he is a christian with a muslim name or a muslim with a christian name ( barry soerto) or whetever. My point is KEEP YOUR EYE ON THE REAL ENEMY,,, International bankers...
Just putting this out there. Keep it in your mind.