Forum Post: Is NEWT one of us? Will he be at the next FLASH MOB??
Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 11, 2012, 12:21 a.m. EST by Odin
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On Monday in Manchester NH, (in referring to Romney's days at Bain Capital) Newt Gingrich said, "You have to ask the question, is capitalism really about the ability of a handful of rich people to manipulate the lives of thousands of people and then walk off with the money?" H-m-m, isn't that our line? It seems like only yesterday that Newt was telling us we needed to take a bath. Still think we are not making a difference?
Gingrich doesn't believe a word of what he is saying. He's simply, cynically, and desperately trying to tap into anything that gives him a momentary edge over Romney. The minute Romney is out of the race and Newt is one of the wealthiest candidates left, he'd go right back to toeing the line of the 1%. He knows who pays his bills. It's a moot point though, since the 1% own Romney, and they will spare no expense to see his coronation at the GOP Convention.
Get ready for a three horse race, Romney for the GOP, Obama for the Democrats, and Ron Paul as a conservative Independent.
I agree with you as I am aware of the political realities too. Nevertheless, I find it amusing that he said what he did, but I do also think that we are starting to reverse the trend where the political right is starting to come more left now, as they begin to realize that what is good for corporate America is not always good for the mainstream. Rest assured though that I know he said that only for political expediency and that we have much work to do yet, and at this point it can only be from outside the polluted political system.
The only thing moving at all left is their language. They themselves will never budge. There is no "influencing" or "getting to' the least not without truckloads of cash.
Or the left!
yep newt is historian and though i always hate republicans and libertarians as a general rule but not all of their ideas and views are with out merit. my guess is he can smell the smoke in the air and he knows that 2012 is going to be like 1968-1929-1861 combined and he wants to lead lmfao crazier shit has happened. he could have had his on the road to damascus moment.
Newt is tearing into Romney, who is the only repub who has a chance of beating Obama Hussein. The dems found a friend in Newt. You know the saying, your enemy of your enemy is your friend. ..
I have no use for any of the three. I am just interested in empowering the people by making them realize that both parties are responsible for the sewer that our political and financial systems have become. I do not want us to go on our knees and ask for change, rather I want us on our feet and 'demand' change from a corrupt system that is frightened to do otherwise. Anything less and it will soon revert back and this movement will all have been in vain.