Forum Post: Ironic "Scariest Chart Ever" Redux - America Will Surpass 100% Debt To GDP On Halloween
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 23, 2011, 11:06 p.m. EST by MonetizingDiscontent
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Ironic "Scariest Chart Ever" Redux - America Will Surpass 100% Debt To GDP On Halloween
14.5 trillion! can I get 14.6 trillion ? 14.6 trillion! 14.7 trillion. 14.7 trillion! would anyone buy for 14.8 trillion? 14.8 trillion! 15 trillion. 15 trillion! how about 15.1 trillion? 15.1 trillion? are there any more bids? SOLD! for 15 trillion
1776 Molasses
And who gets left holding the hot potato? I'm guessing the fat cats are betting its YOU!
The debt money system run by the Federal Reserve is a Ponzi scheme of debt that can never be repaid. Money IS DEBT, every dollar, whether printed or entered on a computer screen, is a debt instrument with interest owed to the FED, but because the interest is never created, there's never enough to repay it, it goes on and on until the whole economy bursts in one giant bubble.....POOF!
This is how it works:
The Federal Reserve is a private bank chartered by the U.S. government to print our "money". What they print is "federal reserve notes" which represent debt, because that's how the fractional banking system works, it creates money out of thin air to loan to you, and that money when deposited in another bank gets to turn into 10 times what was deposited in order to loan it again, and so on and so on ad nauseum. Do you see how much inflation occurs from this activity? And that it is created not from an exchange of real things, but just the whim of the banker? And if you were to do that, just print as much money as you want on your printer, they would arrest you for counterfeiting! But with the Federal Reserve, the crooks made it legal! Now this is the interesting part, it costs the FED the same to print 100 $1 FRNs as it does to print 100 $1000 FRNs but it charges the Treasury interest on the FACE VALUE of these phoney notes! And guess who pays the interest do with your federal taxes that the just suck right out of your pay check. So these Federal Reserve a**holes have now raped and pillaged the country for all its real stuff by getting to slave away to pay for this unnecessary debt, all courtesy of the Federal Reserve bank. NOW do you understand why it is so important to focus on this one thing?
yep, its amazing that only decades and decades and decades later we become publicly curious at all about the policies that the federal reserve operate under.
you nailed it!
Repeal the federal Reserve Act of 1913 and abolish the private banking cartels phony baloney debt money system. Go back to sound constitutional money printed by the U.S. Treasury. Money as debt is a total scam and shame on us if we don't see it! This insane debt is all caused by the Federal Reserve. Watch the video and get an education:
Nice, now what are we going to do about it?
Abolish money!
(Shared the chart on Facebook.)
Well, Abolish loose money policy, backed by promises of taxpayer debt. yes.
And Promote sound money policies that are backed by real things such as local agriculture and gold/silver etc...
(debt money promissory notes negative. real money backed by goods and services positive.)