Forum Post: Iranian Nuclear Explosion?
Posted 12 years ago on Jan. 28, 2013, 7:53 p.m. EST by OTP
from Tampa, FL
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Wouldnt the US be able to detect that kind of rumbling with all tech stuff and monitoring we have over, on both sides of Iran?
Iranian Nuclear Explosion? If true? Yes then every one knew about it. Cold war tech stuff.
If it did happen, it’s plausible to think the Israel was involved.
Narcissism results in little interest in those around you.
I guess it depends on whose the "those" are as well?
After decades of torture and murder at the hands of the CIA SAVAK operatives in Iran, I wouldn't be at all surprised to find out that Iran wants revenge.
Wouldn't you?
From Wiki 1957-1970
After removing the populist regime of Mohammad Mosaddeq (which was originally focused on nationalizing Iran's oil industry but also set out to weaken the Shah's power) from power on 19 August 1953, in a coup, the monarch, Mohammad Reza Shah, established an intelligence service with police powers. The Shah's goal was[6] to strengthen his regime by placing political opponents under surveillance and repress dissident movements. According to Encyclopædia Iranica:
In March 1955, the Army colonel was "replaced with a more permanent team of five career CIA officers, including specialists in covert operations, intelligence analysis, and counterintelligence, including Major General Herbert Norman Schwarzkopf who "trained virtually all of the first generation of SAVAK personnel." In 1956 this agency was reorganized and given the name Sazeman-e Ettela'at va Amniyat-e Keshvar (SAVAK).[8] These in turn were replaced by SAVAK’s own instructors in 1965.[9][10]
SAVAK had the power to censor the media, screen applicants for government jobs, "and according to reliable Western source,[11] use all means necessary, including torture, to hunt down dissidents". [12] The CIA provided SAVAK with lists of Communists to torture and murder. These lists originated with KGB defectors working for the CIA.