Forum Post: Is it just the sex?
Posted 6 years ago on Sept. 26, 2018, 7:56 a.m. EST by agkaiser
from Fredericksburg, TX
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
"A robot brothel in Houston? A Canadian company wants to bring its 'adult love dolls' to the area, letting customers 'rent before you buy.' Critics include the mayor, public health authority and anti-sex trafficking advocates. But it's probably legal."
Why anti-sex trafficking opposition. I would think the robot brothel would reduce human trafficking by competition with a non human trafficking option. So is it the human trafficking they object to or just the sex?
As far as the legality? Just because one can do something, doesn't mean one should.
The subjunctive is a tricky mood! WRT morality I sympathize with and support your feelings.
To add my own tricksyness, anyone with money to waste on sex robots has too much property for our own good!
Perhaps the bot user is not then a real person abuser? Just sayin - it seems that many individuals are unable to get laid willingly.
If they've got enough money for a bot ...
Hmmmmmmmmmmmm - new crime wave? Will for profit prisons be happy? "Your Honor the defendent here before you today did willfully break into sex bot supply inc. and did willfully assault unit 302......................
The idea that a woman could be so easily substituted for sex or interchanged with it by robots...reinforces the idea of female objectification or for that matter for men as well ( if there are male dolls). It takes away the idea (as does porn) of the act of sex as connection and intimacy. Sex as riding a bike diminishes the deep intimacy involved and opens the door to invalidating the true horror and violation involved in sex crimes. Sex is and should be taught to be something deeply personal and intimate and emotionally stirring, AND CONSENSUAL!
All the jab jab elbow elbow among men now is a symptom of that reduced reverance and intimacy of choosing to share ones's body and emotions with another. As a woman I hear men do this commentary or cat calling or STARING thinking it is funny, normal, or " no big deal" and they don't realize underneath this what women hear is a stranger or aquaintence alluding to penetrating her body, familiarizing and objectifying what should be an act of deep intimacy as though women should get used to being thought of in this way: Graded on her fuckability and open to blatant evaluation (often group evaluation) for what boils down to - penetration.
So do you want some guy obviously picturing your daughter splayed out for him as he winks at her to let her know and elbows his buddy and stares at her body parts? It also takes away her say/ choice over her very personal and intimate boundaries. She gets to decide who to be intimate with but as it stands now some men think they have the right to invade her sexuality with no cues or invitation to open that door and think that is somehow ok or whatever. I mean to me it is the equivalent of random gross stranger or coworker basically asking to or hinting he wants to use my vagina! When did this become ok? When did women's bodies turn into a public restroom/ sexual peepshow?
Men imagine if out of nowhere or on your job or the subway some weird fat older man, or your boss, or some weirdo came over started staring at your chest licking his lips and started hinting he wanted to take a shit on your chest or worse? Would you be so shocked and weirded out or scared you wouldnt even know how to respond while you still process? Would you fear for your safety and wonder if he will follow you? Welcome to women's world where we have to sit there acting dumb pretending we don't understand despite there may as well be a caption over his head that he wants to put it in you. We are like is this actually happening? It is so jarring to our day and life. To suddenly realize these men can't separate fantasy from reality and walk around actively subjecting women to sexual come ons as if we are a walking sex object and something they get to choose in their warped porno trapped brains. Yet if we call it out we are somehow crazy and paranoid and uncouth. (Electing a president who talked about grabbing women's pussies is truly our lowest moment and says a lot about where we are in women's rights at this moment in history and men's dominion and right to speak about our bodies with such bold and open violation of our dignity, intimacy, and choices.) From here on out the standard female response to inappropriate behavior should be..."I'm sorry are you hinting/ asking me/ saying you want to use my vagina as though I'm a prostitute?! My vagina is not available! Now back off disgusting pig."
And if porn has taught us nothing, men have to keep it weirder and weirder as they become desensitized. The attraction to the passivity of a doll lying there is unhealthy. What happens when he becomes desensitized to the doll...does it trigger something darker and perhaps open the door for predatory behavior seeking real aka human passive victims (maybe even children)? Do these business owners stop to wonder if their actions will put women and children in danger? The dolls look like teenage girls!!! If someone believes seeking out sex with a doll doesn't need treatment for a deep problem and trigger self evaluation, that is concerning. Men if this idea appeals to you, red flag on your mental health- spend your money on the shrink instead!! You have a problem!
Add to this the reason women appeared not to mind having their "pussies grabbed" is they were so stunned, shocked, and embarrassed they froze and couldn't process that this was really happening. ( sort of like his daughter did when he was asked what they have most in common on a talk show and his response was "sex"). A failure to respond doesn't mean we are flattered,into, or enjoying a come means we are so embarrassed and uncomfortable we can't or don't want to make it real or are frozen trying to process it. Trump's own daughter even akwardly giggled. And especially if it is a boss it brings into a whole new set of problems. So often if we say anything we are accused of being jezebels, attention seeking on and on...we suddenly become some socially unacceptable freak which is ironic since we were the ones minding our own business to begin with but the responsibility to prove it becomes ours as we are flooded with even more unwanted attention as the atmosphere becomes intolerable/ uncomfortable. Suddenly we are accused of being the aggressor victimizing some poor innocent man.
And we are still tolerating this biblical response of us luring and tempting and overreacting to these "poor vulnerable innocent (despite obvious power and ladder climbing) men"?Trumps reaction to the Kavanaugh accusations is simply sickening. The idea and revictimization that these "evil" women enjoy coming out of the woodwork to randomly sully the reputations of poor rich powerful men for pleasure or greed (while they get accussed of being jezebels and go on media trial) ...needs to stop.
The Supreme Court is the highest court in the land and a lifelong appointment. When our own government can't give women the credence to even investigate our claims / accusations crimes against us...what does this message send to all other woman? What does it say about our safety and credibility and standing as citizens? What does it say about our culture and what we must tolerate? What does it say to have our supreme court filled with men who discount and objectify and violate women? What does it mean when men are automatically believed (like in the case of Sandusky, all those senators molesting pages, Scooter Libby - all found guilty) and women are automatically doubted like so many educated, stable and intelligent women like Anita Hill - automatically labeled as unbelievable liars and discounted?
Having pussy grabbers in only two branches of our government detracts from our Founding Fathers' principle of instituting checks and balance amongst all three branches. Frankly speaking, having a sitting Supreme Court Justice who in a prior capacity had asked his female subordinate the question, "who put the pubic hair on my Coke?" is just too lame and inadequate for the balance of power. He spoke but did not act. We must reinforce our Supreme Court with the Kavalry naughty Yelly men of action of the Retards. We can be guided to become more Islamic (it takes four male witnesses to corroborate the rape of a female -- I guess they largely lack porn so allowing up-to-three male witnesses keeps live-action bachelor parties legal for all the frat-boys out there) and Hindu (whose males are very sharing people, especially with each other when gang-raping a female) to attain better governance of our public Urianorals.
Muslims and Hindus are very evolutionarily successful as evidenced by their dominant population counts. Subjugating females and keeping them subservient and incompetent (barefooted and pregnant in the kitchen?) is the key to their breeding success. They farm and corral chicks. We as hunters and gatherers of free-range chicks don't easily get pussy galore. Esau was cursed.
However, the Kavalry cadet is definitely a go-getter with the sex drive for realizing God's promise to Abraham to increase the number of his descendants to more than the number of all the sand grains of the beaches of the Earth, more than all the stars in the firmament above, and more than the sperm count of a perky jerky newly matured frat-boy who has refrained from ejaculation for a whole month. Kavalry cadet is seminal (very seedy indeed).
Ha ha hadn't thought of it that way...yes not having pussy grabbers in all three branches could throw off the balance. Maybe we should just replace all three branches with the rentable sex whore dolls.