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Forum Post: Is it actually possible to create a third Political Party to replace the two Party System?

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 20, 2011, 3:20 p.m. EST by hbyte (24)
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Using the internet to create lobbying power and attract a following like this one.

How technical would it need to be?

How much money could you raise theoretically from this towards starting a new Party.



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[-] 2 points by Matthias (1056) 13 years ago

Stop thinking about money. Money is the problem not the solution. It cost $6 a month to run a webpage. Youtube is for free. All you need is a leader who can spend $6 a month for the webpage and off you go. If you want to bring down the power of money you need someone WHO HATES GIFTS. But look at social meda. It is for free, too. You don't need to go from door to door waste gas. Use the social meda. A challenge however is your policies. AGAIN AND AGAIN I have to say that, Why do you look to people being corrupted. Look to the one who is Holy. The Bible is full of political, economical and social wisdom. For instance.

  1. No interst on debt.
  2. Debt release every 7 years
  3. Redistribution of basic wealth every 50 years. It is called the year of Jubilee.

I have written about it so much and noone seems to understand that there 3 things cut down the life line of Turbo Capitalism.

[-] 1 points by hbyte (24) 13 years ago

Well this has become a 1 party system !!

[-] 1 points by hbyte (24) 13 years ago

I dont see why a really good film couldnt raise the money and the people - you know like a subversive type of film made independantly. This occur's to me because of the use of the vendetta mask - symbolizes something valuable to the cause. People will rally to something that is new and liberating albeit a little.... strange

[-] 1 points by hbyte (24) 13 years ago

Ok so could you have a site for each of those goals 1,2,3 and people go there to register or vote . Once this has happened and say there are so many people doing this what can they perceive as the goal to taking part. As they would need to know that you could then realisticly acheive change on their behalf.

[-] 1 points by hbyte (24) 13 years ago

Yep thats what I thought but you could raise that using a donation system or being financed by one of the other partys

[-] 1 points by hbyte (24) 13 years ago

What would create the difference in voting that actually happened here with two parys joining to defeat the other - isnt that an indication that movement within the democratic system is limited, which would make you right about eventually needing a new system

[-] 1 points by hbyte (24) 13 years ago

Ok but isnt the problem getting people out of their habitual conformist way's of living to appreciate alternatives that wont radically upset their way of life but just perhaps make it better without selling them short

[-] 1 points by betuadollar (-313) 13 years ago

It's not just about money - you can't enter the national debate without a preliminary assessment that ensures under law that the party can attract 15% of the vote. And how do you gain support of 15% of the populace if you are not permitted to join the national debate?

[-] 1 points by hbyte (24) 13 years ago

But reactionary is all part of the process

[-] 1 points by hbyte (24) 13 years ago

Yeah there was a little humour there sorry I guess I was still laughing at the posts about certain reactionary movements joining the cause

[-] 1 points by hbyte (24) 13 years ago

Making voting fun and rebellios at the same time, but serious so that once the votes are in people can once again unite for change with policys that make sense to even more people

[-] 1 points by ZenBowman (59) 13 years ago

There are actually more than 4-5 parties.

Green Party Libertarian Party Peace and Freedom Party

Anyone can form a party, the tough part is getting votes.

[-] 1 points by Dost (315) 13 years ago

You can create a Party but the focus needs to be clear. A simple Platform. You create 1000 chapters and have fundraisers. It is doable. But the leadership, communication and desire have to be there. Perot's Reform Party in the 1992 Election for President garnered 19% of popular vote. Far too my energy and time is being focused here on more tangential issues, in my opinion. There are some very good ideas on this site but once they appear, they tend to vanish into the mess that this site has become, as there is no category for legitimate ideas with substance here. Is anybody interested in doing this?

[-] 1 points by vrptx (42) 13 years ago

We do not need another party. We just need to not vote for anyone taking any money from corporations... real people donations only.

[-] 1 points by Dost (315) 13 years ago

This is what is called magical thinking, true in theory but in practice, not viable. Wishful thinking will not translate into action, no matter how convinced and passionate you are personally. Ideas have to touch ground to be effective.

[-] 1 points by vrptx (42) 13 years ago

If you don't remove the corporate donors, then the money will drown out anything the third party says. And then the temptation for the third party to be heard will be to also take corp. donations. That puts right back where we are.

[-] 1 points by Dost (315) 13 years ago

Yes, theory is very nice but you have to actually do the work. Easiest way is to ban all money for elections and give public access to campaigns but also mandating debates and interviews. Take all the advertising and hype and lies out of the process. Some countries have banned all private funds and advertising. Goes a long way to cleaning up system. Constitutional Amendment possibly. This would be the best focus for this group. If you post a long list of demands, energy is diffused, the critics attack ad nauseum, and you alienate supporters and eventually the whole process loses steam. Select four general reforms and then have people vote on most important one: Taxes, Reform Wall Street, Electoral Reform, Legislative Reform, Jobs Bill, etc.

Reasonable needs to meet Practical and then design the roadmap to get from A to B. This is basic Organizing 101.

[-] 1 points by vrptx (42) 13 years ago

I agree

[-] 1 points by hbyte (24) 13 years ago

Maybe you could have an occupy platform/console on the street that people could trial as a new type of direct politic's

[-] 1 points by hbyte (24) 13 years ago

You wouldnt need to reform the political system because the right kind of internet interface would become an overlay - empowering the people because of its balanced approach. So key to this would be a a group like this one who could come up with the right permutations to get questions asked and thereby produce a census without being too intrusive. Balnce is the key so to bring in people like celebrity politics does but in the wrong way!

[-] 1 points by hbyte (24) 13 years ago

I think the design of the site/interface is crucial - this one is very good.

It also has a telephony platform I saw somewhere.

But a more organised approach to laying out the types of question's about policy's to get people onboard would be the active ingredient although I havent looked at the sites that offer this direct politics yet.

[-] 1 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

yes. there is no reason we can not do so the only thing holding us back is winning over 51 percent of the population to our voting block. assuming that we do the homework to create a detailed political platform and the current political climate- we should be able to win very easily if we do it right. Never mind the money. we can win in essence on a shoe string budget using the internet to bypass the giant corporate advertising game.

It will be glorious, because they will spend billions or even trillions and we can spend in essence nothing more than out of pocket personal pocket change for our occupy materials.

In short, its not only feasible its probably inevitable.

[-] 1 points by Lincoln (13) from Newark, NJ 13 years ago

Why not simply reform the election system? The current system leads to plutocracy. Your vote does not change anything.