Forum Post: IRS Began Targeting Conservatives In 2010
Posted 11 years ago on May 13, 2013, 5:42 p.m. EST by Nationwide
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
From ABC news:
The targeting of conservatives by the IRS started earlier and was more extensive than the IRS acknowledged last week, according to a draft IRS inspector general report obtained by ABC News.
As we reported on “Good Morning America” this morning, the IRS began targeting “Tea Party or similar organizations” in March 2010. That was when the Cincinnati-based IRS unit responsible for overseeing the applications for tax exempt status starting using the phrases “Tea Party,” “patriots” and “9/12″ to search for applications warranting greater scrutiny.
During this first phase, 10 Tea Party cases were identified. By April of 2010, 18 Tea Party organizations were targeted, including three that had already been approved for tax-exempt status.
By June 2011, the unit had flagged over 100 Tea Party-related applications and the criteria used to scrutinize organizations had grown considerably, flagging not just “Tea Party” or “Patriot” in group names, but also groups that were working on issues like “government debt,” “taxes” and even organizations making statements that “criticize how the country is being run.”
The report, done by the Inspector General for the IRS, also shows that senior IRS officials in Washington was aware of what was going on as early as August 4, 2011 when, according to the report, the IRS chief counsel held a meeting with the IRS’s Rulings and Agreements unit “so that everyone would have the latest information on the issue.”
Give the IRS a break. The extreme right wing wants to muzzle the IRS. This is just a good excuse.
Thanks to Congress and Supreme Court, we now have new fuzzy tax language that allows political organizations to get a tax break.
The IRS has a history with charities that do medical research or care for the poor and hungry.
The IRS has little history with new political groups claiming 501(C)4 tax breaks.
It makes perfect sense that IRS takes a closer look at these organizations, at least until they get a handle on things.
Maybe we should have IRS give no exceptions, and scrutinize every single 501(c)4 organization. In depth. If they pass they pass. If they don't . . .
And maybe the IRS could ask Congress for some clarity in the law which says, in part:
The GOP, conse(R)vatives, teabagge(R)s.......they've been targeting people for years on end.
In fact you defend their doing it.
See Buttercups comment below.
And read this too.
These investigations should NEVER stop.
They need to pay for what they've done.
Wanna talk about GOP targeting in voter suppression?
Wanna talk about GOP targeting of unions?
Wanna talk about GOP usurpation of elected officials?
The investigations shouldn't stop, until they do.
So you condone this activity of IRS targeting?
But it's no worse than what's been going on for years.
If fact. It's less egregious.
A lot less.
So do you condone the activities of those groups?
Which groups, be specific?
The ones mentioned above.
Be observant.
Do you condone their activities and why?
I think you are referring to this link regarding reduction in unemployment benefits:
This is a point of debate that has to pass the Congress. It is not a government organization who has the power to pursue citizens for their personal and monetary wealth. There is a huge difference.
What don't you understand observant?
Honestly, your failure at that is trying, to say the least.
Do condone their activities and why?
Sorry I do not understand what you are getting at?
Good for you.
You've confirmed it once again.
Your lack of comprehension, and the reasons for it, precede you.
So basically you are obfuscating and not answering the question and then attempt to say that I have a low IQ and low effort. Boy that is really creative and thoughtful. You will win a lot of kudos for that.
I would be more than happy to compare resumes - jobs and schools - and more importantly how many people you have employed.
What's that? There in your ass? It's a bird. It's a plane. No! It's Super Important SuperEmployer Man! Able to leap tall job cuts in a single bound! What's that? Reduced demand. No problem for Super Important SuperEmployer Man! He can slash more jobs with the help of Mighty Pink Slip Girl!! Need to keep some people on? Super Important SuperEmployer Man will use his Special SuperEmployer Powers to reduce wages!
Stay tuned for scenes from our next episode: What Happens When There's No Middle Class Left to Buy All Their Shit.
And you have employed how many people?
Oh I see. Seems that Super Important SuperEmployer Man is slow on the uptake. Get over yourself Super Important SuperEmployer Man. You are not more important. Really. You're not. Let me help you out with that.
Stay tuned for scenes from our next episode: What Happens When There's No Middle Class Left to Buy All Their Shit.
Makes a good tweet
Common Sense Reality.
Economic Truth.
Plain & Simple.
Blow it out your ass.
That would be redundant as U just did.
In fact U always talk out of Ur ass.
Do you ever listen to yourself?
Can't answer the question. So you are a taker and not a provider. No wonder you want to redistribute wealth from those who produce.
How about a nice warm cup of your question is irrelevant, slow on the uptake, and you don't know what you're talking about and you're full of crap. Mr. Super Self Important SuperEmployer Man.
Most of the money has already been taken away from the worker - "those who produce".
Take off the blinders.
Common Sense Reality.
Economic Truth.
Plain & Simple.
I'm pointing out your inability to follow the simplest of instructions and how it fits into the reality of conse(R)vatism today.
I'm not surprised that you got that wrong too.
It just goes to follow.
stfu. Employing people does not make you more important. You had me at 'I do not understand' above. Boy you can say that again.
I'm just saying you seem to have very low comprehension abilities, and have great difficulty following, even simple directions.
The links just bear out possible reasons for that, but I don't suppose you read any of those either......
So I'll ask you one last time, before I figure you for a lost cause, in need of therapy.
Do you condone the activities of those entities and if so, why?
No I do not condone the illegal activities of the IRS. They are illegal and should be stopped.
Over 24hrs later and your comprehension hasn't improved even a smidgeon.
Of course, even more puzzling is your inability to understand the use of that little wheel in the center of your mouse.
You should actually check these out then, as it's important to know your limitations.
Uh lets see. 501c4's proliferate in the past few years. 501c4's rules for tax exempt status are ripe for potential tax abuse given the fine line between social/political. The word "tea party" and "patriots" are used by many new 501c4's. But gee I don't fucking know. Maybe the IRS was being fucking efficient.
Lets see. "government debt" - potentially political. "taxes" - potentially political. "Little league baseball" - unlikely to be potentially political. So golly fucking gee. The IRS would be positively fucking stupid not to flag "tea party" and "patriots". Because it's common fucking sense given the proliferation of these orgs and the common theme/title that runs through them that common sense tells anyone with a modicum of intelligence is potentially political. As opposed to "little league"! That's how you flag things!
Besides the totally fucking obvious fact that the "tea party" is political. It's a political party for shits sake. Of course anything with "tea party" - a political party! should be flagged for scrutiny of their status as a 501c4 social issue group. Because the Tea Party is a political party! This is so obvious it pains me to even have to write this.
OMG this is the dumbest non-scandal I've ever seen.
EXACTLY what I've been thinking all along.
I don't see why no one - especially Bill Maher or Jon Stewart - hasn't pointed this out.
What she said!
And OFA, Moveon and Acorn are not political, right? I'm sure I could find another dozen leftwing groups that are 504c's.
I don't know? Are they? I never said a right wing 501c4 was or was not political. But if you call your 501c4 "Tea Party" then you shouldn't be surprised if your return gets scrutiny. If you claim a home office deduction you shouldn't be surprised if your return gets scrutiny either.
Recently right wing 501c4's have proliferated more so than left. If there are more of them, then a higher proportion of flagging is going to be for right wing orgs. Done and done.
Flagging? CL?
But they are pro-society not anti-society.
Much ado about NOTHING - Yep - NOTHING - if you compare the IRS looking for the fire that the smoke indicates ( their job BTW - Investigation of suspects ) to the non action taken against wallstreet and it's wealthy criminals.
There was Boner today calling for someone to get locked up over this. BONER WHERE THE FUCK WAS YOUR CALL FOR CRIMINAL PENALTIES FOR THE WALLSTREET FUCK-UP CRIMINALS??? U 2 Bitch Mc whining on the floor today.
When compared to the wallstreet criminal meltdown
Or Civilians Killed by Drone
Consider this.
It's your boy in Washington who is doling the money out to his wealthy green friends. Just look at Al Gore.
Get real, please.
Or just go.
U still here? Still trying to get your junk kicked? Makes U a masochist - besides being a shill - though I suppose U might endure Ur self humiliation in Ur continuing pursuit of someone else's money.
Yes, it is concerning as progressive that: #1 so many so called liberals seem to think this is okay, #2 anytime a law enforcement agency of which the irs is certainly one targets people for political reasons that is very concerning and those responsible should face charges. this is why i hate partisan politics its not about the name its about the actions and these actions are fucked up to say the least. course this one day and the ap scandal the next and you can see where we are headed.
How do you filthy righties like it for a change? Oh that's right they only asked you scumbag ripoffs questions. You weren't denied or audited. So WTF are you sniveling pussies even complaining about??!!
and obama said today that he only knew about this last friday.he gets 4 pinocchios for that whopper.
They should have started earlier and nailed them harder.
They also targeted a pro Israel Jewish group.
Cough, abuse of power, cough cough
Dark money is dark money but you will defend it providing you agree with it's politics. Thus proving that you aren't interested in getting money out of politics. Fraud much?
Yep. Teabagge(R)s should be investigated for that too!!!!
Lying, tax raising bastards.
Of all the people there is no way you can be happy about this. This is flagrant abuse of power. If they were targeting liberal groups you would be calling for people to be fired and arrested.
Bush did target liberals, so did Reagan. In fact they acted against them, even to point of removing free education from UC over it.
Just because FLAKESnews doesn't acknowledge it doesn't mean they didn't.
Those who backed the teabagge(R)s,should be thoroughly investigated as well, but we all know the Koch's do what the fuck they want.
Tell me that story. You know the one. The one where you say we all have one thing that we agree on..........and we should all get along to fight the one thing.
I love that story. I don't usually go for fiction. But, that one's pretty good.
The story is a government agency abusing its power and bullying a group based on its political views.
they believe in govt abuse of pwer if it involves going after groups that dont tow the current administrations party line. they will never understand that the same govt can go after dems/libs/progressives that dare to question and dont cover for the administration. this same govt has been spying on the AP ( a leftist news service).
LOL, you guy is laughable.
Shallow, uninformed, FLAKESnews puppets.
Nothing more.
No surprise you see IRS abuse the same way you view use of the N word. Horrible when Repubs do it, no big deal when Dems do it.
I've seen jack in the boxes that were less predictable than you.
You mean IRS doing it's weakened job.
As usual, you ignore all the things (R)epelican'ts have done, and never realize that that is where the precedent came from.
Reagan even punished an entire education system over it.
The IRS ain't shit in comparison.
Is ProPublica one of the liberal websites you like to quote? Turns out the IRS was giving them info on TP groups. But, it's ok. Repubs do bad stuff too. We should all just move on.
It's their own damn fault.
It's was part of the plan.
Seems they like to complain about all kinds of things they've cut funding to.
IRS, FDA FCC, EPA USDA, VA, and so many more.
I guess the DOJ AP reporter scandal is the Repubs fault too, right?
I'm sure they cut them too. It's what the GOP does.
They ruin government in so many ways. Traitors.
Of course it's not surprising you have NO comment on what I posted.
But as for AP?
They too, should have been investigated years ago.
I quit reading some local papers, when I realized that almost every story in them was from AP.
They've been a news monopoly for many , many years.
Now if only we could get a deserved investigation of FLAKESnews, we would all be better off.
You mean the links you send to try to change the subject? Ok, I'll bite. Incompetence. Is that what this is? Just incompetence? Somebody made a whoopsie? Oops? Are you that naive?
and here's another scandal already today. You must be happy.
Ms. Conger is employed by the Heartland Institute.
An integral part of the SPN.
Ooooopsie on your part.
Of course, as usual your response had nothing to do with what I posted.
Just like you've been told to do.
so you are cool with the govt going after the TP and Fox and anyone you disagree with but you are on a website that came out of a movement that was attacked by that same government
Yo DKA. We need one of your brain scans over here.
Never deal with the facts.
Never address what was stated.
I suggest that U go see Ur Mental Health Care provider - they may be able to help U ( Maybe get U scanned as well ).
I see the shills are out in full force Twist mode this AM. I haven't even had a cup of coffee yet and they are already building a mountain of Shit.
Yes they are rather busy.
It's the usual shit though.
Whatever FLAKESnews tells them.
Doing the twist.
Wonder whats biting them in the ass this AM to have em all stirred up already?
Nothing more.
An example of successful dumbing down.
Fux spews - from Murdoch the head head-twister
Here's what FLAKESnews does for them.
It makes them ignorant flakes.
They don't know which way is up.
That and this whole brain scan scheme of DKA's. She's got me laughing my ass off and in quite a great mood.
Teabagge(R) sympathizer.
You're funny.
They still can't spell.
No wonder they hate education and the educated.
This could be one reason for why they are all stirred up and spitting bile.
Equality took a step forward:
You did it, Minnesota!
Yesterday, by a vote of 37-30, the MN Senate passed a bill legalizing same-sex marriage. Today at 5pm on the steps of the Minnesota State Capitol, Gov. Dayton will sign the bill into law at a public signing ceremony, making Minnesota the 12th state to have marriage equality for LGBT couples. If you are able to, we hope you can join us in St. Paul to witness this historic event!
Congratulations on making history! And thank you for standing with us as we fight for even more victories on the path to full equality for all -- the American Way.
Scott Foval, Regional Coordinator
Huh - down voted so soon - yep - equality is a sore spot for the shills and their masters.
"You brought up more than a mention of her - you brought in a hate link - your way to advertise your cause without seeming to? Plausible deniability and all?"
My cause? I brought her up and showed you the link of her talking to the Klan with the hope that you would see the connection with your brain scan scheme. If you still think Eugenics is swell, then I failed. My bad. I should have stuck with my original argument: believing kids should have their brains scanned for greed is batshit crazy.
There U go again - needlessly derogatory = eugenics. As a medical test for health for the purpose of catching illness and getting it treated is not eugenics.
That IS your spin - so that mental health does not take a step forward in recognizing and treating Greed as an illness - treating it as the illness it so clearly is.
This is the unvarnished truth:
GREED IS A MENTAL ILLNESS - an untreated wide spread illness.
the words "odd, duck, sheets, and LGBT " describe my average weekend, but not sure where the supremacist thing comes from. What did i say that makes you assume I'm any kind of supremacist? Because of the IRS/TP thing? I have to be a racist because the thought of the IRS coming after people for their political views bothers me?
Ur so wonderful hate spewing link.
U mean going after tax dodgers - you know - those hiding money off-shore and stuff? ( would B so Cool if true - going after the hoarded 30 some odd trillion hidden off-shore )
Sanger was the racist. I brought her up because your brain scanning scheme is too close to her Negro Project for comfort. Scanning kids for deficits. Removing them from the population. That whole Eugenics thing.
as for the tax thing, you all need to step back and don't let your hatred of the TP blind you. This is not a good thing the IRS did, no matter who the target was.
You brought up more than a mention of her - you brought in a hate link - your way to advertise your cause without seeming to? Plausible deniability and all?
A lot of us live in states that legalized gay marriage a long time ago. Forgive us if we are not impressed by MN, but I guess we are proud you finally decided to join us
U R a supremacist that does not have a hang-up with LGBT's???
That must make U quite the odd duck at your sheet conventions - get togethers - cross warmers.
"They still can't spell. No wonder they hate education and the educated."
says the man who just spelled investigated with a "9"
Except I'm not the one forcing teachers to teach creationism.
In lieu of an actual education.
That's good news. I'd hate for my kid to have to study Gene9sis with Mr Shooz.
Have nice honesty free day, over there at FLAKESnews...............:)
Is it true that you want to use brain scans to identify greedy people, then separate those people from the rest of society?
No - that would be Ur twist - I just want them removed from positions of power and influence.
It IS a public safety public health issue after all.
You never mentioned brain scans.
"I never get to use this word in real life (so thank you), but you are positively Kafkaesque."
Probably why U used it wrong:
BTW - the definition sounds more like you: ( inability to see - you wait )
Comes from the author Franz Kafka, and refers to the style with which he wrote his books (which in his dying wish asked for to be burned).
Basically it describes a nightmarish situation which most people can somehow relate to, although strongly surreal. With an ethereal, "evil", omnipotent power floating just beyond the senses. You go to the city to see the law. Upon arrival outside the building, there is a guard who says "You may not pass without permission", you notice that the door is open, but it closed enough for you to not see anything (the law).
You point out that you can easily go into the building, and the guard agrees. Rather than be disagreeable, however, you decide to wait until you have permission.
You wait for many years, and when you're an old, shriveled wreck, you get yourself to ask:
"During all the years I've waited here, no-one else has tried to pass in to see the law, why is this?", and the guard answers:
"It is true that no-one else has passed here, that is because this door was always meant solely for you, but now, it is closed forever".
He then procceeds to close the door and calmly walk away.
This is in fact, one of his short stories, and is very typical to his style, i.e. kafkaesque.
Edited: Tell you what? That you are a shit head? It IS very apparent.
BTW - 4 Ur edumacation: In response to this spewage -
Definition of EUGENICS : a science that deals with the improvement (as by control of human mating) of hereditary qualities of a race or breed
BTW - in the future try to know something about what you are spewing about. Or is it that U have some very strange thoughts about having sex? U do realize - that if someone says that "Ur" mind is really fucked-up - that U R in no danger of getting pregnant from it.
U would like to think so. But studies already done show that Greed shows up the same as drug/alcohol addiction and Gambling addiction.
Scared you will be found out? Found out to be mentally ill with Greed?
"mentally ill with Greed?"
Damn. And I just got over my Fregoli Delusion AND Cotard delusion. That Greed thing sounds bad. I wonder where it ranks as far as cause of death in the world? If only someone could tell me...
Yeah trust U Mr. Twister. To go all evil/sinister on a good health care proposal.
How do you feel about breast SCANNING for cancer???
Scanning - ooooooooo evil. F'n idiot shill.
Scanning for cancer, tears, abscesses, etc... sounds great. Just had it done in fact.
Scanning for greed, meanness, tardiness, have a screw loose.
Why am I not surprised that you would post such CRAP.
Trust me, if Sanger could have scanned kid's brains for flaws, she'd have been all over it. Of course, she wasn't dumb enough to believe you could scan brains for greed, or if she did, she knew how it would sound, so she kept that insanity to herself.
If you think so - you are in less contact with reality then I 1st thought.
Though children who are Greedy are generally easier to spot - as they have not yet learned to hide it.
I wonder if this is how Margaret Sanger got started?
Greed is a disease - there is nothing funny about it.
To have it cured would be for the recovered -
Nothing funny about greed, but a retiree in Minnesota who wants to scan people's brains looking for greed, then send them away when they test positive? That's some comedy. It's the funny version of the short story "Examination Day", by Henry Slesar
I did mention doing that - brain scan - kinda like checking eyesight in kids in grade school part of that check-up was checking for color blindness. This would be easier. Identifying greed at a young age could be beneficial for the children as they could then receive proper treatment/care prior to the illness becoming rooted in place.
Imagine people everywhere singing - I can see clearly now the Greed is gone - I can see all the obstacles in OUR way - gone are the dark clouds ............
Damn, there are so many funny things that I can say in response. I can bring up Margaret Sanger and Eugenics. I could quote what you actually did say. But nothing I can come up with is any funnier than what you just wrote. I never get to use this word in real life (so thank you), but you are positively Kafkaesque.
Very good as U do seem 2 B a cackling idiot.
As Greed can strike at any age - it should be checked for on a regular basis - I would think this 2 B most important during growth/development while an individual has not yet matured into being their own person.
Such a wonderful plan. Of course there's nothing more greedy than an immature kid. After a few years of 100% positive scores, they'll probably figure that one out.
JackPulliam3rd ( singing ) - Come on babyyyyyy lets do the twist
We test school children's hearing and eye-sight using various machinery. Eye-sight can be helped with glasses, hearing can often be helped with a hearing-aid. But Greed ( the cause of millions ( Billions? )of deaths ) will need a different approach. But testing for it would be a start in the proper direction - so what if it requires a machine to spot it. Tumors are found by a machine scan.
Scan children's brain looking for greed?
bwa hahahaha . … . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . . hahaha . .bwa hahahaha . . . hahaha HEHEHE hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . . . .bwa hahahaha . …….. . hahaha BWA hahaha . . bwa hahahaha . … . ha BWA hahaha . . . bwa ha ha ha ha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . . hahaha . .bwa hahahaha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . bwa hahahaha . … . hahaha BWA hahaha . . . hahaha ….. .bwa hahahaha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . bwa hahahaha . . . hahaha… ..HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . . hahaha . .bwa hahahaha . …….. . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . bwa hahahaha . … . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . . hahaha . .bwa hahahaha . . . hahaha HEHEHE…**……………….. BWA hahaha . . . bwa ha ha ha ha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . . hahaha . .bwa hahahaha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . bwa hahahaha . … . hahaha HE HE HE BWA hahaha . . . ….. .bwa hahahaha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . bwa hahahaha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . . hahaha . .bwa hahahaha . …….. . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . .
You and GF are so wrapped up in hatred of the TP that you are actually cool with this sort of behavior. It's not a bad thing to you. Amazing.
What's good about them?
The assholes DID raise my taxes.
The assholes did force "right to work", down my State's throat.
The assholes did support tyranny in the form of "emergency managers".
The assholes do support forcing teachers to teach creationism as science, in spite of their difficulty in spelling.
The assholes love union busting.
So c'mon.
What's good about them.
What's not to HATE about them?
Hate them all you want. Disagree with them all you want. Get rid of them by any means necessary? Not so much.
DARE to be stupid, huh?
So you endorse these kinds of thing then?
You love watching people suffer for what they have done.
You love to ignore the fact that they are Koch lap dogs, that HATE working families?
You never did answer the $65 question though.
It seems folks that sort of support them, never do.
Just like you.
Not a fan, but I'd rather beat them in elections then by using behind the scenes criminal actions, but that's because I like this whole Democracy thing. Based on Michigan, it's obvious you don't know how to beat them, so of course you love the idea of pulling a Nixon and sicking the IRS on them.
This is not about the TP. It's about IRS abuse, It doesn't matter who does it to whom, it is wrong. There is no excuse here.
Research is more important than FLAKESnews talking points.
nailed them for what?
To cut your fucking check.
what check?
Another excellent divide and conquer story brought to us all by guess who?!!!
The AP.
Anyone else connecting the dots here?