Forum Post: Is it Wrong?...
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 23, 2011, 10:22 p.m. EST by gibsone76m
from Washington, NJ
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Is it wrong to say that you are currently in the 99%, but aspire to be part of the 1%?
No it's not wrong. It is wrong (in the context of our country's ideals) to aspire to have your whole family be part of the 1% for generations to come without your descendants having to work as you did to get there.
I have absolutely no problem and much admiration for someone who works hard, manages to get into the 1% and then upon death bequeaths their wealth such that their children can be in the top 5%, while giving all the rest to charity or other productive causes.
Well because there is more then the 1% everyone claims
What we really need is real, loop-hole free CAMPAIGN FINANCE REFORM if we are to break the cycle of legalized bribery we have today. It needs to be THE main goal of these protests.
that is something i can support, as an anti-OWS, but then again that is more of a legal issue that a wall st issue
What we need is for our laws and policies to be dictated by the American people not multinational corporations (many of which have foreigners at the head) The current system is breeding corruption. The corporations have bought off the politicians with the donations and the playing field is skewed. We need our democracy back. One vote for each flesh and blood American!!!
this is a problem with government, not wall street. there will always be greedy jerks in the private sector. but government is supposed to protect US
Agreed - there needs to be a real firewall. We need to end the "corporate personhood." I have no problem with corporations making lots of money, as long as they are not skewing our political system (at the expense of everyone else) to do so. Our representatives have been asleep at the switch in regards to this. Right now they are the lap dogs of the corporations and special interests (unions included) and it has to be stopped if we ever want our kids to live in a country where their vote actually means something.
good points
If we are all in the 1% area of the money, what percent are we? we would be the 100%. The rich hold most of the money in America in their grips and they are only 1%. If we distribute the money amongst the 99% we do not become the 1%, the 1% becomes the 99% which becomes 100% of correctly distributed wealth but that will only happen in communism. We just do not want 1% of the people to hold (not an actual figure.) 80%-90% of the wealth.
In a free society there will always by an elite.
True, but we could try to lessen the margin. We do not want super rich and uber poor people do we? Then we have another French Revolution on our hands and there is were our Revolution becomes violent, but most do anyway.
i agree with that, but I would argue it is up to the consumer to lessen that margin, not government.
That is very true as well. I would hate to say it, but its not just the government's fault we are in a tight bind but ours as well.
The 1% is a revolving door. Who wants to be a revolving door?
No, of course not! Every individual should have the opportunity to go "higher"! But, with all power comes responsibility. If you gain wealth, freedom, power, love, resources, ANYTHING, then you should have more to give. Better yet, you have teh responsibility of proportionately sharing what you have with the rest of the world. Because it was not yours to begin with, and will not be yours in the end. It is all the world's, and therefore all of ours.
If you hoard it all for yourself, you act like those who survived the Great Depression. And I think that's a mental issue.
True, mostly. I don't think the rest of the world deserves ALL of my stuff if i worked herder for it.
Please don't misunderstand me. I don't mean that we should be in a communist society, or that all we work hard for goes to others....No. I believe if everyone were provided for in terms of basic survival (catch that, it's just basic survival) then there would be no reason to want more, bigger, and better. There would be no reason to mooch off the resources provided to you. Because there would be no way to. You would already be basically provided for.
Then-the only reason someone works overtime is because they enjoy it..Wouldn't that be nice again? To actually enjoy your work and not have to go to the bathroom every half hour to anxiously cry your eyes out in case you don't meet the ridiculously high quota?
Good points. How do you feel about socialized healthcare?
Thanks. But they may only be truths to me. I have no business pushing my ideas on others. I just wish it didn't have to come down to actually being forced to do what's naturally right. And even then, I don't like forcing people into anything.'s very tricky. I believe that is a very good goal for the world, not just America. But it has to be done correctly, and at the right time. Right now, people are crazy and greedy. And they're probably only like that because of a result of the conditions of the world they live in.
Anyways, I think everyone deserves to be able to go to the doctor for the common cold and not have to worry about paying for your cure. And even more than that..people deserve to survive. Anything more than that is up to them.
If you plan aspiring to be part of the 1% at the expense of the 99% I'd say yes, it is wrong
Hey if you are buying my cool new inventions is it my responsibility to make sure that you get re-compensated once i'm rich?
No. But it is your responsibility to not evade taxes.
There is nothing about this movement that is against people becoming wealthy. They are against using wealth to keep other people down
So why are there a bunch of signs that talk about the 1%...why are they generalizing that everyone in the 1% wants to keep us poor?
I don't think you're supposed to take the 99% or the 1% literally. I think it's more the concept of "the majority of society" and "that small fraternity that have manipulated the rules and rigged the game." We went to the refrigerator to grab a beer and they switched the dice with a loaded pair they had stashed in their goddamn pocket.
Most of the one percent do want to keep you poor. I as amember of the 99%( not spokesperson of) want you and everyone to be wealthy. ( that's dreamland) . And just because you are wealthy don't make you evil. I'm sure sum are great guys and gals. But too many are corrupt. And they have to be corrupt to compete with each other.
Most of the one percent do want to keep you poor. I as amember of the 99%( not spokesperson of) want you and everyone to be wealthy. ( that's dreamland) . And just because you are wealthy don't make you evil. I'm sure sum are great guys and gals. But too many are corrupt. And they have to be corrupt to compete with each other.
Ehh maybe. What about bill gates? he donates hundreds of millions to charities
I don't think he has a bad rep. Others might think different but he seems at least less evil.
No, that's America!
I work hard so that some day I can be part of the that wrong?