Forum Post: Is it just me, or was Wilma Flinstone pretty damn HOT for a cartoon character?
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 19, 2011, 8:20 p.m. EST by owstag
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No offense y'all, but Wilma was pretty fine, no?
Yea, yea, she's hot but I've heard that she is part of the 1% with a tendency to be a bit of a snob. She took Fred to the cleaners in nasty divorce case. Allred was her attorney. Ouch. Fred never got over it, poor guy. If that was not enough, Barney, in a moment of remorse, broke down and confessed that he had an affair with Wilma. Bummer. We need to get Fred involved in the movement before he loses his mind. Anyway, I gotta go, reruns of Leave It To Beaver on in a bit. Talk about hot, the Beave's mother is totally awesome.
Betty Boop does 'em all in!
The original is still the best...................:)
Must be a conservative thing. Liberals are more into Velma from Scooby Doo.
Not bad, but I thought Betty Rubble was hotter.
She was a hottie! But that is a given because she was a red head.