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Forum Post: Is America Crushing Peaceful Protests Now?

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 14, 2011, 11:42 a.m. EST by arealpolitik (154)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Opinion by John Liming

We hear all kinds of news these days about how the dictators in foreign countries use their power to crush dissent when it rises up in their streets.

These dictators that do such things are heads of what we have come to call “Totalitarian” regimes.

There would never ever be a reason for anyone in any position of power or authority in The United States of America to use any kind of military or police force to crush peaceful dissent and protest if it should arise in our streets. Such as that would be unthinkable, right?

We have a Bill of Rights and a First Amendment to The Constitution that guarantees our citizens the right to assemble peacefully in public places to voice their complaints and their dissent without having to fear brutal retaliation of any kind from anyone who might wield some form of authority or power.

When any group of peaceful protesters is attacked by police in riot gear with tear gas and mace and clubs and rubber bullets, what is that exactly?

Would that show any suggestion of a sign of some kind of totalitarian intent? Does that indicate that the ruling elite might have some kind of fear of a group of American dissenters?

If this kind of reaction by authorities is based on fear, then what are they afraid of? Are they afraid that the power might reside in the hands of “The People” after all?

Is the simple street gathering now going to be seen by the state as some kind of terrorist activity that has to be put down by brute force?

Is there really a pressing need for authority figures to unleash all the riot weaponry against unarmed protesting American Citizens in a similar manner as was once reserved for insurgents on battlefields?

Has something broken in our governmental system where totalitarian tactics must now be used to quell peaceful civil disturbances?

Is anyone else asking this question? Should someone else be asking this question?

How is it that when an unruly mob of noisy Right Wingers gets together in parks and public places and labels itself as “Tea party” and insists that it is nothing but a group of ordinary citizens with a few “Issues”, there are no arrests or riot squads?

Read More: http://www.thejeffersontree.com/is-america-crushing-peaceful-protests-now/



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[-] 1 points by Gileos (309) 13 years ago

No they arent.

[-] 1 points by dawnpilkington (1) 13 years ago

The difference is occupy vs briefly gather. Local governments' concerns seem to be grounded in their perceived inability to handle the logistical needs of large, continuining gatherings. Their response to disband protesters is both unethical and counterproductive. Local governments are justifying their actions by saying that protesters did get permists. However, a better response would be to enable peaceful, grassroots protests, acknowledging it as a fundamental American right, and providing logistical support - portable bathrooms, first aid, or whatever else would promote safety and reasponsible behavior for both protesters and local businesses, some of which have been overwhelmed. Local governments reacting this way to protesters, instead of treating them as an illegal annoynance, would be the smarter move.

[-] 1 points by ramous (765) from Wabash, IN 13 years ago

yes. yes. and yes. #infowars

[-] -1 points by stevo (314) 13 years ago

See...moron..the Tea Party were clean, and peaceful..ZERO arrests.. YOU, on the other hand are misfits with over 3,000 arrests, rapes, fires, fights, deaths, and now disease.

Spot the difference yet chucklehead?