Forum Post: Is Botactivism the Future?
Posted 11 years ago on Sept. 13, 2013, 6:13 a.m. EST by MarkusKarashev
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Botactivism is the concept of automating often tedious and repetitive activist chores like sending tweets, writing in forums, posting on Facebook, liking on Facebook, writing to Senators and Congressmen, etc...
Once too simple to be used for real work, modern chat bots have become so good they often pass for real individuals. Using botactivism, we can automate our online activism and use the time we save to protest in the streets which is an activity no bots can do.
OWS should pool its resources to create high calibre modern day technological tools like hyper sophisticated bot activists.
Perhaps some of you know virtual reality games like Second Life? Did you know OWS has a presence in many of these games? There are virtual OWS protests in Second Life! Anarchy grows wherever it is planted. We should automate our seed planting process.
Here is an article about the OWS Art Festival in Second Life.