Forum Post: Is Obama doing a good job?
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 23, 2011, 10:43 p.m. EST by foxrepublican
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No president in our lifetime has had to deal with so many issues at one time. On the day he took office he had a collapsing financial and housing market, a global recession, unemployment out of control, a huge debt, 2 wars, health care cost out of control, a worldwide recession, and illegal immigrant problem, and perhaps the most bipartisan political congress since the late eighteen hundreds. Not even Lincoln had it so bad. So I ask myself, of what is wrong right now, did he start.
You can complain what he hasn’t turned things around fast enough but you certainly can’t say he was responsible for any of it. I know that he is finally winning the war on terrorism, not that Foxrepublicans would give him any credit. I approve of the drone program and I like the fact that we are getting the terrorist who actually had something to do with Al Qaeda no matter where they without boots on the ground. I like that were finally getting out of Iraq, a stupid war from the beginning. I like the fact that there is a timeline for getting out of Afghan as being policemen for the world is one thing, but building a country from scratch is not something we can afford. I like that gas prices are going down because he open up the reserves (ok you will dispute that President Obama had anything to do with it, but I think it did), I like that when BP was irresponsible without a single lawyer he got 20 billion dollars to make things right for the people affected. I like that while you may not agree, having everyone carry health insurance is a good way to make sure everyone is being responsible so were not all paying for those that decide to roll the dice. (it’s great to hear everyone blame Obamacare for rising insurance cost like it wasn’t going on for years before it was passed). I like that he cut 500 billion from Medicare as there is more than enough waste in the program to be able to do that. I like that he took the college loan program away from the banks saving us millions and making more funds available to students. I like that he has moved the country forward, slow as it may be, but forward just the same. I like that he has expanded gun rights for nation parks giving gun rights ownership its biggest ever expansion. (That one was just to confuse the NRA and the right wingers). I like that while the right thinks it perfectly ok to trash the beautiful planet that God has given us he is trying to make it greener and as a bonus reducing our dependency on foreign oil. I like that he’s not wasting time rounding up people just because they came here to pick fruit and is concentrating on the people that are really criminals, not just doing something to help their families back home. And I like that he managed to get DADT repealed. So to answer your question, yes I am very happy he’s in the Whitehouse, as I truly believe he has done a good job under distressful conditions. Obviously this is not an easy fix or the other counties would have pulled out of this mess already and as we know everyone, even china is having a hell of a time fixing all that is wrong. Fox News has people convinced he’s done a lousy job, what can I say, they lie a lot.
Well lets see... He extended the Bush tax cuts, kept guantanamo bay open for business, dragged us into more wars, accepted money from Wallstreet, made a phoney healthcare bill that benefits the health industry at the expense of everyone else, helped ship jobs overseas, signed a new trade agreement that will ship even more jobs overseas, gave tax payers money to the private sector without our consent, bailed out big too fail banks...
You can find the information on the bank bailouts very easily. One measure failed, then the next passed (both McCain and Obama voted for it, along with a great deal of congress from both sides of the aisle). Bush signed off on it. Look up "bank bailout. Reality sucks, doesn't it?
Yeah, but he caught bin laden with his bare hands and throw him into the ocean. Kidding, I 100% agree with you.
What we really need is real, loop-hole free CAMPAIGN FINANCE REFORM if we are to break the cycle of legalized bribery we have today. It needs to be THE main goal of these protests. Reelecting Obama or someone new will not change a thing until we get the money out of the politics.
Obama is blocked from doing too he will not make other politicians look bad...i am not an Obama fan but he has done good far as military actions..ability to rai$e still he knows what he's doing but not giving the proper chance to full fill his presidency.
I think, President Obama so far has done an abysmal job. I also think, few could have done a better job.
The problem is not so much the person, but the job itself, especially if that person tries to bring about change.
The American Presidency is ideal for the person that wants to keep things as they are, since the Senate will almost guarantee that.
Sure, some loopholes can be passed through Congress, because too many know what side of their bread is buttered, but creating real change is a near impossible job.
The Senate is by design a conservative institute. Sparsely populated states such as Alaska, Wyoming, Idaho, the Dakotas, Nebraska are represented as heavily as states like New York, California, Texas and Florida, which being overwhelmingly more conservative.
On top of that the Senate is now ruled by the filibuster, requiring 60% of the votes to even start a debate.
All this stacks the deck against change, disproportionately hurting a President who promises change.
It is certainly true that President Obama lied when he promised change, because he should have known that change is impossible within the current system. He should not have promised change, he should not have projected hope when there is none.
President Obama got some things done during his first year in office by carefully counting the votes and based upon the urgency of the situation, but after the honeymoon was over his ability to do anything faded away.
There are many compounding factors. First of all President Obama is very much a reasonable man, who doesn't seem to grasp the unreasonableness of others. This is one his biggest character flaws and leads to weak negotiation positions.
President Obama also seems to be eager to please the powers that be. In that sense more humble beginnings may work against a President. Ironically both FDR and JFK, in that sense benefited from being brought up among the 1%. They knew the game and had no one to look up to.
Most of all though, the agenda of President Obama has been stifled by moneyed interests. Every change will hurt someone's business interests, no matter how you slice or dice it. As long as those business interests are able to buy congress no reasonable change can be expected.
This is why I keep saying: let's stop talking about the people, let's get rid of the influence money has on politics. Only when that is done can reasonable change be implemented, whomever the president is at that moment.
Where do I start?
1) predator drones are inhumane - nothing like exterminating humans without evidence or trial (especially u.s. citizens - maybe that should concern you) 2) don't hold your breath for Iraq - yeah, and Santa Claus is coming too 3) having everyone carry health insurance is good way to make the young, healthy people get screwed being forced to carry insurance as a way of bailing out people who are older and sicker 4) by making it 'greener' do you mean his sweetheart deal to Solyndra to pay off his campaign buddies? 5) the only thing you said in this whole paragraph that is correct is, 'fox news lies a lot'. to that i would add - so does every mainstream media outlet. find some alternative news to read.
6) why am I even wasting my time? I think you are an ObamaTroll. Maybe you are being paid to write this drivel.
Obama is a great example of what happens when one man takes on a corrupt system; he went in with a lot of good ideas and has since been beaten down into irrelevancy.
Washington is a beast that eats idealism and shits corruption. Why else are we marching in the streets, if not to change this?
The office is an anachronism. No nation can withstand the power of the global corporation. They will always find the weakest link and maximize the inherent weaknesses in any non global state.
Oh I thought it said is obama doing Steve jobs... Jk
I honestly think Obama is just a puppet of the powers that be. Shame on him for that but how would he have been elected otherwise? I think the same could be said for Bush who didn't win the popular vote yet still took the election. CFR would definitely help.
I must say Obama hasn't done enough to say he did a good job for the American people. When u got your hand in the corporate cookie jar I can't say it looks like he did a good job
Ronimacarroni does state some of the negatives, and they are valid points, but as I recall, the bank bailout occurred in 2008 Before Obama was elected, and McCain left the campaign to vote, but Obama did not. He did bail out the auto industry, and that saved gobs of jobs. I think we would be in a world of hurt had he let it go. My opinion.
GM owned GMAC which was a huge bank. So auto bailout = big bank bailout. Not sure why so many OWsers can't see that.
Very true, just like GE was a huge bank.
Ralph Nader had warned us that Obama was a PHONY.... but we were hoodwinked and got carried away on a wave of "Obamamania".
He was and is a centrist...he could almost be a borderline Republican if he took a hard line on social issues. The republicans really missed a great opportunity to have a democratic president who was very willing to work with them on most issues. They chose to take the hardline, though, and can't seem to support anything but abortion legislation.
Obama isn't a borderline Republican. He tries to funnel the Democrat Election funds through the Unions like Democrats do. He's using class warfare as a re-election strategy like the Democrats do. He's a Democrat. I just hope it all changes.
Do some research.