Forum Post: Is It Time for President Obama to Issue a Public Apology to the 99%?
Posted 11 years ago on June 9, 2013, 10:31 a.m. EST by xjjlane
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I know what you're thinking... this President is not going to issue a public apology to the 99%. There is some truth to this way of thinking but at the same time; it doesn't help the 99% build a future that is suitable for the 99%, and have the 1% pay what they owe. I'm a person who likes to study history and based upon what I've studied relating to U.S. History; I figured out that Presidents respond when the People respond, either by petition or through civil disobedience.
I strongly believe that it is time for the 99% to use tactics beyond civil disobedience. It is time for the 99% to use the tools that are available to them that grants them access to the highest office in the Land, the White House. Now, where is this access? The "We the People" homepage that can be utilize to at least get a response on the issues that matters to us most. It takes dedication and a community to get it done. It would take the 99% to exercise the First Amendment in regards to our legal right to petition our government for grievance. It would take 100,000+ voices to get our government to act!
I've decided to share this original video that I've created; in that, it is intended to be a form of a public service announcement. It is clearly addressing the accountability issue regarding President Obama and the Administration, and their dealings with expected, or unexpected, scandals and leaked material that has the potential to damage the entire reputation of the Obama Presidency.
It would certainly damage the 99% in the short-run and the long-run through eliminating the global standing of our Country, the United States. I've drafted and published a petition on the White House's "We the People" to suggest that President Obama issue an public apology for his misdeeds, nationwide and prime-time. If you feel a bit weary of signing a petition on a government website then I strongly suggest that there's no reason to fear. Did Martin Luther King Jr., as an African American, to march with thousands to the gates of power?
There was no internet back then and you can only imagine that having thousands, similar to online petitions, in front of the doorstep of the White House, or the Congress, is quite one hell of a feat. If that generation can do it then what's stopping this generation from doing the same, in our own way? The government cannot stop the Internet. When you register on this site, your name is not used it's only your initials and your city and state, nothing more. I'd strongly recommend that you overcome fear and realize that this is an opportunity of a life time.
Link to Petition: Link to YouTube Video:
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Obama is merely the person with his fingers in several holes to prevent the dike from leaking and then bursting.
It's up to all the polarized people to unpolarize themselves and work together to solve problems.
This is by far the negative post I've ever read, and considering how your posts implies the status quo is appalling. Are you truly fighting for change in this country, sir? Seriously, answer the question!
lol, are you drunk?
Are you insane?
I would trade all the apologies in the world to turn sparring political parties who posture on every single issue as if it is the final damning bit of evidence proving the ulterior motive of the other side, for intelligent discussion on many issues.
In my opinion we should never condemn or align on any issue that we know in our hearts has not intelligently been discussed by opposing viewpoints.
The 99% need to define and carve out our own path... and forget about "talking about" who & what ....
We need action... we need to stop whining & simply remove those from office who are causing harm.... and put in office those who want to help....
We need to be leaders ... all of us....
We can all be leaders but it takes us to unite in this one cause, and if the President refuses to knowledge our petition then we shall come back with a million voices!
fuck the president.... half or more of the population does not like him anyway....(even though I do a little) .... what good would him doing anything do ? ... our problems are way bigger than anything any president can address... our problem/s is congress & supreme court