Forum Post: Is it a crime to be poor?
Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 19, 2012, 8:55 p.m. EST by lonecrow
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
When a person can get arrested for vagrancy and loitering is it illegal to be homeless? Where are the homeless supposed to go when there are so few shelters and a growing number of homeless due to a crumbling economy? Vagrancy and loitering how can those be laws? How can the government supersede its own laws for right to property? A property owner can get fined and lose their property for allowing vagrants on their property. Is this truly the land of America? Where in the constitution does it say that poverty is illegal? And for those who have never been detained jail is not a place to be.
The crime ought be that there even are homeless people.
You are absolutely correct. While OWS may have lost bids to occupy many public spaces, this understanding is what they have won from the effort.
One of two things must happen: either we reach a merciful understanding as a society and end this injustice before the numbers of the poor and maltreated grow even further --- or we look on idly as they find someone who is willing to respect their dignity as human beings, whether that is radical Islamism or the Mexican cartels or even some foreign nation seeking to destabilize the country. We ignore the poor at our peril; we risk ending up like some admonitory example out of the Book of Isaiah.
We have truly lost our way.
Cities and towns don't want to look at the homeless, they don't want to be reminded that they are there. New laws against camping, even on private property are appearing in many cities. Towns don't have the money for shelters and no one wants to see their taxes go up. There doesn't seem to be any answer to the problem only reasons or excuses why it can't be fixed.
Yes this is truly America. Are new to this country? You thought that you lived in the land of the free?Sorry to burst your bubble but your not free.You do not have many rights and the ones you do are being removed. And if you complain you will also be jailed
It is more like they can make money from the homeless and then those that own prisons use a broken glass fallacy based argument and "shelter" to justify it. For some places with 3 strikes laws this is even more extreme. Thus tax money and/or prison labor.
I'm truly surprised our great liberals nationwide haven't mobilized to take these unfortunates into their homes. It's something we could do in an election year that would truly set us apart from the greedy right.
Let's organize now to "Take home the homeless"!!!
" are there no workhouses? are there no prisons? "
Let's say you have a small business. Maybe a liquor store. And so called homeless tend to hang around out front, driving away customers. This is your livelihood. What do you do?
Yeah and don't forget.....gOD BLESS america!
What if you believe that a nation has to do something worth admiration before you wish blessing upon her?
God bless the world is all that's left. lol
Amazing right?! The same people that keep repeating god bless america are probably the ones with a bible in hand.
Call me crazy, but I remember something like.....oh.....let's see......oh yeah;
"For God so loved...ameri....(no).....THE WORLD! I say, you almost can't carry on a sane conversation with those kind of folks.
I feel you. Maybe that is the great divide that is the left and the right. Just a thought...
lol A pretty GOOD thought too.
Most probably know these things in the article I've linked below. It's an op ed piece by The Washington Post's DeNeen Brown titled 'The high cost of poverty'
In South Carolina, poverty is a crime, and a very rampant one too.
Many probably know these things already. Take a few minutes and read The Washington Post's DeNeen L. Brown's op ed article titled 'The high cost of poverty"
It is illegal to be homeless in some areas. Too, it is not uncommon for sweeps to be done in some areas in homeless shelters. Poverty is a sin.
but paying off parking tickets is a much more devastating matter
I see no problem with anti-vagrancy laws. At the very least it isn't something to condoned.
Of course you don't see the problem; it hasn't been done unto you.....yet.
The only reason it would happen to me is if I put myself there or everything was stolen from me. And both way's I can't really control it and one of them is my fault.
Everything being "taken" from you is EXACTLY what's going to happen, but you won't see it coming just like you don't, (or choose not to) see the U.S. Spring taking place right before your eyes.
Sorry, but what folks like to say about the 99% is almost naive. What happened to the Jews isn't going to happen to us.
That's all good and wonderful but you aren't going to take my money either so piss off.
You don't have to worry about me. Just look at the people around you. If you open your eyes you'll see what I'm talking about.
So open YOUR homes to the homeless. Why aren't you doing something to get them off the streets?